Selected publications
- When the road is rocky: Investigating the role of vulnerability in consumer journeys (Journal article - 2024)
- Barriers to participation in tourism linked respite care (Journal article - 2023)
- Understanding the relationship between terminal illness and tourism: An exploratory study. (Journal article - 2022)
- Facilitating inter-professional integration in palliative care: A service ecosystem perspective (Journal article - 2021)
- The Trajectory Touchpoint Technique: A Deep Dive Methodology for Service Innovation (Journal article - 2020)
- When a child is sick: The role of social tourism in palliative and end-of-life care (Journal article - 2020)
- Conceptualizing experiential luxury in palliative care: Pathographies of liminal space, cathedral, and community (Journal article - 2020)
Service Provider Responses When Systems Heighten Vulnerability
Hunter-Jones, P., & Sudbury-Riley, L. (2025). Service Provider Responses When Systems Heighten Vulnerability. In 36th American Marketing Association Winter Conference. Phoenix, USA..
Moral norm violations: Extending the concept of consumer betrayal
Sudbury-Riley, L., Haenlein, M., & Kerrane, K. (2025). Moral norm violations: Extending the concept of consumer betrayal. In 36th American Marketing Association Winter Conference. Phoenix, USA.
The Trajectory Touchpoint Technique: A methodology for understanding vulnerability from lived experiences
Sudbury-Riley, L., & Hunter-Jones, P. (2024). The Trajectory Touchpoint Technique: A methodology for understanding vulnerability from lived experiences. In LIFE Conference: Understanding Vulnerabilities from a life course perspective. Lisbon, Portugal.
COVID companions: Exploring pets as social support.
Sudbury-Riley, L. (2024). COVID companions: Exploring pets as social support.. Sociology of Health and Illness. doi:10.1111/1467-9566.13820
When the road is rocky: Investigating the role of vulnerability in consumer journeys
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., Al-Abdin, A., & Haenlein, M. (2024). When the road is rocky: Investigating the role of vulnerability in consumer journeys. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 52(4), 1045-1068. doi:10.1007/s11747-024-01011-2
When the Road is Rocky: Investigating the Role of Vulnerability in Consumer Journeys
Sudbury-Riley, L., Haenlein, M., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2024). When the Road is Rocky: Investigating the Role of Vulnerability in Consumer Journeys. In 53rd Annual Conference of The European Marketing Academy (EMAC). Bucharest, Romania.
“He said I’ve just got to learn to be a saint”: The consumer journey experiences of people with dementia and their families.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., Thornton, V., & Spence, C. (2024). “He said I’ve just got to learn to be a saint”: The consumer journey experiences of people with dementia and their families.. In 2024 American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference:. St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA.
Rethinking Consumer Acculturation, Privilege and Oppression
Al-Abdin, A., Hunter-Jones, P., Sudbury-Riley, L., & Naraine, M. (2024). Rethinking Consumer Acculturation, Privilege and Oppression. In 2024 American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference:. St. Pete’s Beach, Florida, USA.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2024). USING A SERVICE ECOSYSTEMS LENS TO BETTER UNDERSTAND FIRM LEVEL COLLABORATION. In 2024 American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference. St. Pete’s Beach, Florida, USA.
Electronic health literacy among baby boomers: a typology
Sudbury-Riley, L., FitzPatrick, M., Schulz, P. J., & Hess, A. (2024). Electronic health literacy among baby boomers: a typology. Health Literacy Research and Practice. doi:10.3928/24748307-20231213-02
Beyond Ingress: Analyzing and Extending the Meaning of Access to Healthcare
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2024, February 23). Beyond Ingress: Analyzing and Extending the Meaning of Access to Healthcare. In 2024 American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference. St. Pete’s Beach, Florida, USA.
A Death Like No Other: The Lived Experiences Of COVID-19 Bereavement
Sudbury-Riley, L. (2023). A Death Like No Other: The Lived Experiences Of COVID-19 Bereavement. In Association for Consumer Research Conference 2023. Seattle, WA, USA.
Reconsidering Consumer Access to Healthcare
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2023, October 26). Reconsidering Consumer Access to Healthcare. In Association for Consumer Research Conference 2023. Seatlle, WA, USA.
Are funeral consumers vulnerable? A case for a socio-political-economic approach to the end of life
Sudbury-Riley, L., & Woodthorpe, K. (2023). Are funeral consumers vulnerable? A case for a socio-political-economic approach to the end of life. In 16th International Conference on the Social Context of Death, Dying & Disposal,. Padua, Italy..
Denial of Death and Mourning Rituals among the COVID-19 Bereaved.
Sudbury-Riley, L. (2023). Denial of Death and Mourning Rituals among the COVID-19 Bereaved.. In 16th International Conference on the Social Context of Death, Dying & Disposal,. Padua, Italy..
Future proofing palliative and end-of-life care for service users
Al-Abdin, A., Hunter-Jones, P., & Sudbury-Riley, L. (2023). Future proofing palliative and end-of-life care for service users. In Academy of Marketing Conference 2023. Brimingham.
The contribution of hospitality services to person-centred care: A study of the palliative care service ecosystem
Hunter-Jones, P., Sudbury-Riley, L., Al-Abdin, A., & Spence, C. (2023). The contribution of hospitality services to person-centred care: A study of the palliative care service ecosystem. International Journal of Hospitality Management.
Barriers to participation in tourism linked respite care
Hunter-Jones, P., Sudbury-Riley, L., Chan, J., & Al-Abdin, A. (2023). Barriers to participation in tourism linked respite care. ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH, 98. doi:10.1016/j.annals.2022.103508
Promoting Innovation in Homelessness and Mental Health Service Design
Sudbury-Riley, L., Spence, C., & Hunter-Jones, P. (2022). Promoting Innovation in Homelessness and Mental Health Service Design. In 53rd Association For Consumer Research Conference. Denver, CO, USA.
