Architectural Education in Times of Turmoil: The United Kingdom in the Second World War
Zamarian, P. (2024). Architectural Education in Times of Turmoil: The United Kingdom in the Second World War. In B. Kryzhanovsky (Ed.), POST-WAR RECONSTRUCTION A Reader (pp. 25-44). London: MACK Books.
On the Architectural Association
Zamarian, P. (2021, October 26). On the Architectural Association. In Institutional Voices of the Recent Past. The Berlage Center for Advanced Studies in Architectural and Urban Design, Delft University of Technology.
Global Perspectives and Private Concerns: The AA’s Department of Tropical Architecture
Zamarian, P. (2021, March 2). Global Perspectives and Private Concerns: The AA’s Department of Tropical Architecture. In Crucibles, Vectors, Catalysts: Envisioning The Modern City. Liverpool (online).
William Allen and the 'Scientific Outlook' in Architectural Education, 1936-66
Zamarian, P. (2021). William Allen and the 'Scientific Outlook' in Architectural Education, 1936-66. ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY, 64, 379-402. doi:10.1017/arh.2021.15
The Architectural Association in the Postwar Years
Zamarian, P. (2020). The Architectural Association in the Postwar Years. London: Lund Humphries.
‘A One-Man Postgraduate Course for the Profession’ – William Allen and the ‘Scientific Outlook’ in Architectural Education
Zamarian, P. (2020, August 6). ‘A One-Man Postgraduate Course for the Profession’ – William Allen and the ‘Scientific Outlook’ in Architectural Education. In IHR-SAHGB Architectural History Seminar. London (online).
The Origins of the Oxford Conference Within the Networks of 1930s Student Activism
Zamarian, P. (n.d.). The Origins of the Oxford Conference Within the Networks of 1930s Student Activism. The Journal of Architecture, 24(4), 571-592. doi:10.1080/13602365.2019.1646304
‘To Fend for Ourselves in Proud Isolation’ – The AA School of Architecture in the Postwar Period (1945-1965)
Zamarian, P. F. (2017, July 7). ‘To Fend for Ourselves in Proud Isolation’ – The AA School of Architecture in the Postwar Period (1945-1965).
Training for Public Office: The AA School of Architecture in the 1940s
Zamarian, P. F. (2016, May 21). Training for Public Office: The AA School of Architecture in the 1940s. In The Official Architect - missing chapters in the history of the profession, Annual Symposium of the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain. London.
Über den Minderwertigkeitskomplex der deutschen Architektur Ursachen einer Kontroverse
Zamariàn, P. (2010). Über den Minderwertigkeitskomplex der deutschen Architektur Ursachen einer Kontroverse.
Arbeits- und Schlafzimmer einer Studentin auf der Werkbundausstellung in Zürich. 1918
Zamarian, P. (2009). Arbeits- und Schlafzimmer einer Studentin auf der Werkbundausstellung in Zürich. 1918. In S. Claus, D. Huber, & B. Schnitter (Eds.), Lux Guyer. 1894-1955. Architektin. (pp. 170). Zurich: gta Verlag.
Frauenwohnkolonie Lettenhof in Zürich. 1925-1927
Zamarian, P. (2009). Frauenwohnkolonie Lettenhof in Zürich. 1925-1927. In S. Claus, D. Huber, & B. Schnitter (Eds.), Lux Guyer. 1894-1955. Architektin. (pp. 179-181). Zurich: gta Verlag.
Kokoschka Beziehungen zur Schweiz
Meier, A., & Zamarian, P. (Eds.) (2005). Kokoschka Beziehungen zur Schweiz. Wabern/Bern: Benteli Verlag.
Oskar Kokoschka und die Ära Wartmann am Kunsthaus Zürich
Zamarian, P., & Baldini, N. (2005). Oskar Kokoschka und die Ära Wartmann am Kunsthaus Zürich. In Kokoschka - Beziehungen zur Schweiz (pp. 147-159). Wabern/Bern: Benteli Verlag.