Selected publications
- 'Don't Forget to Like, Share and Subscribe': Digital Autopreneurs in a Neoliberal World (Journal article - 2018)
- Networks of Desire: How Technology Increases Our Passion to Consume (Journal article - 2017)
- Netnography and design thinking: development and illustration in the vegan food industry (Journal article - 2021)
- Re-ordering Motherhood and Employment: Mobilizing 'Mums Everywhere' during Covid-19 (Journal article - 2022)
- Zine infrastructures as forms of organizing within feminist social movements (Journal article - 2024)
Leveraging Livestreaming to Enrich Influencer Marketing
Buckley, O., Ashman, R., & Haenlein, M. (n.d.). Leveraging Livestreaming to Enrich Influencer Marketing. California Management Review. doi:10.1177/00081256241300730
Influencing Live: Leveraging Livestreaming to Enrich Influencer Marketing
Buckley, O., Ashman, R., & Haenlein, M. (n.d.). Influencing Live: Leveraging Livestreaming to Enrich Influencer Marketing. California Management Review. doi:10.1177/00081256241300730
Zine infrastructures as forms of organizing within feminist social movements
Matich, M., Parsons, E., & Ashman, R. (2023). Zine infrastructures as forms of organizing within feminist social movements. GENDER WORK AND ORGANIZATION. doi:10.1111/gwao.12970
The role of services in creating brand loyalty for B2B manufacturers
Raddats, C., Roper, S., & Ashman, R. (2024). The role of services in creating brand loyalty for B2B manufacturers. Journal of Business Research, 174, 114506. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2024.114506
Beyond the Body Productive: Exploring the Transformative Potential of Self-Tracking
Spence, R., Ashman, R., Patterson, A., & Hunter-Jones, P. (n.d.). Beyond the Body Productive: Exploring the Transformative Potential of Self-Tracking. Sociology. doi:10.1177/00380385241297681
Is Barbie Full of It?
Ashman, R., Beach, S., & Patterson, A. (2023). Is Barbie Full of It?. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 22(1), 20-30. doi:10.1362/147539223x16838127399133
Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, Third Edition
Parsons, E., Maclaran, P., Chatzidakis, A., & Ashman, R. (2023). Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, Third Edition (3rd ed.). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003201151
Re-ordering Motherhood and Employment: Mobilizing 'Mums Everywhere' during Covid-19
Ashman, R., Radcliffe, L., Patterson, A., & Gatrell, C. (2022). Re-ordering Motherhood and Employment: Mobilizing 'Mums Everywhere' during Covid-19. BRITISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 33(3), 1125-1143. doi:10.1111/1467-8551.12630
Manifesting feminist marketing futures
Parsons, E., Pirani, D., Ashman, R., Daskalopoulou, A., Kerrane, K., & McGouran, C. (2022). Manifesting feminist marketing futures. In The Routledge Companion to Marketing and Feminism (pp. 460-476). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003042587-36
Seeking safety and solidarity through self-documentation
Matich, M., Ashman, R., & Parsons, E. (2022). Seeking safety and solidarity through self-documentation. In The Routledge Companion to Marketing and Feminism (pp. 388-400). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003042587-30
Netnography and design thinking: development and illustration in the vegan food industry
Ashman, R., Patterson, A., & Kozinets, R. V. (2021). Netnography and design thinking: development and illustration in the vegan food industry. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MARKETING, 55(9), 2491-2514. doi:10.1108/EJM-02-2020-0155
Raising the dead: on brands that go bump in the night
Brown, S., Patterson, A., & Ashman, R. (2021). Raising the dead: on brands that go bump in the night. JOURNAL OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 37(5-6), 417-436. doi:10.1080/0267257X.2020.1839121
#Freethenipple – digital activism and embodiment in the contemporary feminist movement
Matich, M., Ashman, R., & Parsons, E. (2020). #Freethenipple – digital activism and embodiment in the contemporary feminist movement. In Gender After Gender in Consumer Culture (pp. 31-56). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003125501-3
Getting Up, Close and Personal with Content Creators: Reflecting on the Intimacy of Netnography
Patterson, A., & Ashman, R. (n.d.). Getting Up, Close and Personal with Content Creators: Reflecting on the Intimacy of Netnography. In R. Kozinets, & R. Gambetti (Eds.), Netnography Unlimited. Routledge.