Beyond Ingress: Analyzing and Extending the Meaning of Access to Healthcare
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2022). Beyond Ingress: Analyzing and Extending the Meaning of Access to Healthcare. In Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 2022. Academy of Management. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2022.12389abstract
Rethinking Consumer Acculturation, Privilege and Oppression in transformative service research
Sudbury-Riley, L., Al-Abdin, A., & Hunter-Jones, P. (2022). Rethinking Consumer Acculturation, Privilege and Oppression in transformative service research. In 12th Servsig Conference. Edinburgh.
Sequestration of the COVID-19 Dying and its Implications for the Bereaved
Sudbury-Riley, L. (2022). Sequestration of the COVID-19 Dying and its Implications for the Bereaved. In CDAS (Centre for Death & Society) Conference. Bath.
In Pursuit of Happiness: Disentangling Sustainable Consumption, Consumer Alienation, and Social Desirability
Cheron, E., Sudbury-Riley, L., & Kohlbacher, F. (2022). In Pursuit of Happiness: Disentangling Sustainable Consumption, Consumer Alienation, and Social Desirability. JOURNAL OF CONSUMER POLICY, 45(2), 149-173. doi:10.1007/s10603-021-09498-w
Understanding the relationship between terminal illness and tourism: An exploratory study.
Hunter-Jones, P., Sudbury-Riley, L., & Al-Abdin, A. (2022). Understanding the relationship between terminal illness and tourism: An exploratory study.. Tourism Management, 88. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2021.104397
Stakeholders in the palliative and end of life care service ecosystem: a study of the hospice sector
Al-Abdin, A., Hunter-Jones, P., Sudbury-Riley, L., Ryde, A., & Smith, L. (2022). Stakeholders in the palliative and end of life care service ecosystem: a study of the hospice sector. In Charity Marketing Contemporary Issues, Research and Practice. London: Taylor & Francis Ltd.
23 Unable to say a proper goodbye: the lived experiences of COVID-19 bereaved
Sudbury-Riley, L. (2022). 23 Unable to say a proper goodbye: the lived experiences of COVID-19 bereaved. In Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic (pp. A10.1-A10). British Medical Journal Publishing Group. doi:10.1136/spcare-2021-mcrc.23
Stakeholders in the palliative and end of life care service ecosystem
Al-Abdin, A., Hunter-Jones, P., Sudbury-Riley, L., Ryde, A., & Smith, L. (2021). Stakeholders in the palliative and end of life care service ecosystem. In Charity Marketing (pp. 183-197). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003134169-11
Dying-well: the contribution of leisure services to hospice care
Al-Abdin, A., Hunter-Jones, P., Sudbury-Riley, L., & Spence, R. (2021). Dying-well: the contribution of leisure services to hospice care. ANNALS OF LEISURE RESEARCH, 24(3), 340-359. doi:10.1080/11745398.2019.1710717
Facilitating inter-professional integration in palliative care: A service ecosystem perspective
Sudbury-Riley, L., & Hunter-Jones, P. (2021). Facilitating inter-professional integration in palliative care: A service ecosystem perspective. SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE, 277. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.113912
Conceptualizing experiential luxury in palliative care: Pathographies of liminal space, cathedral, and community
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., Al-Abdin, A., Lewin, D., & Spence, R. (n.d.). Conceptualizing experiential luxury in palliative care: Pathographies of liminal space, cathedral, and community. Journal of Business Research. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.12.004
Introducing the trajectory Touchpoint technique: a systematic methodology for capturing the service experiences of palliative care patients and their families
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2020). Introducing the trajectory Touchpoint technique: a systematic methodology for capturing the service experiences of palliative care patients and their families. BMC PALLIATIVE CARE, 19(1). doi:10.1186/s12904-020-00612-2
When a child is sick: The role of social tourism in palliative and end-of-life care
Hunter-Jones, P., Sudbury-Riley, L., Al-Abdin, A., Menzies, L., & Neary, K. (2020). When a child is sick: The role of social tourism in palliative and end-of-life care. Annals of Tourism Research, 83. doi:10.1016/j.annals.2020.102900
The Trajectory Touchpoint Technique: A Deep Dive Methodology for Service Innovation
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., Al-Abdin, A., Lewin, D., & Naraine, M. V. (2020). The Trajectory Touchpoint Technique: A Deep Dive Methodology for Service Innovation. Journal of Service Research, 23(2), 229-251. doi:10.1177/1094670519894642
5 The difficulties faced by family caregivers when home is the preferred place of death
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., Al-Abdin, A., Lewin, D., Dale, S., & Johnston, K. (2020). 5 The difficulties faced by family caregivers when home is the preferred place of death. In Poster presentations (pp. A10.1-A10). British Medical Journal Publishing Group. doi:10.1136/spcare-2020-pcc.26
71 ‘Is this a conversation about death?’ planning for future care with patients with advanced cancer: examining the feasibility of using the trajectory touchpoint technique for advance care planning. A qualitative study
Lewin, D., Lee, J., Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., Mason, S., Nickpour, F., . . . Ellershaw, J. (2020). 71 ‘Is this a conversation about death?’ planning for future care with patients with advanced cancer: examining the feasibility of using the trajectory touchpoint technique for advance care planning. A qualitative study. In Poster presentations (pp. A33.2-A33). British Medical Journal Publishing Group. doi:10.1136/spcare-2020-pcc.91
A Typology of Patients Based on Decision-Making Styles: Cross-Sectional Survey Study
FitzPatrick, M. A., Hess, A. C., Sudbury-Riley, L., & Schulz, P. J. (2019). A Typology of Patients Based on Decision-Making Styles: Cross-Sectional Survey Study. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH, 21(11). doi:10.2196/15332
Making sense of healthcare experiences: An application of story-based medicine.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019). Making sense of healthcare experiences: An application of story-based medicine.. Advances in Consumer Research.
