Professional Activities
Conference Roles
- 'On the Architectural Association' at Institutional Voices of the Recent Past, by Invitation (The Berlage Center for Advanced Studies in Architecture and Urban Design, Delft University of Technology, online, 2021)
- 'Global Perspectives and Private Concerns: The AA’s Department of Tropical Architecture' at Crucibles, Vectors, Catalysts: Envisioning The Modern City, by Invitation (Hyundai Tate Research Centre, online, 2021)
- 'A One-Man Postgraduate Course for the Profession' - William Allen and the 'Scientific Outlook in Architectural Education' at IHR-SAHGB Architectural History Seminar, by Invitation (The Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain, London, online, 2020)
- ‘Training for Public Office: The AA School of Architecture in the 1940s’ at The Official Architect - missing chapters in the history of the profession, Annual Symposium of the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain (London, 2016)
- 'The AA School of Architecture in the 1950s' at Architectural Heritage Workshop, by Invitation (Liverpool, 2013 - present)
Event Roles
- The Architectural Association in the Postwar Years, by Invitation (Talk/Lecture, online, 2021)
- AA Reunion, by Invitation (Workshop, Architectural Association, London, 2015)
- 'Moth-Eaten Old Students and Noisy Little Schoolboys' - The AA in the Postwar Era, by Invitation (Talk/Lecture, Architectural Association, London, 2015)
- Psychiatrie und Architektur - Wer beinflusst wen?, by Invitation (Talk/Lecture, Psychiatrische Klinik Zugersee, Switzerland, 2012)
Internal Administrative or Committee Roles
- Academic Integrity Officer (School / Institute, 2021 - 2023)
- Architectural and Urban History Group, co-lead (Department, 2021 - 2023)
- Humanities Review Working Group (Department, 2020 - present)
- Curriculum Review Steering Committee (Department, 2020 - present)
Professional Body Memberships
- Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain (Member, 2010 - present)
- European Architectural History Network (Member, 2014 - present)
- Twentieth Century Society (Member, 2014 - present)
- Architectural Humanities Research Association (Member, 2015 - present)
- Higher Education Academy (Fellow, 2020 - present)
Publication Reviews
- Reviewer, Invited (Architectural Histories, Pre-publication, 2021 - present)
- Reviewer, Invited (Lund Humphries, Pre-publication, 2021 - present)