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Dr Stuart MacKay
Senior Fellow (HEA), TDCR, PhD

Senior Lecturer
School of AHPs and Nursing


Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EI) has the potential to benefit the staff and patients within the healthcare environment. It can facilitate the personal and professional development of staff to improve their inter and intrapersonal skills and management of self and others. I have been undertaking research within radiography to benchmark EI scores for the profession in UK and, just recently, in the Australian radiographer population.

I lead an international project which investigated the role of emotional intelligence in diagnostic radiography and radiotherapy curricula. I worked with colleagues at Universities in Australia, Ireland and Hong Kong on a 4 year project called "Emotional Intelligence in the Curriculum".

My educational research interests are in the evaluation of interprofessional education where I have validated and published evaluation tools for role perception, a construct used to determine the perception that one professional has of another. I am also interested in the curricula aspects and models of problem-based learning.

The Development and Evaluation of Resilience in Healthcare Students

I am currently leading on a School of Health Sciences Project on Developing Resilience in Healthcare Students. This three year project will develop and evaluate a package of measures designed to develop greater resilience in the Health Science graduates specifically those in the disciplines of diagnostic radiography, nursing, occupational therapy, orthoptics, physiotherapy and radiotherapy.

Diagnostic Radiography related research which helps to support and develop individuals and the profession.

I undertake a range of quantiative and qualitative research in diagnostic radiography with BSc/MSc/PhD students. The aim is to both make a contribution to knowledge but also to help to develop the next generation of diagnostic radiography researchers.