We needed it sooner, and we needed more of it: A qualitative evaluation of a new Hospice@Home.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., Al-Abdin, A., Dale, S., Johnston, K., & Lewin, D. (2019). We needed it sooner, and we needed more of it: A qualitative evaluation of a new Hospice@Home.. In National Association for Hospice at Home Conference,. Milton Keynes..
Home as Preferred Place of Death: The Difficulties Faced by Family Carers.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019). Home as Preferred Place of Death: The Difficulties Faced by Family Carers.. In 14th International Conference on the Social Context of Death, Dying and Disposal. University of Bath, UK..
Listening Differently to Palliative Care Patients and their Families: An Introduction to the Trajectory Touchpoint Technique
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019). Listening Differently to Palliative Care Patients and their Families: An Introduction to the Trajectory Touchpoint Technique. In 5th International Conference on Palliative Care, Medicine and Hospice Nursing. Vancouver, Canada.
The Palliative and End of Life Care Service Ecosystem: A Multi-Stakeholder Analysis.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019). The Palliative and End of Life Care Service Ecosystem: A Multi-Stakeholder Analysis.. In International Conference on Palliative Care, Medicine and Hospice Nursing. Vancouver, Canada.
We needed it sooner, and we needed it to be better explained: A qualitative evaluation of a new hospice@home service.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019). We needed it sooner, and we needed it to be better explained: A qualitative evaluation of a new hospice@home service.. In 5th International Conference on Palliative Care, Medicine and Hospice Nursing. Vancouver, Canada.
A Typology of Patients Based on Decision-Making Styles: Cross-Sectional Survey Study (Preprint)
Improving access to hospice and palliative care: how can marketing play a role?
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019). Improving access to hospice and palliative care: how can marketing play a role?. In 52nd Academy of Marketing Conference. Regent’s University, London..
Introducing the Trajectory Touchpoint Technique: A Systematic Methodology for Capturing the Voices of Palliative Care Service Users.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019). Introducing the Trajectory Touchpoint Technique: A Systematic Methodology for Capturing the Voices of Palliative Care Service Users.. In Association for Palliative Medicine’s Supportive and Palliative Care Conference. Harrogate, UK.
We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know! Knowledge and Communication Barriers Still Prevalent Among Palliative Care Patients and Families.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019). We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know! Knowledge and Communication Barriers Still Prevalent Among Palliative Care Patients and Families.. In Association for Palliative Medicine’s Supportive and Palliative Care Conference. Harrogate, UK..
11 We don’t know what we don’t know! knowledge and communication barriers still prevalent among palliative care patients and families
Hunter-Jones, P., Sudbury-Riley, L., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019). 11 We don’t know what we don’t know! knowledge and communication barriers still prevalent among palliative care patients and families. In Poster presentations (pp. A13.2-A13). British Medical Journal Publishing Group. doi:10.1136/bmjspcare-2019-asp.34
92 Introducing the trajectory touchpoint technique: a systematic methodology for capturing the voices of palliative care service users
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019). 92 Introducing the trajectory touchpoint technique: a systematic methodology for capturing the voices of palliative care service users. In Poster presentations (pp. A42.2-A42). British Medical Journal Publishing Group. doi:10.1136/bmjspcare-2019-asp.115
Introducing the Trajectory Touchpoint Technique: A Systematic Methodology for Capturing the Voices of Palliative Care Service Users.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019, March 21). Introducing the Trajectory Touchpoint Technique: A Systematic Methodology for Capturing the Voices of Palliative Care Service Users.. In Association for Palliative Medicine’s Supportive and Palliative Care Conference. Harrogate, UK..
We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know! Knowledge and Communication Barriers Still Prevalent Among Palliative Care Patients and Families.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019, March 21). We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know! Knowledge and Communication Barriers Still Prevalent Among Palliative Care Patients and Families.. In Association for Palliative Medicine’s Supportive and Palliative Care Conference,. Harrogate, UK..
Value Co-creation in End-of-life Care.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2018). Value Co-creation in End-of-life Care.. In ANZMAC (Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy). Adelaide, Australia..
Consulting online health resources to co-create value: A typology of patient decision making styles.
Sudbury-Riley, L., FitzPatrick, M., Hess, A., & Schulz, P. J. (2018). Consulting online health resources to co-create value: A typology of patient decision making styles.. In . 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Chicago, Illinois..
Understanding the impact of alliances in healthcare: The multispecialty community provider model.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Sinton, L., & Hunter-Jones, P. (2018). Understanding the impact of alliances in healthcare: The multispecialty community provider model.. In 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Chicago, Illinois..
Consulting online health resources to co-create value: A typology of patient decision making styles
Sudbury-Riley, L., FitzPatrick, M., Hess, A., & Peter J Schulz, P. J. (2018). Consulting online health resources to co-create value: A typology of patient decision making styles. In Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 2018 (pp. 13350). Academy of Management. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2018.13350abstract
Understanding the impact of alliances in healthcare: The multispecialty community provider model
Hunter-Jones, P., Sudbury-Riley, L., & Sinton, L. (2018). Understanding the impact of alliances in healthcare: The multispecialty community provider model. In Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 2018 (pp. 10610). Academy of Management. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2018.10610abstract
Online health information and patient decision making styles: A new segment of patient
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hess, A., FitzPatrick, M., & Schulz, P. J. (2018). Online health information and patient decision making styles: A new segment of patient. In 47th European Marketing Academy. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK.
Moral avoidance for people and planet: anti-consumption drivers
Sudbury-Riley, L., & Kohlbacher, F. (2018). Moral avoidance for people and planet: anti-consumption drivers. MANAGEMENT DECISION, 56(3), 677-691. doi:10.1108/MD-12-2016-0907
eHealth Technologies: The Faster We Go, the More We Leave Behind?