Special Session: Corporate Social Responsibility and AI: The Case of Fashion: An Abstract
Perry, P., Ashman, R., & Stalker, I. D. (2020). Special Session: Corporate Social Responsibility and AI: The Case of Fashion: An Abstract. In Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science (pp. 143-144). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-42545-6_36
#freethenipple - digital activism and embodiment in the contemporary feminist movement
Matich, M., Ashman, R., & Parsons, E. (2019). #freethenipple - digital activism and embodiment in the contemporary feminist movement. CONSUMPTION MARKETS & CULTURE, 22(4), 337-362. doi:10.1080/10253866.2018.1512240
Hungry eyes How food porn affects wellbeing
Patterson, A., Kozinets, R., & Ashman, R. (2019). Hungry eyes How food porn affects wellbeing. In FOOD AND EXPERIENTIAL MARKETING: PLEASURE, WELLBEING, AND CONSUMPTION (pp. 229-241). Retrieved from
'Don't Forget to Like, Share and Subscribe': Digital Autopreneurs in a Neoliberal World
Ashman, R., Patterson, A., & Brown, S. (2018). 'Don't Forget to Like, Share and Subscribe': Digital Autopreneurs in a Neoliberal World. Journal of Business Research, 92, 474-483. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.07.055
The influence of image interactivity upon user engagement when using mobile touch screens
Perry, P., Blazquez Cano, M., Ashman, R. S., & Waite, K. (2017). The influence of image interactivity upon user engagement when using mobile touch screens. The influence of image interactivity upon user engagement when using mobile touch screens, 77, 406-412. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2017.03.042
The Quantified Self: Self-Regulation in Cyborg Consumers
Ashman, R., Wolny, J., & Solomon, M. R. (2017). The Quantified Self: Self-Regulation in Cyborg Consumers. In The Routledge Companion to Consumer Behavior (pp. 208-224). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315526935-14
Networks of Desire: How Technology Increases Our Passion to Consume
Kozinets, R., Patterson, A., & Ashman, R. (2017). Networks of Desire: How Technology Increases Our Passion to Consume. Journal of Consumer Research, 43(5), 659-682. doi:10.1093/jcr/ucw061
Reflections of Self in Food Sharing Interactions and Experiences
Kozinets, R., Ashman, R. S., & Patterson, A. (2016). Reflections of Self in Food Sharing Interactions and Experiences. Advances in Consumer Research.
The Marketing Book
Baker, M., & Hart, S. (Eds.) (n.d.). The Marketing Book. In . Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315890005
Seeing the Big Picture in Services Marketing Research: Infographics, SEM and Data Visualisation
Ashman, R., & Patterson, A. (2015). Seeing the Big Picture in Services Marketing Research: Infographics, SEM and Data Visualisation. Journal of Services Marketing, 29(6/7), 613-621. doi:10.1108/JSM-01-2015-0024
An old model for a new age: Consumer decision making in participatory digital culture
Ashman, R., Solomon, M. R., & Wolny, J. (2015). An old model for a new age: Consumer decision making in participatory digital culture. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 14(2), 127-146. doi:10.1362/147539215x14373846805743
Introduction to digital marketing and social media
Ashman, R. (n.d.). Introduction to digital marketing and social media. The Business & Management Collection, 2015(3), e1003953. doi:10.69645/mvon8218
Resource configurations for services success in manufacturing companies
Raddats, C., Burton, J., & Ashman, R. (2015). Resource configurations for services success in manufacturing companies. JOURNAL OF SERVICE MANAGEMENT, 26(1), 97-116. doi:10.1108/JOSM-12-2012-0278
Simulating attachment to pure‐play fashion retailers
Ashman, R., & Vazquez, D. (2012). Simulating attachment to pure‐play fashion retailers. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 40(12), 975-996. doi:10.1108/09590551211274955
Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Consumer Behaviour
Parsons, E., & Maclaran, P. (Eds.) (2009). Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Consumer Behaviour. London: Butterworth-Heinemann.