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In June 2019 I joined the Centre for Cell Imaging team at the University of Liverpool as a Technical Specialist in Image Analysis and am also able to provide support in experimental design and execution.

Image analysis in a nutshell

Image analysis

My role is to support users generating and analysing quantitative data from their images.

I provide support in the use of and training for Fiji (ImageJ), Imaris, Knime analytics platform, Ilastik, ZeroCostDL4Mic Colab notebooks, Zen as well as CellProfiler. Other software support and training can be requested. I also provide custom workflows and/or scripts following a discussion about the intended image analysis aims and supply of a suitable exemplary dataset.

In the facility, we use Omero as an image management system and I train and support users in the use of the repository.

CCI facility

I am maintaining the CCI facility website and the CCI Youtube account.