Module Coordinator ENGG299 "School of Engineering Year in Industry" 2021 - present
The aim of the Year-in-Industry placement is for students to develop an understanding of the practical application of engineering-related theories and technical, business and managerial skills learned in Years 1 and 2 of their studies in a real-work environment. Engineering-, industry- and project (team)-based activities undertaken during this one year placement will develop the student's transferrable skills and professional competence leading to enhanced employability.
It will enable students:
• To gain experience in a real-work environment by being given responsibility for tasks to complete on time and to a given quality. To appreciate how interpersonal skills and attributes contribute to effective performance in project (team) based work.
• To gain an understanding of the company/organisation, including its practices and products, and its business and management structures. In so doing, broaden knowledge of engineering industry practice, such as the use of codes, standards and specifications.
• To apply theoretical knowledge and technical intellectual skills learned in Years 1 and 2 to solve problems and deliver projects.
• To reflect on personal development of transferrable skills and professional competences e.g. team working, problem solving, oral and written communication, time management, commitment, accountability etc.
Module Coordinator & lecturer MATS303 "Materials Design" 2022 - present
The aim of the module is to provide an understanding of materials design associated with the manufacture of engineering
components. To develop students’ communication, investigative research, experimental, and team-working skills,
using poster presentations, technical writing and hybrid learning environments.
Students will:
(i) “reverse engineer” a manufactured industrial artefact/component, relating design and function to the artefact’s materials properties and microstructure, and the components’ manufacture and processing, and
(ii) develop an appreciation of the engineering design, and materials and process selection, in the context of an industrial materials investigation or manufacturing process/problem.
Teacher MECH212 "Engineering Design" 2010 - present
Modules for 2024-25
Advanced Materials Design
Module code: MATS602
Role: Module Co-ordinator
Engineering Design
Module code: MECH212
Role: Teaching
Module code: MATS303
Role: Module Co-ordinator
Module code: ENGG299
Role: Module Co-ordinator