Selected publications
- Westminster Rules? The United Kingdom Internal Market Act and Devolution (Report - 2024)
- Constitutional Reform by Legal Transplantation: The United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020 (Journal article - 2022)
- Constitutional functions and institutional responsibility: a functional analysis of the UK constitution (Journal article - 2022)
- The Court of Justice of the European Union as an Institutional Actor: Judicial Lawmaking and its Limits (Book - 2018)
- 'Reflections on the Role of the Court of Justice as the Motor of European Integration: Legal Limits to Judicial Lawmaking' (2013) 50(4) Common Market Law Review, 931-964 (Journal article - 2013)
Suppressing Difference: The United Kingdom Internal Market Act and Devolution
Horsley, T. (2025). Suppressing Difference: The United Kingdom Internal Market Act and Devolution. Edinburgh Law Review, 29(1), 154-162. doi:10.3366/elr.2025.0948
Devolution in a Post Brexit Landscape
Horsley, T., Anurag, D., Kilford, N., Whitten, L. C., & Wincott, D. (2024). Devolution in a Post Brexit Landscape.
Westminster Rules? The United Kingdom Internal Market Act and Devolution
McEwen, N., Brown Swan, C., Whitten, L. C., & Horsley, T. (2024). Westminster Rules? The United Kingdom Internal Market Act and Devolution. Retrieved from
Relations Reset or Regression? Devolution and the Product Regulation and Metrology Bill
Horsley, T. (2024). Relations Reset or Regression? Devolution and the Product Regulation and Metrology Bill. Retrieved from
Internal market governance by consensus rather than conflict? Common Frameworks and the potential for positive harmonisation
Horsley, T., & Hunt, J. (n.d.). Internal market governance by consensus rather than conflict? Common Frameworks and the potential for positive harmonisation. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 74(AD2). doi:10.53386/nilq.v74iad2.1083
The UK internal market: a four nations strategy on vaping?
Horsley, T. (2023). The UK internal market: a four nations strategy on vaping?. Retrieved from
Managing the External Effects of Devolved Legislation: Virtual Representation, Self-Rule and the UK’s Territorial Constitution
Horsley, T. (2023). Managing the External Effects of Devolved Legislation: Virtual Representation, Self-Rule and the UK’s Territorial Constitution. Retrieved from
Free Movement of Capital and Payments
Horsley, T. (n.d.). Free Movement of Capital and Payments. In OUP Online Encyclopedia of EU law. Oxford University Press.
The Migration of Constitutional Ideas Between and Beyond States: Adjectives, Analogies and Added Value
Horsley, T. (n.d.). The Migration of Constitutional Ideas Between and Beyond States: Adjectives, Analogies and Added Value. In Constitutional Transplantations: The Diffusion and Adoption of Constitutional Ideas (edited by A Scolnicov) (Forthcoming, 2023). Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Constitutional Reform by Legal Transplantation: The United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020
Horsley, T. (2022). Constitutional Reform by Legal Transplantation: The United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020. OXFORD JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES, 42(4), 1143-1169. doi:10.1093/ojls/gqac018
Reshaping Devolution: The United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020
Horsley, T. (2022). Reshaping Devolution: The United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020. Retrieved from
In Praise of Cooperation and Consensus under the Territorial Constitution: The Second Report of the House of Lords Common Frameworks Scrutiny Committee (UKCLA Blog, 26 July 2022)
Horsley, T., & Hunt, J. (2022). In Praise of Cooperation and Consensus under the Territorial Constitution: The Second Report of the House of Lords Common Frameworks Scrutiny Committee (UKCLA Blog, 26 July 2022). Retrieved from
Constitutional functions and institutional responsibility: a functional analysis of the UK constitution
Horsley, T. (2022). Constitutional functions and institutional responsibility: a functional analysis of the UK constitution. LEGAL STUDIES, 42(1), 99-119. doi:10.1017/lst.2021.32
Rethinking Judicial Narratives: The Court of Justice and the Treaty of Rome
Horsley, T. (2021). Rethinking Judicial Narratives: The Court of Justice and the Treaty of Rome. EUROPEAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW REVIEW, 17(3), 553-565. doi:10.1017/S1574019621000298
Karlsruhe Bites Back: The German Federal Constitutional Court’s PSPP Judgment
Horsley, T. (2020). Karlsruhe Bites Back: The German Federal Constitutional Court’s PSPP Judgment. Retrieved from
The Court of Justice of the European Union as an Institutional Actor: Judicial Lawmaking and its Limits
Horsley, T. (2018). The Court of Justice of the European Union as an Institutional Actor: Judicial Lawmaking and its Limits. Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781316403792
The Internal Market as a Legal Concept
Horsley, T. (2018). The Internal Market as a Legal Concept. EUROPEAN LAW REVIEW, 43(3), 466-470. Retrieved from
In (Domestic) Courts We Trust: The European Union (Withdrawal) Bill and The Interpretation of Retained EU Law
Horsley, T. (2017). In (Domestic) Courts We Trust: The European Union (Withdrawal) Bill and The Interpretation of Retained EU Law. Retrieved from
Horsley, T. (2017). BREXIT AND UK COURTS: AWAITING FRESH INSTRUCTION. In The UK After Brexit Legal and Policy Challenges. Intersentia.
