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Dr Sheela Mahadevan
BA (Hons) (Oxon), Mst (Oxon), PGCE (London), PhD (London), FHEA (London)


My research interests include the theory, history, philosophy and practice of translation, multilingualism and contemporary Francophone literatures (in particular, peripheral Francophone literatures).

My translation of Ari Gautier's Indian Francophone novel Carnet secret de Lakshmi (Lakshmi's Secret Diary) is published with Columbia University Press in 2024, along with a critical analysis of the novel.
Details can be found at the following website:

My open-access monograph funded by the UKRI entitled "Writing between Languages: Translation and Multilingualism in Indian Francophone Writing' is under forthcoming with Bloomsbury as part of the 'Advances in Translation' series in August 2025.

I am grateful to have received grants from various institutions to support my work on translation, including the UKRI and Mitacs (Globallink Research Award) and the British Centre for Literary Translation.