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Michael Cole

Dr Michael Cole
B.Sc, M.Sc, M.Phil, PhD


+44 (0)151 795 3806


Governance, Public Administration and Society

Michael is a governance and public administration specialist whose research has covered a variety of themes. Initially, he focused on quangos, which was the subject of his MPhil thesis. In this first three research appointments and his PhD studies local government issues were the dominant interest, a theme which covered work on issues as diverse as the executive and scrutiny reforms; member allowances; the role(s) of local councillors; local elections; departmentalism; community appraisals; consultations; ward boundary changes; and history and structure. Since arriving at Liverpool he has developed a strong interest in UK devolved governance and latterly has extended his focus towards themes with a more managerial emphasis, particularly students' unions, workplace issues and public leadership in China. In addition, at various points in his career he has also researched and published on several other themes, specifically the NHS, the UK Parliament, national and regional elections. the UK Civil Service and the Chinese Stock Market..

His latest completed research project has addressed the net zero agenda through research about relationships innovation and carbon dioxide levels. He is also currently supervising three PhD research projects. He is first supervisor for projects about political and economic integration in China; and the experience of public auditors, and second supervisor for a PhD on business and peace.

Research collaborations

Dr Jiajing Sun

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

I am collaborating with Dr Sun on range of governance projects. To date, this collaboration has generated a book chapter on the Chinese Stock Market and journal articles on Chinese Leadership and carbon dioxide emissions.

Prof Laura McAllister

I wrote a series of journal articles and one research report with Prof Laura McAllister whilst she worked at ULMS.