Sudbury-Riley, L. (n.d.). eHealth Technologies: The Faster We Go, the More We Leave Behind?. EMJ Innovations, 56-63. doi:10.33590/emjinnov/10313543
Scoping the Local Landscape of End of Life Care with Routine Data and Qualitative Research
Sudbury-Riley, L., & Hunter-Jones, P. A. (2017). Scoping the Local Landscape of End of Life Care with Routine Data and Qualitative Research. In Hospice UK Conference 2017: Leading, Learning and Innovating. Liverpool.
P-80 Scoping the local landscape of end of life care with routine data and qualitative research
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., Moss, J., & Smith, L. (2017). P-80 Scoping the local landscape of end of life care with routine data and qualitative research. In Generating research, knowledge and outcomes (pp. A38.2-A38). British Medical Journal Publishing Group. doi:10.1136/bmjspcare-2017-hospice.107
The Trajectory Touchpoint Tool: A Deep Dive Methodology into Service Journeys.
Sudbury-Riley, L., & Hunter-Jones, P. (2017). The Trajectory Touchpoint Tool: A Deep Dive Methodology into Service Journeys.. In Global Conference on Service Management.. Volterra, Italy..
An Investigation into the Sustainability of the Emergent Alliance and Federation Service System Model in Primary Health Care.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Sinton, L., & Hunter-Jones, P. (2017). An Investigation into the Sustainability of the Emergent Alliance and Federation Service System Model in Primary Health Care.. In 50th Academy of Marketing Conference. Hull.
Alliances and Federations in Primary Health Care.
Sudbury-Riley, L., hunter-jones, P., & Sinton, L. (2017). Alliances and Federations in Primary Health Care.. In Frontiers in Service Conference. New York, USA..
Alliances and Federations in Primary Health Care
Sudbury-Riley, L., Sinton, L., & Hunter-Jones, P. A. (2017). Alliances and Federations in Primary Health Care. In South Cheshire and Vale Royal GP Alliance Conference. Crewe, UK..
An investigation into the emergent Federation and Alliance service system model in primary health care
Sudbury-Riley, L., sinton, L., & Hunter-jones, P. (2017). An investigation into the emergent Federation and Alliance service system model in primary health care. In 15th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management (QUIS15). Porto, Portugal.
The Sustainability of Federation and Alliance Service System Models in Primary Healthcare
Sudbury-Riley, L., hunter-jones, P., & sinton, L. (2017). The Sustainability of Federation and Alliance Service System Models in Primary Healthcare. In 15th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management (QUIS15). Porto, Portugal..
Effects of eHealth literacy on General Practitioner Consultations: A Mediation Analysis.
Schulz, P. J., Schulz, P. J., Fitzpatrick, M. A., Hess, A., Sudbury-Riley, L., & Hartung, U. (2017). Effects of eHealth Literacy on General Practitioner Consultations: A Mediation Analysis.. Journal of medical Internet research, 19(5), e166. doi:10.2196/jmir.6317
The Use of Online Health Resources and Information among Baby Boomers in Three Nations.
Sudbury-Riley, L., FitzPatrick, M., & Schulz, P. J. (2017). The Use of Online Health Resources and Information among Baby Boomers in Three Nations.. In O. R. James (Ed.), Generation X, Y and the Baby Boomers. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc..
Consulting online health resources to co-create value: A typology of patient decision making styles
Sudbury-Riley, L., FitzPatrick, M., Hess, A., & Schulz, P. J. (2018, August 10). Consulting online health resources to co-create value: A typology of patient decision making styles. In 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Chicago, Illinois.
Exploring the Measurement Properties of the eHEALS eHealth Literacy Scale among Baby Boomers: A Multinational Test of Measurement Invariance.
Sudbury-Riley, L., FitzPatrick, M., & Schulz, P. J. (2017). Exploring the Measurement Properties of the eHealth Literacy Scale (eHEALS) Among Baby Boomers: A Multinational Test of Measurement Invariance. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH, 19(2). doi:10.2196/jmir.5998
The use of online health resources and information among baby boomers in three nations
Sudbury-Riley, L., FitzPatrick, M., & Schulz, P. J. (2017). The use of online health resources and information among baby boomers in three nations. In Strategies for Obtaining Healthier Foods (pp. 45-63).
Why Older Adults Show Preference for Rational Over Emotional Advertising Appeals: A U.K. Brand Study Challenges the Applicability Of Socioemotional Selectivity Theory to Advertising
Sudbury-Riley, L., & Edgar, L. (2016). Why Older Adults Show Preference for Rational Over Emotional Advertising Appeals: A U.K. Brand Study Challenges the Applicability Of Socioemotional Selectivity Theory to Advertising. Journal of Advertising Research, 56(4), 441-455. doi:10.2501/JAR-2016-048
Ethically minded consumer behavior: Scale review, development, and validation
Sudbury-Riley, L., & Kohlbacher, F. (2016). Ethically minded consumer behavior: Scale review, development, and validation. Journal of Business Research, 69(8), 2697-2710. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2015.11.005
Hospices versus Hospitals: Are we funding the right service provider?
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., Menzies, L., Pyrah, M., & Knight, H. (2016). Hospices versus Hospitals: Are we funding the right service provider?. In Academy of Marketing Annual Conference: Radical Marketing. Newcastle.
Every Touchpoint Matters: Developing a Systematic Tool to Measure the Impact of Hospice Services upon Patients, their Families and Carers
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., Menzies, L., Pyrah, M., & Knight, H. (2016). Every Touchpoint Matters: Developing a Systematic Tool to Measure the Impact of Hospice Services upon Patients, their Families and Carers. In 7th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (IRMBAM-2016). Nice, France.
