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Dr Muhammad Abid


Solar-Powered Refrigeration Solutions for Environmentally Friendly Food Storage in Rural Areas

“The goal of our project is to create a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution for rural communities in need of reliable food storage. To achieve this, we are developing a solar-powered refrigeration system that can function off the grid, powered by solar panels. Our focus is on the design and construction of an industrial refrigerator that can be used for the storage of agricultural produce. We aim to create a concept that can be applied to a wide range of rural communities in need, where access to reliable energy sources may be limited. By utilizing solar energy to power the refrigerator, we hope to reduce the carbon footprint and environmental impact of food storage, as well as provide a cost-effective solution for those in need.”

Heat pump in situ performance in UK
The aim of this research is to investigate the performance of air source heat pumps (ASHP) installed in UK homes, with a focus on their efficiency and any issues that may be affecting their performance. Decarbonization of the UK residential heating sector, which is responsible for 17% of the total carbon emission is crucial to meet the Committee on Climate Change recommendations, 2019 of net zero greenhouse gases emissions by 2050. The current progress with residential heat sector carbon neutrality is slow and hence acceleration in action is required. In this context the UK government have plan to install 600,000 heat pumps annually by 2028 to meet the UK climate change target and keep alive the hope of limiting the rise in global temperature to 1.5 oC.
Overall, by combining engineering concepts, data analysis techniques, and embodied carbon analysis, this project will provide a holistic evaluation of the in-situ performance and environmental impact of heat pump systems in the UK. This will contribute to the development of more sustainable and energy-efficient heating and cooling solutions for domestic buildings in the UK.