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• Ingram, J., et al. (2022-ongoing) 'Thinking beyond the can': Mainstreaming UK-grown beans in healthy meals (BeanMeals). 2 years. Postdoctoral Researcher.
, Simons, E., Bradley, S., Kay, A.D. Jones, P. & Ryan, D. (2022) Evaluation of the 2022 East Midlands-based Holiday Activities & Food Programme for Northamptonshire Sport, Executive Summary & Key Findings. £28,000. 7 months. Project Lead and Researcher.
• Bayes, N., Simons, E., Bradley, S., Kay, A.D. Jones, P. & Ryan, D. (2022) Evaluation of the 2022 East Midlands-based Holiday Activities & Food Programme for Northamptonshire Sport, Executive Summary & Key Findings. £28,000. 7 months. Project Lead and Researcher.
• Lees-Deutsch, L., Kneafsey, R., Palmer, S., Amorim Adegboye, A.R., Bayes, N., Chauntry, A. & Khan, M. (2022) National evaluation of the Professional Nurse Advocate (PNA) programme in England: SUStAIN - Supervision, Support, Advocacy and Improvement in Nursing. Funded by NHS England (NHSE). £110,000. 9 months. Lead Researcher.
• Kneafsey, R., Maravic da Silva, K., Russel, S., Martin, F., Pezaro, S., Bluteau, P., Presley, V., Bailey, J., Bayes, N. (2022) An evaluation of the Health Education England Psychological Therapies for Severe Mental Health Problems (PTSMHP) training programmes. Funded by Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Partnership Trust (CWPT). £99,960. 6 months. Researcher.
• Ryan, D., Kay, T., Jones, P., Bradley, C., Bayes, N., & Stringer, A. (2021) Evaluation of the 2021 East Midlands-based holiday activities and food programme. Commissioned by NSport. £28,000. 7 months. Researcher.
• O’Malley, M., Cole, L., Parkes, J., Bayes, N. & Crawford, A. (2020-2022) Young Onset Dementia Public Engagement Project (DEFIN-YD). Funded by the Wellcome Trust. 64,614. 18 months.
• Neill, S., Heer, A., Roland, D., Pandey, P., Palmer-Hill, S., Carter, B., Carrol, E., O’Donnell, J., Hughes, J., Riches, L., Bayes, N., Woodbridge-Dodd, K. (2018) Before Arrival at Hospital: Factors affecting timing of admission to hospital for children with serious infectious illness (The BeArH project). Commissioned by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) grant. £147,358. 18 months. Researcher and Project Manager.
• Bayes, N., Dobson, T., Ashmore, L. & Gibbard, E. (2018) Raising resilience and attainment through additional physical and mental well-being provision programme evaluation. Funded by the University of Northampton. 12 months. Project Lead and Researcher.
• Collings, R., Maunder, R., Pourseied, K. & Bayes, N. (2018) Increasing Psychology students readiness and confidence in Active Blended Learning. Funded by Institute for Learning and Teaching. £5,448.52. Researcher.
• Bayes, N., Georgescu, M. & Sihra, M. (2018) When ‘life’ happens: Exploring strategies employed by students to cope with factors and stressors influencing their educational experience and attainment. Funded by the Undergraduate Research Bursary at Northampton (URB@N) £500. 6 months. Project Lead.
• Redwood, T., Bayes, N., Payne, K-L., Hart, T., Collings, R., Scanlan, M. & Smith, K. (2018) Resilient Schools Project: An evaluation of the effectiveness of a school-based intervention to improve resilience in students and staff. Commissioned by Barnet Public Health. £50,000. 18 months. Researcher.
• Sixsmith, J., Lusted, J., Bayes, N., Collings, R., Da Silva, K., Phelan, S., Kinnafick, F. & Smith, N. (2017) PE2020 Active Health Minds: An evaluation of the effectiveness of a school-based intervention using physical activity as a vehicle for improved health, wellbeing and academic attainment. Commissioned by the Youth Sport Trust. Approx. £50,000. 2 years. Researcher.