The Impact of Hospice Care Upon Patients, Carers, Families and Friends.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., Menzies, L., Pyrah, M., & Knight, H. (2016). The Impact of Hospice Care Upon Patients, Carers, Families and Friends.. In Servsig: The Future of Services in the Heart of Europe. Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Service Blueprinting: A New Application for Evaluating Service Provision in the Hospice Sector.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., Menzies, L., Pyrah, M., & Knight, H. (2016). Service Blueprinting: A New Application for Evaluating Service Provision in the Hospice Sector.. In 118th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing and Management. Venice, Italy.
Service Sculpting: A New Method for Hospice Service Evaluation.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., Menzies, L., Pyrah, M., & Knight, H. (2016). Service Sculpting: A New Method for Hospice Service Evaluation.. In 9th World Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care. Dublin, Ireland.
Ethically Minded Consumer Behavior:Scale Review, Development, and Validation
Sudbury-Riley, L., & Kohlbacher, F. (2016). Ethically Minded Consumer Behavior:Scale Review, Development, and Validation. Journal of Business Research. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2015.11.005
The baby boomer market maven in the United Kingdom: an experienced diffuser of marketplace information
Sudbury-Riley, L. (2016). The Baby Boomer Market Maven in the United Kingdom: An Experienced Diffuser of Marketplace Information. Journal of Marketing Management, 32(7-8), 716-749. doi:10.1080/0267257X.2015.1129985
The Representation of Older Adults in Malaysian Advertising
Sudbury-Riley, L., & Idris, I. (2016). The Representation of Older Adults in Malaysian Advertising. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGING AND SOCIETY.
Hospice blueprinting: An innovative technique for improving service delivery
Sudbury-Riley, L., hunter-jones, P., menzies, L., pyrah, M., & knight, H. (2015). Hospice blueprinting: An innovative technique for improving service delivery. In Hospice UK annual conference: The Art and Science of Hospice Care. Liverpool.
Hospice blueprinting: An innovative technique for improving service delivery.
Hunter-Jones, P., Menzies, L., Pyrah, M., Knight, H., & Sudbury-Riley, L. (n.d.). Hospice blueprinting: An innovative technique for improving service delivery.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Hospice UK annual conference: The Art and Science of Hospice Care. Liverpool.
Hospice blueprinting: An innovative technique for improving service delivery.
Hunter-Jones, P., Sudbury-Riley, L., Menzies, L., Pyrah, M., & Knight, H. (2015). Hospice blueprinting: An innovative technique for improving service delivery.. Poster session presented at the meeting of Hospice UK annual conference: The Art and Science of Hospice Care. Liverpool.
P-136 Hospice blueprinting: an innovative technique for improving service delivery
Knight, H., Pyrah, M., Hunter-Jones, P., Sudbury-Riley, L., & Menzies, L. (2015). P-136 Hospice blueprinting: an innovative technique for improving service delivery. The Art and Science of Hospice Care – Poster Presentations, A48.3-A49. doi:10.1136/bmjspcare-2015-001026.136
Sudbury-Riley, L. (2015, August 2). HOW CAN BUSINESS BETTER SERVE OLDER CONSUMERS?. In Clute Institute 2015 International Business Conference. New York City.
Baby Boomers of Different Nations: Identifying Horizontal International Segments Based on Self-Perceived Age
Sudbury-Riley, L., Kohlbacher, F., & Hofmeister, A. (2015). Baby Boomers of Different Nations: Identifying Horizontal International Segments Based on Self-Perceived Age. International Marketing Review, 32(3/4), 245-278. doi:10.1108/IMR-09-2013-0221
Baby Boomers of Different Nations: Measuring Age Identities
Sudbury-Riley, L., Kohlbacher, F., & Hofmeister-Toth, A. (2015). Baby Boomers of Different Nations: Measuring Age Identities. International Marketing Review.
Are UK Workers and Organisations Prepared for an Extended Working Life?
Sudbury-Riley, L., Bennett, K., Flynn, M., Scurry, T., Sainsbury, R., & Coleman-Fountain, E. (2014). Are UK Workers and Organisations Prepared for an Extended Working Life?. Manchester.
The Representation of Older Adults in Malaysian Advertising
Idris, I., & Sudbury-Riley, L. (2016). The Representation of Older Adults in Malaysian Advertising. In The International Journal of Aging and Society Vol. 6 (pp. 1-16). Common Ground Research Networks. doi:10.18848/2160-1909/cgp/v06i03/1-16
Consumption Challenges in Old Age
Sudbury-Riley, L. (2014). Consumption Challenges in Old Age. In International Conference on Aging and Public Policy - Health Care, Urbanization and the Environment. Hangzhou, China.
Unwrapping senior consumers' packaging experiences
Sudbury-Riley, L. (2014). Unwrapping senior consumers' packaging experiences. MARKETING INTELLIGENCE & PLANNING, 32(6), 666-+. doi:10.1108/MIP-02-2013-0027
Unwrapping senior consumers’ packaging experiences
Sudbury-Riley, L. (2014). Unwrapping senior consumers’ packaging experiences. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 32(6), 666-686. doi:10.1108/mip-02-2013-0027
"A New Scale to Measure Ethically Mindful Consumer Behaviour"
Sudbury-Riley, L., & Kohlbacher, F. (2014). "A New Scale to Measure Ethically Mindful Consumer Behaviour". In D. L. Shapiro (Ed.), 74th Meeting of the Academy of Management (pp. N/A). Philadelphia, PA: Academy of Management.
"A cross-cultural analysis of pro-environmental consumer behaviour among seniors"
Sudbury Riley, L., Kohlbacher, F., & Hofmeister, A. (2014). "A cross-cultural analysis of pro-environmental consumer behaviour among seniors". In M. G. McEachern, & M. Carrigan (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Green and Ethical Marketing, (pp. 124-138). London: Routledge.
