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Trishna Chauhan

Dr Trishna Chauhan
BSc (hons), MSc, PhD


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Learnings from the forced transition of an industry supported educational programme for young experts in urology and oncology from face-to-face to digital during the COVID-19 pandemic

Weisshardt, I., Vlaev, I., Chauhan, T., & Hofstädter-Thalmann, E. (2022). Learnings from the forced transition of an industry supported educational programme for young experts in urology and oncology from face-to-face to digital during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of European CME, 11(1). doi:10.1080/21614083.2022.2085011

Journal article



Tracking physical activity using smart phone apps: assessing the ability of a current app and systematically collecting patient recommendations for future development

Murphy, J., Uttamlal, T., Schmidtke, K. A., Vlaev, I., Taylor, D., Ahmad, M., . . . Blakemore, A. I. F. (2020). Tracking physical activity using smart phone apps: assessing the ability of a current app and systematically collecting patient recommendations for future development. BMC MEDICAL INFORMATICS AND DECISION MAKING, 20(1). doi:10.1186/s12911-020-1025-3

Journal article