• Bayes, N. & Collings, R. (2017-2021) HUB Partnership: An evaluation of the Re:store Northampton service, supporting people in poverty and financial crisis. Commissioner by Re:Store Northampton £19,000. 4 years. Project Lead and Researcher.
• Lakhanpaul, M., Neill, S., Roland, D., Tavare, A. & Bayes, N. (2017) Acutely Sick Kids Safety Netting Interventions For Families (ASK SNIFF); Safety Netting Collaborative in partnership with the Health Innovation Network in the Development of Sepsis Awareness and childhood illness safety netting videos. Funded by NHS England. £4,150. 5 months. Research Assistant. ASK SNIFF website: Video 1 – Spotting Sepsis in under 5’s: Video 2 – Caring with a child with fever:
• Kinnafick, F. & Bayes, N. (2016) Lifestyle Management: An evaluation of the effectiveness of an intervention improve diet and increase physical activity. Approx. £3,000, 3 months. Research Assistant.
• Sixsmith, J., Kinnafick, F., Campbell, J. & Bayes, N. (2016) School Staff Wellbeing: An exploratory study to determine the factors underpinning staff wellbeing in primary and secondary schools in Northamptonshire. Commissioned by Northamptonshire County Council. £22,773, 1 year. Research Assistant. (spin-off project from the findings of the Healthier Child project)
• Lakhanpaul, M., Neill, S., Roland, D., Usher-Smith, J. & Bayes, N. (2016) Acutely Sick Kids Parent Education and Training Resource (ASK PETra): Development of the standardized safety netting intervention tool for the acutely ill child. Commissioned by WellChild charity. £50,000, 12 months. Research Assistant.
• Sixsmith, J., Kinnafick, F., Huber, J. & Bayes, N. (2016) The Healthier Child: An evaluation of the effectiveness of an initiative to increase physical activity and improve nutrition among key stage two children. Commissioned by Northamptonshire County Council. £68,000, 3 years. Research Assistant.
• Kinnafick, F., Smith, N., Appleton, P., Bayes, N. Jones, K, & Tweed, L. (2015) Get Set to Go: An evaluation of the effectiveness of an initiative to increase physical activity for mental health recovery. Commissioned by MIND, the mental health charity. £98,000, 3 years. Lead Research Assistant.
• Lakhanpaul, M., Neill, S., Roland, D., Jones, C. & Bayes, N. (2015) Acutely Sick Kids Safety-netting Intervention Development (ASK SID): Development of the content for a standardized safety netting intervention tool for the acutely ill child. Commissioned by WellChild charity. £60,000, 18 months. Research Assistant.
• Thillainathan, A., Bayes, N. & Walker, N. (2014) Student Perceptions of Different Modes of Assessment. Funded by the Undergraduate Research Bursary at Northampton (URB@N) £500. 6 months. Project Lead.
• Parkes, J., Wisely, C., Coufopoulos, A., Ewing, A., Callender, M., Bayes, N., Kneafsey, R. & Toft, A. (2014) Embedding the Principles of Prevention in all the Education We invest in. Commissioned by East Midlands Local Education and Training Board. £50,000, 16 months. Research Assistant.
• Lusted, J. & Bayes, N. (2014) Census Demographics. Commissioned by England and Wales Cricket Board, £9,060, 1 year. Research Assistant.
• Holt Garner, N., Corr, S. & Bayes, N. (2013) Knowledge of social enterprise among health and social care undergraduate students. Funded by the Undergraduate Research Bursary at Northampton (URB@N), £500, 6 months. Researcher/Mentor.
• Lusted, J. & Bayes, N. (2012-2013) The Allocation of Resources to Women’s Grassroots Cricket: Case Studies. Commissioned by England and Wales Cricket Board, £7,560, 1 year. Research Assistant.
• Lusted, J. & Bayes, N. (2012) A Survey of the County Cricket Board Workforce. Commissioned by England and Wales Cricket Board, £5,940, 9 months. Research Assistant.
• Walker, N., Lusted, J. & Bayes, N. (2010) An evaluation of changes in self-esteem and perceptions of physical activity through the ‘Student Aspiration Squad’ (SAS) project. Commissioned by Northampton School Sport Partnership, £800, 5 months. Research Assistant.