Undergraduate, Postgraduate and CPD Activity
In ULMS I am involved in the delivery of taught modules at undergraduate (Tourism, final year open elective) and postgraduate (Consumer Behaviour) level. I am also involved in the supervision of both full and part-time, on campus, PhD students. Supporting my research interest in the 'Patient Experience', I was involved in a joint CPD offering with the University of Liverpool Institute of Learning and Teaching: The Business of General Practice. This offering was aimed at General Practitioners, Practice Managers and staff involved more generally in delivering primary healthcare services.
International Teaching Experience
During my career I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunities which have arisen to be involved in the delivery of teaching and learning activities within the international arena. These opportunities have included teaching postgraduate students in India (Kurukshetra University and Shimla University), delivering British Council programmes in Bulgaria (Varna and Sofia) and Poland (Krakow) and, most recently, visiting our partner institution XJTLU based out in Suzhou, China to deliver sessions to students based within the International Business School Suzhou (IBSS).
Working with Professional Bodies
I am a Senior Fellow with the Higher Education Academy (HEA), successfully completing the University of Liverpool Teaching Recognition and Accreditation (ULTRA) Framework in December 2015. Through membership of the HEA, and also the Academy of Marketing (a professional body for Marketing Academics and Practitioners), I have received a number of grant awards which have allowed me to pursue teaching-related research projects. These include awards linked to: 1. understanding the support and development needs of new business academics 2. supporting the open access movement
Modules for 2024-25
Module code: MKIB337
Role: Module Co-ordinator
Supervised Theses
- Becoming Well: Self-Tracking and Ways Wellbeing Emerges
- Childhood obesity and television food advertising – Advertising of healthy eating to adolescents guided by the principles of social marketing
- Investigating Chinese travellers’ motivations: From the individual, market to country level
- Online Shopping Adoption and Quality of Life Among Older Consumers in China
- Promoting Innovation in Homelessness and Mental Health Service Design: An Adaptation of the Trajectory Touchpoint Technique
- Service Networks: A Study of Collaborative Working in Primary Healthcare
- Tourism and sustainable development: active stakeholder discourses in the Waterberg Biosphere Reserve, South Africa