A New Scale to Measure Ethically Mindful Consumer Behavior
Sudbury-Riley, L., & Kohlbacher, F. (2014). A New Scale to Measure Ethically Mindful Consumer Behavior. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014(1), 11159. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2014.11159abstract
A cross-national study of the ecological worldview of senior consumers
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hofmeister-Toth, A., & Kohlbacher, F. (2014). A cross-national study of the ecological worldview of senior consumers. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 38(5), 500-509. doi:10.1111/ijcs.12126
'Are advertisers finally waking up to the Senior Consumer? A content analysis of older adults in Malaysian advertising'
Sudbury-Riley, L., & Idris, I. (2013). 'Are advertisers finally waking up to the Senior Consumer? A content analysis of older adults in Malaysian advertising'. In British Academy of Management (pp. n/a). Liverpool: n/a.
'The Senior Market Maven: An experienced diffuser of marketplace information'
Sudbury-Riley, L. (2013). 'The Senior Market Maven: An experienced diffuser of marketplace information'. In British Academy of Management (pp. n/a). Liverpool: n/a.
Cognitive Age and the Consumer Behaviour of 50+ Consumers
Sudbury-Riley, L., Kohlbacher, F., & Hofmeister-Toth, A. (2013). Cognitive Age and the Consumer Behaviour of 50+ Consumers. In Research Forum on the 50+ Generation (pp. n/a). Hungary: n/a.
Respected Pillars of the Community: A values-based profile of the British Market Maven
Sudbury-Riley, L., & Jones, J. (2013). Respected Pillars of the Community: A values-based profile of the British Market Maven. Paris.
Socioemotional Selectivity Theory: Implications for Advertising to Senior Consumers
Sudbury-Riley, L., & Edgar, L. (2013). Socioemotional Selectivity Theory: Implications for Advertising to Senior Consumers. In British Academy of Management (pp. n/a). Liverpool: n/a.
A cross-cultural analysis of pro-environmental consumer behaviour among seniors
Sudbury Riley, L., Kohlbacher, F., & Hofmeister, A. (2012). A cross-cultural analysis of pro-environmental consumer behaviour among seniors. Journal of Marketing Management, 28(3-4), 290-312. doi:10.1080/0267257x.2012.658841
'Cross cultural investigation of ecological attitudes of the 50+ generation'
Hofmeister, A., Sudbury-Riley, L., & Kohlbacher, F. (2012). 'Cross cultural investigation of ecological attitudes of the 50+ generation'. In Academy of World Business Marketing and Management Development Conference (pp. N/A). Budapest: Academy of World Business.
'Environmentally Friendly Consumer Behavior: A Scale Review, Modification, and Validation'
Sudbury-Riley, L., Kohlbacher, F., & Hofmeister, A. (2012). 'Environmentally Friendly Consumer Behavior: A Scale Review, Modification, and Validation'. In American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators' Conference (pp. N/A). Chicago: AMA.
'Values as Antecedents for Ecologically Conscious Consumer Behaviour Among Seniors: A Cross-Cultural Comparison'
Sudbury-Riley, L., & Kohlbacher, F. (2012). 'Values as Antecedents for Ecologically Conscious Consumer Behaviour Among Seniors: A Cross-Cultural Comparison'. In Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference (pp. N/A). New Orleans: AMS.
Using self-perceived age and the list of values to study older consumer in 4 nations
Kohlbacher, F., Sudbury, L., & Hofmeister, A. (2011). Using self-perceived age and the list of values to study older consumer in 4 nations. Advances in Consumer Research, 39, 341-346.
'Challenging the culture-free hypothesis of cognitive age among older consumers: Evidence from a cross-national survey'
Kohlbacher, F., Sudbury-Riley, L., & Hofmeister, A. (2011). 'Challenging the culture-free hypothesis of cognitive age among older consumers: Evidence from a cross-national survey'. In Association for Consumer Research 39th Annual North American Conference (pp. N/A). St. Louis: ACR.
'The Values of Senior Consumers: A Multinational Analysis'
Sudbury-Riley, L., Kohlbacher, F., & Hofmeister, A. (2011). 'The Values of Senior Consumers: A Multinational Analysis'. In Asia-Pacific Conference of the Association for Consumer Research (pp. N/A). Beijing: ACR.
'Using Self-perceived Age and the List of Values to Study Older Consumer in 4 Nations'
Sudbury-Riley, L., Kohlbacher, F., & Hofmeister, A. (2011). 'Using Self-perceived Age and the List of Values to Study Older Consumer in 4 Nations'. In Association for Consumer Research 39th Annual North American Conference (pp. N/A). St. Louis: ACR.
International Market Segmentation in an Era of Demographic Change: Understanding Older Consumers through Cognitive Age and Personal Values
Kohlbacher, F., Sudbury-Riley, L., & Hofmeister, A. (n.d.). International Market Segmentation in an Era of Demographic Change: Understanding Older Consumers through Cognitive Age and Personal Values. In American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators' Conference. San Francisco, CA.
'Analysing senior's ethical consumer behaviour across nations'
Sudbury-Riley, L. (2011). 'Analysing senior's ethical consumer behaviour across nations'. In Consumption and Well-being in the Aging Society: Advancing Research on Older Consumers (pp. N/A). Tokyo: The German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ) Tokyo.
'Challenging the culture-free hypothesis of cognitive age among older consumers: Evidence from a cross-national survey'
Kohlbacher, F., Sudbury-Riley, L., & Hofmeister, A. (2011). 'Challenging the culture-free hypothesis of cognitive age among older consumers: Evidence from a cross-national survey'. Advances in Consumer Research, 39.
'Is Self-Perceived Age Culture Free? A Cross-National Study of Age Identity and Cognitive Age'
Kohlbacher, F., Sudbury-Riley, L., & Hofmeister, A. (2011). 'Is Self-Perceived Age Culture Free? A Cross-National Study of Age Identity and Cognitive Age'. In The Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting (pp. N/A). Minneapolis: Gerontological Society of America.
