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Dr Louise Oni

Senior Lecturer in Paediatric Nephrology and Honorary Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist
Women's & Children's Health


Dr. Oni strives to deliver high quality teaching that is reinforced by a Senior Fellow HEA teaching qualification. Regionally, she served as a member on the Institute of life course and medical sciences (ILCAMS) Education Committee for 5 years, where she championed for the fair allocation of teaching workloads across the entire Institute; resulting in an increase in the pool of teachers by 35% and the number of projects by 32% without any investment. Internationally, she contributed as a member on the European Society of Paediatric Nephrology (ESPN) speciality Examination board involving question writing, standard setting and formal evaluation of the examination conduct. She positively embraces feedback in all aspects of my career and she consistently receives high scores for the delivery of teaching, for example, the lecture titled ‘Updates on IgA vasculitis’ performed for Minnesota Children’s hospital Grand Round, USA (May 2021) received feedback scores of excellent or very good from 16/16 respondents and 13/16 classed the content as ‘cutting edge’.

MBChB Course, University of Liverpool Medical School, Liverpool
• Medical school admissions interviewer (2019 to date)
• Formal bedside teaching sessions for medical students in year 3-5 (2017 to date)
• Chronic Kidney disease lecture, Year 3 MBChB, (2017-2020)
• RS2/3 3rd year research scholarship medical students (2014 to date)
• OSCE examiner, Liverpool Medical School (2009 to date)
• 3rd year students history teaching sessions (2009-2012)

Masters programmes, MRes and MPhil teaching, University of Liverpool
• MRes journal club teaching (Feb 2023)
• MPhil teaching session; basic academic skills (2020-2023)

Examination setting/marking
• RCPCH membership examination question writing (2007, 2008)
• Child health MBChB Y3/Y4 question writing (2021-2023)
• ESPN examination board member, question writing, examination and marking standards (2022, 2023)

External PhD examiner
1. PhD thesis viva, University of Leicester, April 2024
2. PhD thesis viva; University of Leicester, Feb 2021

Internal MPhil/PhD examiner
1. PhD viva pending, July 2024
2. MPhil thesis (NG); Assessing the risk of systemic disease in children who present to primary care with mouth ulcers, Sept 2022
3. MPhil thesis (LJ), Understanding the cardiovascular risk profile in paediatric patients with Turner Syndrome, Aug 2022
4. MPhil thesis (VS), Safety and efficacy of drugs used in paediatric oncology, July 2021
5. MPhil thesis (CN), The Liverpool Baby Breathing Study: A Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Assessment of Respiratory Symptoms in the First Five Years of Life, and Their Impact on Quality of Life, July 2021
6. MPhil thesis (AT), The impact of continuous glucose monitoring on the management of people with cystic fibrosis-related diabetes, Aug 2020
7. MPhil thesis (JC), Adherence to insulin in children and young people with Type 1 diabetes, Aug 2020

Internal MRes mini-viva first and second marker
1. MRes mini viva (6 candidates each round) Jan 2019, July 2019, Jan 2020, April 2021

PGR annual progression panels
PhD, MPhil independent annual progression panels (July 2019-to date)

Contributions to curriculum development
ESPN Paediatric Nephrology Board examination and curriculum development (2022, 2023)