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Thomas Horsley

Professor Thomas Horsley
LL.B (Hons), LL.M, PhD (Edinburgh)


+44 (0)151 794 2289

Professional Activities

Thomas regularly contributes expert reaction to national and international media (incl. BBC News and CTV News Canada) on major legal developments on EU and UK constitutional law. He has previously received invitations to present to members of the European Parliament's EPP Group on the challenges of Brexit for the UK constitution and given evidence to the House of Lords EU Select Committee. He was also appointed UK rapporteur at the XXVI FIDE Congress hosted by the University of Copenhagen for the topic "Union Citizenship: Development, Impact and Challenges." Thomas engages proactively with key stakeholders. He has delivered numerous presentations on EU law issues, including Brexit, to diverse audiences at a range of public engagement events.

Selected Professional Activities

Internal Administrative or Committee Role

  • Associate Head of Department (Faculty, 2019 - present) (Internal Administrative or Committee Role)
  • Director of Postgraduate Research (2013-2017) (Internal Administrative or Committee Role)
  • Deputy Director of Online Programmes (2011-2014) (Internal Administrative or Committee Role)

Conference Roles

  • Expert Reaction on EU Referendum Result, BBC Radio Merseyside, by Invitation (Liverpool, 2016)
  • Invited to Lecture on the EU Court of Justice, Central European University, Budapest, by Invitation (Oct, 2015)
  • Invited to give evidence to House of Lords EU Select Committee, by Invitation (2015)
  • Interviewed on BBC Radio Merseyside on 2014 EU Parliament elections, by Invitation (April, 2014)
  • UK Rapporteur on 'Union Citizenship,' FIDE Congress, University of Copenhagen, by Invitation (FIDE, 2014)
  • Invitation to present at the Common Market Law Review 50th Anniversary Conference "Current Challenges for EU Law - New Views, New Inspirations", by Invitation (Noordwijk, April , 2013)

Examination Roles

  • University of Bristol, External Examiner LL.B Degree Programmes (UG, 2017 - present)
  • University of Leicester, External Examiner LL.B Degree Programmes (UG, 2017 - 2020)
  • London School of Economics, LL.M (PGT, 2016 - 2020)

Internal Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Associate Head of Department (Faculty, 2019 - present)
  • Director of Postgraduate Research (2013-2017)
  • Member of RKE and Mitigating Circumstances Committees (2012-2014)
  • Deputy Director of Online Programmes (2011-2014)

Professional Body Memberships

  • (European Union Studies Association, 2019 - present)
  • University Assoc for Contemporary European Studies (Member, 2014 - present)
  • United Kingdom Association for European Law (UKAEL) (Member, 2014 - present)

Other Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Co-Director of the Liverpool European Law Unit (2013-2016)