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Research Projects

My research projects have given me a wide knowledge of proteomics from classical protein chemistry through to cutting edge mass spectrometry. The protein crosslinking project required knowledge of protein chemistry and employed protein and peptide derivatisation, MS techniques to detect low abundance modified peptides against a complex background including LC-MS/MS. Characterisation of the protein isoforms required two-dimensional electrophoresis, determination of turnover was performed by dynamic SILAC and quantification of the isoforms, the use of targeted mass spectrometry. The yeast protein quantification project required high throughput targeted mass spectrometry and has allowed me to become an expert in label and label free quantification of proteins. I have analytical and maintenance experience on a wide variety of proteomic equipment including mass spectrometers: MALDI-ToF (Bruker UltraFlex), triple quadrupole mass spectrometers for targeted analysis (Waters Xevo TQ and TQS) and the high resolution mass spectrometers necessary for modern proteomic analysis (Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Velos, QExactive and Fusion, Waters Synapt G2); and also the accompanying nanoflow LC equipment (Waters NanoAquity and Thermo Scientific 3000 RSLC).

My work has been published in proteomic journals and I have presented my work at conferences both in oral form (Annual Meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology, Marseille 2008 and ProteoMMX 2.0 , Chester 2012), and in poster form (BMSS, Derby, 2004, ASMS, Nashville, 2004, BSPR, Cambridge, 2011, ProteoMMX 2.0, Chester 2012). I have also taught tutorial workshops on targeted quantification of proteins for the Biochemical Society (London, 2011 and Chester 2012 & 2014).