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Dr Natasha Bayes
BA(Hons), MSc, PhD


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Helping parents know when to seek help for an acutely ill child: Evidence based co-development of a mobile phone app using complex intervention methodology.

Neill, S., Bayes, N., Thompson, M., Croxson, C., Roland, D., & Lakhanpaul, M. (2024). Helping parents know when to seek help for an acutely ill child: Evidence based co-development of a mobile phone app using complex intervention methodology.. International journal of medical informatics, 187, 105459. doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2024.105459

Journal article


Encouraging bean-based meal consumption in primary school children for health and environmental sustainability: An action-based observational study

Bayes, N., Ingram, J., & Hardman, C. A. (2023). Encouraging bean-based meal consumption in primary school children for health and environmental sustainability: An action-based observational study. Appetite, 189, 106914. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2023.106914

Journal article

National Evaluation of the Professional Nurse Advocate Programme in England: SUSTAIN – Supervision, Support, Advocacy for Improvement in Nursing, Mixed Methods study.

Lees-Deutsch, L., Kneafsey, R., Rodrigues Amorim Adegboye, A., Bayes, N., Palmer, S., Chauntry, A., & Khan, M. (n.d.). National Evaluation of the Professional Nurse Advocate Programme in England: SUSTAIN – Supervision, Support, Advocacy for Improvement in Nursing, Mixed Methods study.. Coventry University. doi:10.18552/rihw/2023/0001


Psycholgical Therapies for Severe Mantal Health Problems. Training Delivery Evaluation

Kneafsey, R., Pezaro, S., Maravic de Silva, K., Presley, V., Russell, S., Bluteau, P., . . . Martin, F. (n.d.). Psycholgical Therapies for Severe Mantal Health Problems. Training Delivery Evaluation. Coventry University. doi:10.18552/ptsmh/2023/001



A mixed-method process evaluation of an East Midlands county summer 2021 holiday activities and food programme highlighting the views of programme co-ordinators, providers, and parents.

Stringer, A., Bayes, N., Bradley, S., Kay, A. D., Jones, P. G. W., & Ryan, D. J. (2022). A mixed-method process evaluation of an East Midlands county summer 2021 holiday activities and food programme highlighting the views of programme co-ordinators, providers, and parents.. Frontiers in public health, 10, 912455. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2022.912455

Journal article

Feeding children during a global crisis: UK holiday club responses to food insecurity during Covid-19.

Bayes, N., Mason, C., Haycraft, E., & Holley, C. (2022). Feeding children during a global crisis: UK holiday club responses to food insecurity during Covid-19.. Appetite, 169, 105510. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2021.105510

Journal article


Caring for a sick or injured child during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in 2020 in the UK: An online survey of parents' experiences.

Neill, S., Carter, R., Jones, R., Roland, D., Bayes, N., Tavaré, A., . . . Lakhanpaul, M. (2021). Caring for a sick or injured child during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in 2020 in the UK: An online survey of parents' experiences.. Health expectations : an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy, 24(6), 2036-2046. doi:10.1111/hex.13347

Journal article

Impact of Digital Educational Interventions to Support Parents Caring for Acutely Ill Children at Home and Factors That Affect Their Use: Protocol for a Systematic Review.

Milne-Ives, M., Neill, S., Bayes, N., Blair, M., Blewitt, J., Bray, L., . . . ASK SNIFF Consortium. (2021). Impact of Digital Educational Interventions to Support Parents Caring for Acutely Ill Children at Home and Factors That Affect Their Use: Protocol for a Systematic Review.. JMIR research protocols, 10(6), e27504. doi:10.2196/27504

Journal article

Feeding children over the summer: what holiday clubs do to encourage children to eat and eat well.

Bayes, N., Holley, C., & Mason, C. (2021). Feeding children over the summer: what holiday clubs do to encourage children to eat and eat well.. Appetite, 157, 104925. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2020.104925

Journal article

Impact of Digital Educational Interventions to Support Parents Caring for Acutely Ill Children at Home and Factors That Affect Their Use: Protocol for a Systematic Review (Preprint)

Milne-Ives, M., Neill, S., Bayes, N., Blair, M., Blewitt, J., Bray, L., . . . Meinert, E. (2021). Impact of Digital Educational Interventions to Support Parents Caring for Acutely Ill Children at Home and Factors That Affect Their Use: Protocol for a Systematic Review (Preprint). doi:10.2196/preprints.27504

Journal article


Effective safety netting in acute childhood illness: an important contribution to avoiding preventable deaths

Neill, S., Roland, D., Thompson, M., Palmer-Hill, S., Bayes, N., Mullins, L., . . . Lakhanpaul, M. (2018). Effective safety netting in acute childhood illness: an important contribution to avoiding preventable deaths. British Journal of General Practice, 68(suppl 1), bjgp18X696893. doi:10.3399/bjgp18x696893

Journal article


OC26 - Parents of young children in research: informants, consultants and collaborators.

Neill, S., Roland, D., Thompson, M., Bayes, N., Mullins, L., & Lakhanpaul, M. (2016). OC26 - Parents of young children in research: informants, consultants and collaborators.. Nursing children and young people, 28(4), 73. doi:10.7748/ncyp.28.4.73.s57

Journal article