'Self-Perceived Age among older consumers: A cross-national investigation'
Sudbury-Riley, L., Florian, K., & Agnes, H. (2011). 'Self-Perceived Age among older consumers: A cross-national investigation'. In American Marketing Association Winter Marketing Educators' Conference (pp. N/A). Austin: AMA.
'Self-Perceived Age: A Cross-Cultural Empirical Investigation'
Sudbury, L., Kohlbacher, F., & Hofmeister, A. (2011). 'Self-Perceived Age: A Cross-Cultural Empirical Investigation'. In 10th International Marketing Trends Conference (pp. N/A). Paris: International Marketing Trends Congress.
'Senior Values: A Cross-Cultural Analysis'
Sudbury, L., Kohlbacher, F., & Hofmeister, A. (2011). 'Senior Values: A Cross-Cultural Analysis'. In 10th International Marketing Trends Conference (pp. N/A). Paris: International Marketing Trends Congress.
'Understanding Older Consumers through Cognitive Age and Personal Values: An International Perspective'
Kohlbacher, F., Sudbury-Riley, L., & Hofmeister, A. (2011). 'Understanding Older Consumers through Cognitive Age and Personal Values: An International Perspective'. In American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators' Conference (pp. N/A). San Francisco: AMA.
Bargain Hunting Belongers and Positive Pioneers: Key Silver Market Segments in the UK
Sudbury, L., & Simcock, P. (2011). Bargain Hunting Belongers and Positive Pioneers: Key Silver Market Segments in the UK. In The Silver Market Phenomenon (pp. 195-201). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-14338-0_14
'Grandparenthood and Cognitive Age: Key Variables for Targeting the Over-50 Market'
Sudbury, L. (2010). 'Grandparenthood and Cognitive Age: Key Variables for Targeting the Over-50 Market'. Micro and Macro Marketing, 3, 407-420.
'FAshion marketing and the ethical movment versus individualist consumption: Analysing the attitude behaviour gap'
Sudbury, L., & Boltner, S. (2011). 'FAshion marketing and the ethical movment versus individualist consumption: Analysing the attitude behaviour gap'. European Advances in Consumer Research, 9, 163-168.
'All our yesterdays? Profiling the nostalgia prone older consumer'
Sudbury, L. (2010). 'All our yesterdays? Profiling the nostalgia prone older consumer'. In Academy of Marketing Conference (pp. N/A). Coventry: Academy of Marketing.
'How Many Is Too Many? An application of Working Memory to Advertising Copy'
Sudbury, L., & Meehan, J. (2010). 'How Many Is Too Many? An application of Working Memory to Advertising Copy'. In Academy of Marketing Conference (pp. N/A). Coventry: Academy of Marketing.
'The British Market Maven: An altruistic provider of marketplace information'
Sudbury, L., & Jones, J. (2010). 'The British Market Maven: An altruistic provider of marketplace information'. In Academy of Marketing Conference (pp. N/A). Coventry: Academy of Marketing.
'To use or not to use? Age based sales promotions and the older consumer'
Sudbury, L. (2010). 'To use or not to use? Age based sales promotions and the older consumer'. In American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators' Conference (pp. N/A). Boston: AMA.
'Using qualitative diary research to analyse older consumers' packaging experiences'
Sudbury, L., & Simcock, P. (2010). 'Using qualitative diary research to analyse older consumers' packaging experiences'. In American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators' Conference (pp. N/A). Boston: AMA.
A multivariate segmentation model of senior consumers
Sudbury, L., & Simcock, P. (2009). A multivariate segmentation model of senior consumers. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 26(4), 251-262. doi:10.1108/07363760910965855
'A few of our less favourite things? A phenomenological investigation into packaging and the older consumer'
Sudbury, L., & Simcock, P. (2009). 'A few of our less favourite things? A phenomenological investigation into packaging and the older consumer'. In 9th European Academy of Management Conference (pp. N/A). Liverpool: Academy of Management.
'An Empirical Investigation into Self-Perceived Age and Media Usage among Senior Consumers'
Sudbury, L. (2009). 'An Empirical Investigation into Self-Perceived Age and Media Usage among Senior Consumers'. In 8th International Congress on Marketing Trends (pp. N/A). Paris: International Marketing Trends Congress.
'Because it Works! The case of Perfect and Protect and Word of Mouth Marketing'
Sudbury, L. (2009). 'Because it Works! The case of Perfect and Protect and Word of Mouth Marketing'. In C. Fill (Ed.), Marketing Communications: Interactivity, Communities and Context, (pp. N/A). London: Prentice-Hall.
'Using critical incident technique (CIT) to capture the voice of the student'
Douglas, J., McClelland, R., Davies, J., & Sudbury, L. (2009). 'Using critical incident technique (CIT) to capture the voice of the student'. The TQM Journal, 21(4), 305-318.
Understanding older consumers through cognitive age and the list of values: A U.K.‐based perspective
Sudbury, L., & Simcock, P. (2009). Understanding older consumers through cognitive age and the list of values: A U.K.‐based perspective. Psychology & Marketing, 26(1), 22-38. doi:10.1002/mar.20260
'Comparing CIT and survey questionnaires as a means of collecting student feedback'
Douglas, J., McClelland;, B., Sudbury, L., & Davies, J. (2008). 'Comparing CIT and survey questionnaires as a means of collecting student feedback'. In Toulon-Verona Conference (pp. N/A). Florence: Toulon-Verona Conference.
'Embedding a Marketing Orientation into the Firm: The Case for the Ashridge Mission Model'
Sudbury, L. (2008). 'Embedding a Marketing Orientation into the Firm: The Case for the Ashridge Mission Model'. In 6th International Conference on Marketing (pp. N/A). Athens: Athens Institute for Education and Research.