UK Courts and the Great Repeal Bill – Awaiting Fresh Instruction
Horsley, T. (2017). UK Courts and the Great Repeal Bill – Awaiting Fresh Instruction. Retrieved from
Institutional Dynamics Reloaded: The Court of Justice and the Development of the EU Internal Market
Horsley, T. (2017). Institutional Dynamics Reloaded: The Court of Justice and the Development of the EU Internal Market. In P. Koutrakos, & J. Snell (Eds.), Research Handbook on the Law of the EU's Internal Market (pp. 401-426). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar publishing. Retrieved from
Eurozone Crisis Management, Citizenship Rights and the Global Reach of EU Data Protection Law: EU Legal Developments in 2015
Horsley, T. (2016). Eurozone Crisis Management, Citizenship Rights and the Global Reach of EU Data Protection Law: EU Legal Developments in 2015. JCMS-JOURNAL OF COMMON MARKET STUDIES, 54, 117-133. doi:10.1111/jcms.12412
"The Court Hereby Rules...' - Legal Developments in EU Fundamental Rights Protection
Horsley, T. (2015). "The Court Hereby Rules...' - Legal Developments in EU Fundamental Rights Protection. JCMS-JOURNAL OF COMMON MARKET STUDIES, 53, 108-127. doi:10.1111/jcms.12265
Death, Taxes and (Targeted) Judicial Dynamism: The Free Movement of Capital in EU Law
Horsley, T. (2015). Death, Taxes and (Targeted) Judicial Dynamism: The Free Movement of Capital in EU Law. In A. Arnull, & D. Chalmers (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of European Union Law. Oxford: OUP. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199672646.013.45
'EU Law, Sunday Trading Restrictions ...and the Charter?'
Horsley, T. (2014). 'EU Law, Sunday Trading Restrictions ...and the Charter?'. European Law Blog (May 2014).
'Union Citizenship: Development, Impact and Challenges - National Report on the United Kingdom'
Horsley, T., & Reynolds, S. (2014). 'Union Citizenship: Development, Impact and Challenges - National Report on the United Kingdom'. Copenhagen (XXVI FIDE Congress): Djof Publishing. Retrieved from
Balance of Competences Review: Financial Services and the Free Movement of Capital (Written Evidence)
Horsley, T. (2014). Balance of Competences Review: Financial Services and the Free Movement of Capital (Written Evidence). HM Treasury: London. Retrieved from
'Reflections on the Role of the Court of Justice as the Motor of European Integration: Legal Limits to Judicial Lawmaking' (2013) 50(4) Common Market Law Review, 931-964
Horsley, T. (2013). 'Reflections on the Role of the Court of Justice as the Motor of European Integration: Legal Limits to Judicial Lawmaking' (2013) 50(4) Common Market Law Review, 931-964.
Regulating Trade in Services in the EU and the WTO: Trust, Distrust and Economic Integration, by I. Lianos and O. Odudu (Eds.) (Cambridge: CUP, 2012) (Publication Review)
Horsley, T. (2013). Regulating Trade in Services in the EU and the WTO: Trust, Distrust and Economic Integration, by I. Lianos and O. Odudu (Eds.) (Cambridge: CUP, 2012) (Publication Review). Unknown Journal, 1162-1164.
Subsidiarity and the European Court of Justice: Missing Pieces in the Subsidiarity Jigsaw?*
HORSLEY, T. (2012). Subsidiarity and the European Court of Justice: Missing Pieces in the Subsidiarity Jigsaw?*. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 50(2), 267-282. doi:10.1111/j.1468-5965.2011.02221.x
'Subsidiarity and the Court of Justice: Missing Pieces in the Subsidiarity Jigsaw?' (2012) 50(2) Journal of Common Market Studies, pp 267-282 (Paper)
Horsley, T. (2012). 'Subsidiarity and the Court of Justice: Missing Pieces in the Subsidiarity Jigsaw?' (2012) 50(2) Journal of Common Market Studies, pp 267-282 (Paper).
'The Concept of an Obstacle to Intra-EU Capital Movement' in N. Nic Shuibhne and L. Gormley (Eds.) From Single Market to Economic Union: Essays in Honour of John A. Usher (Oxford: OUP, 2012) pp 155-174
Horsley, T. (2012). 'The Concept of an Obstacle to Intra-EU Capital Movement' in N. Nic Shuibhne and L. Gormley (Eds.) From Single Market to Economic Union: Essays in Honour of John A. Usher (Oxford: OUP, 2012) pp 155-174.
'Unearthing Buried Treasure: Article 34 TFEU and the Exclusionary Rules'
Horsley, T. (2012). 'Unearthing Buried Treasure: Article 34 TFEU and the Exclusionary Rules'. European Law Review, 37(6), 734-757.
Case C-382/08 Neukirchinger (Case Comment) (2012) 49(2) Common Market Law Review, pp 737-751. (Paper)
Horsley, T. (2012). Case C-382/08 Neukirchinger (Case Comment) (2012) 49(2) Common Market Law Review, pp 737-751. (Paper).
EU Law of Free Movement of Goods and Customs Union, by L. Gormley (Oxford: OUP, 2009) (Publication Review)
Horsley, T. (2010). EU Law of Free Movement of Goods and Customs Union, by L. Gormley (Oxford: OUP, 2009) (Publication Review). Unknown Journal, 1569-1571.
'Anyone for Keck?' (Case Comment) (2009) 46(4) Common Market Law Review, pp 2001-2019
Horsley, T. (2009). 'Anyone for Keck?' (Case Comment) (2009) 46(4) Common Market Law Review, pp 2001-2019.