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Mirela Domijan

Dr Mirela Domijan

Senior lecturer and Math Biology group leader
Mathematical Sciences


+44 (0)151 794 4011 Ext. 44011

Professional Activities

I am on the editorial board of the Springer Nature Publishing group journal: njp Biological Timing and Sleep. First published articles have appeared!; consider this journal when submitting your circadian-related research.

I co-organise a successful joint seminar series with Universities of Manchester & Liverpool John Moores: North West Seminar Series in Mathematical Biology and Data Sciences Some of our talks are available to be viewed on Youtube (over 5000 views!)


  • Nature's npj Biological Timing and Sleep (Invited Editorial Board Member, 2023 - present)
  • Frontiers in Plant Sciences (Invited Editor, 2020 - 2022)
  • Frontiers in Plant Sciences (Invited Guest Associate Editor, 2020 - 2022)

Grant Application Assessments

  • External Post-submission (UK Research and Innovation, - 2020)

Internal Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Applied Maths Section Lead (Department, 2024 - present)
  • Mathematical Biology group leader (Department, 2020 - present)
  • Peer Observation College (Department, 2017 - present)

Professional Body Memberships

  • (EPSRC Associate College Member, 2021 - present)
  • Higher Education Academy (Fellow, 2019 - present)