'Modern Media Planning: An Exploratory Study into the Gap between Theory and Practice'
Sudbury, L., & Junaid Tariq, M. (2008). 'Modern Media Planning: An Exploratory Study into the Gap between Theory and Practice'. In 13th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications (pp. N/A). Ljubljana: CMC.
'Who Do You Think You're Looking At? Celebrity Endorsement, Cognitive Age, and the Older Female Consumer'
Sudbury, L., Simcock, P., & Sinclair, R. (2008). 'Who Do You Think You're Looking At? Celebrity Endorsement, Cognitive Age, and the Older Female Consumer'. Micro & Macro Marketing, 2, 259-270.
'Who Do You Think You're Looking At? Celebrity Endorsement, Cognitive Age, and the Older Female Consumer'
Sudbury, L., Simcock, P., & Sinclair, R. (2008). 'Who Do You Think You're Looking At? Celebrity Endorsement, Cognitive Age, and the Older Female Consumer'. In 7th International Congress on Marketing Trends (pp. N/A). Venice: Marketing Trends Congress.
'The Senior Taboo? Age Based Sales Promotions, Self-Perceived Age and the Older Consumer'
Sudbury, L. (2007). 'The Senior Taboo? Age Based Sales Promotions, Self-Perceived Age and the Older Consumer'. In 8th European Association for Consumer Research Conference, Vol. 8 (pp. 358-359). Milan: ACR.
'Bargain Hunting Belongers and Positive Pioneers: Key Segments in the 50+ Consumer Market'
Sudbury, L. (2007). 'Bargain Hunting Belongers and Positive Pioneers: Key Segments in the 50+ Consumer Market'. In Academy of Marketing Conference (pp. N/A). London: Academy of Marketing.
Grandparenthood and Cognitive Age: Key Variables for Targeting the Over Fifties Market
Sudbury-Riley, L. (2007). Grandparenthood and Cognitive Age: Key Variables for Targeting the Over Fifties Market. In 6th International Congress Marketing trends. Paris.
Age, Perceived Risk and Satisfaction in Consumer Decision Making: A Review and Extension
Simcock, P., Sudbury, L., & Wright, G. (2006). Age, Perceived Risk and Satisfaction in Consumer Decision Making: A Review and Extension. Journal of Marketing Management, 22(3-4), 355-377. doi:10.1362/026725706776861163
'A Multivariate Segmentation Model of the Older UK Consumer Market'
Sudbury, L. (2006). 'A Multivariate Segmentation Model of the Older UK Consumer Market'. Advances in Consumer Research, 34, 286-287.
'The Invisible Majority? Older Models in UK Television Advertising'
Simcock, P., & Sudbury, L. (2006). 'The Invisible Majority? Older Models in UK Television Advertising'. International Journal of Advertising, 25(1), 87-106.
'The Portrayal of Black People in UK Television Advertising: Perception and Reality'
Sudbury, L., & Wilberforce, F. (2006). 'The Portrayal of Black People in UK Television Advertising: Perception and Reality'. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 5, 465-476.
'Wasted on the Young? Younger and Older Consumers and Age-of-Model Preferences in Advertising'
Sudbury, L., Simcock, P., & Jones, N. (2006). 'Wasted on the Young? Younger and Older Consumers and Age-of-Model Preferences in Advertising'. In Academy of Marketing Conference (pp. N/A). London: Academy of Marketing.
'adidas Originals Training Shoes' '
Sudbury, L., & Byrne, A. (2006). 'adidas Originals Training Shoes' '. In Marketing Communications: Engagement, Strategies and Practice (pp. N/A). London: Prentice-Hall.
'Older Consumers, Cognitive Age and the List of Values (LOV): An Empirical Study'
Sudbury, L. (2005). 'Older Consumers, Cognitive Age and the List of Values (LOV): An Empirical Study'. In American Marketing Association Summer Educators Conference (pp. N/A). San Francisco: AMA.
'Retired from the Workplace, not the Marketplace: The Implications of Retirement for the Self-Perceived Ages of Older Consumers#
Sudbury, L. (2005). 'Retired from the Workplace, not the Marketplace: The Implications of Retirement for the Self-Perceived Ages of Older Consumers#. In Academy of Marketing Conference (pp. N/A). Dublin: Academy of Marketing.
Subjective age perceptions in the UK: An empirical study
Sudbury, L. (2004). Subjective age perceptions in the UK: An empirical study. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 5(1), 4-13. doi:10.1108/14717794200400002
'Subjective Age Perceptions in the UK: An Empirical Study'
Sudbury, L. (2004). 'Subjective Age Perceptions in the UK: An Empirical Study'. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 5(4-13).
'The New Older Consumer: We're Not Ready to Act Our Age!'
Sudbury, L., Simcock, P., & Wright, G. (2004). 'The New Older Consumer: We're Not Ready to Act Our Age!'. In 4th CRAWS Conference (pp. N/A). Manchester: CRAWS.
'The Impact of Age on Perceived Risk and Risk Reduction in High Involvement Consumer Decision Making'
Sudbury, L., Simcock, P., & Wright, G. (2003). 'The Impact of Age on Perceived Risk and Risk Reduction in High Involvement Consumer Decision Making'. In European Marketing Trends Congress (pp. N/A). Venice: Marketing Trends Congress.
'Exploring the Grey Area: Age and Risk in Customer Behaviour"'
Sudbury, L., Simcock, P., & Wright, G. (2002). 'Exploring the Grey Area: Age and Risk in Customer Behaviour"'. In American Marketing Association Summer Educators Conference (pp. N/A). San Diego: AMA.
'Marketing to Grey Consumers Isn't Black and White'
Sudbury, L. (2002). 'Marketing to Grey Consumers Isn't Black and White'. In C. Fill (Ed.), Marketing Communications: Contexts, Strategies and Applications (pp. N/A). London: Prentice-Hall.