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Dr Louise Oni

Senior Lecturer in Paediatric Nephrology and Honorary Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist
Women's & Children's Health

Professional Activities

International leadership roles
• Data safety monitoring board (DSMB), NIH, USA, Jan 2024 to date
• Prepare-NS Clinical Expert Panel (patient reported outcome measure of oedema), University of Michigan USA, Dec 2023 to date
• European IgA vasculitis working group to develop position statements for adult IgAV (EUGAVAS), June 2023 to date
• PRINTO/PReS working group for IgA vasculitis, 2023 to date
• New Cairo, Egypt IgA Nephropathy meta-analysis working group expert advisor, Feb 2023 to date
• 20th International vasculitis and ANCA workshop organising committee, Dublin, April 2022
• European Society Paediatric Nephrology (ESPN) Glomerular diseases board member (2024) and working group member (2020)
• International IgA Nephropathy Network Research group member, May 2021 to date
• ESPN examination Board member, Feb 2022 to date
• Data safety monitoring board (DSMB), Aurinia pharmaceuticals, June 2021 to date
• Chair of the international working group for the PINPOINT trial (IgA vasculitis) and workshop, Venice, Oct 2019

National and local leadership roles
• Chief Investigator of the UK Kidney Ecosystem, Translational Rare kidney disease consortium, Sept 2024
• Member of UK International mirror and action group (RD-IMAG) to align and facilitate international collaborations in rare disease research, Dec 2023 to date.
• Kidney Research UK Research Grants committee, UK, July 2023 to date
• RaDaR rare disease IgA nephropathy working group, 2023 to date.
• Chair of UK harmonisation of children’s glomerulonephritis guideline development group, Feb 2023 to date
• UK Chief Investigator, The POSTERITY Trial; a phase 2 trial evaluating Obintunuzumab in adolecents with lupus nephritis, 2022 to date.
• UK Kidney Association glomerulonephritis clinical studies group member, 2022 to date
• UK Kidney Association KDIGO glomerulonephritis guidelines commentary group Paediatric representative, Feb 2022-2023.
• Chair UK IgAV guideline development group, Sept 2021-Jun 2023.
• UK and Ireland vasculitis society (UKVAS) executive board member and communications lead, UK, 2020 to date
• NHS Ambassador: NHS Inspiring the future leader, UK, 2018 -2020
• British association paediatric nephrology (BAPN) Clinical studies group member, 2018 to date
• Royal college of paediatrics and child health (RCPCH) Paediatric Nephrology clinical speciality training Trainee representative, UK, 2016-2017
• RCPCH clinical excellence awards trainee representative reviewer, 2016
• NIHR Leadership Programme, Ashridge business school, 2014-2015 (competitively selected)
• Chair of Henoch Schonlein purpura nephritis steering group, 2012-2014.

International conferences
• IgA vasculitis in children, European alliance of associations for rheumatology (EULAR) congress, Vienna, June 2024
• Evidence based management of IgA nephropathy in children, Denmark national society meeting, March 2024
• Tubulointerstitial nephritis: steroids for all? Management dilemmas, European Society Paediatric Nephrology (ESPN), Lithuania, Sept 2023
• Careers in clinical academic paediatric nephrology, YPNN (ESPN), Lithuania, Sept 2023
• Clinical trials in pediatric IgAN and IgAV-N, pre-congress CME course, ESPN, Lithuania, Sept 2023
• Anti-glomerular basement membrane disease content expert webinar, American Society Paediatric Nephrology, Jan 2023
• IgA nephropathy break out session facilitator, GlomCon, USA, Jan 2023
• Incidence and management of hypogammaglobulinaemia post-rituximab in children, ESPN, Slovenia, June 2022
• Vasculitis in Children, International vasculitis patient meeting, Dublin, April 2022
• Pediatric Rheumatologist and Pediatric Nephrologist: A duet or a solo performance. Pediatric Renal Rheumatology Update India, Feb 2022
• Updates on IgA vasculitis, Minnesota Children’s Hospital grand round, USA, May 2021
• Management of HSP nephritis, what can adult nephrology learn from the paediatric experience, GlomCon international virtual presentation, Dec 2019.
• Renal manifestations of vasculitis. ESPN, Turkey, Oct 2018
• Lupus nephritis. IPNA Junior Masterclass, Turkey Oct 2018
• Becoming a new paediatric nephrologist; balancing clinical work, research and family. European Society of Paediatric Nephrology, Glasgow, Sept 2017

National conferences
• Paediatric Vasculitis, British Society Rheumatology (BSR), Liverpool, April 2024
• The UK Kidney Ecosystem, BAPN March 2024
• The UK Kidney Ecosystem initiative, Glomerulonephritis experimental medicine day, Royal Society of Medicine, London Jan 2024
• Paediatric glomerulonephritis, Frontiers in glomerulonephritis meeting, Royal Society of Medicine, London Jan 2024
• IgA vasculitis in children, 7th annual moving on up together, renal conditions study day, Southampton, Oct 2023
• Updates on IgA vasculitis, Renal and Urology course, Great Ormond street Institute of Child Health, April 2023
• Paediatric Vasculitis, UKIVAS Education course, Cambridge, Dec 2022
• Chronic kidney disease in childhood, British Dietetic Association MSc Advanced Professional Practice in Paediatric Dietetics, University of Plymouth June 2022
• IgAN treatments update, Evelina Children’s Hospital, March 2022
• IgAN management, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, March 2022
• Update on the PINPOINT trial, BAPN clinical studies group meeting, Jan 2022
• Treatment of HSP nephritis (IgA vasculitis), Nephro-urology course, London, Feb 2021 (virtual)
• Acute abdominal involvement and nephritis in IgA vasculitis (HSP): can we improve management? RCPCH conference, UK, Oct 2020 (virtual)

International clinical consultancy
• Private patient clinical consultations, 2023 to date

Industry consultancy and expert advisory roles (all financial income is placed in a charitable account for the progression of others)

Editorial roles
• Editorial board member for Journal Society of Nephrology (JASN), Editorial Fellowship, July 2023 to date
• Editorial board member for Pediatric Nephrology journal, section editor Immunology/glomerular disease, Nov 2020 to date
• Edited ‘My Kidney’ book, a centre-specific personalised kidney transplantation book for children, Dec 2022.
• Author of IgA vasculitis (Henoch-Schonlein purpura) online information, BMJ Best Practice (updated annually since 2019)

Peer reviewer roles
• Grant reviewer for national and international grant applications
• Peer reviewer for many international journals

Prizes as senior or co-author
• Dr. Farooq prize for renal research, 2nd place oral abstract presentation, Outcomes associated with SGLT2i in kidney transplant recipients, E Davies, N Anwar, P Austin, C Wong, M Devonald, GYH Lip, L Oni, G McDowell, A Rao. Liverpool regional research meeting, Dec 2023
• 3rd prize oral abstract presentation. Urinary IgA and C5a levels are indicators of renal involvement in childen with IgA Vasculitis, Julien Marro, Rachael D. Wright, Andrew J. Chetwynd, Louise Oni. BAPN winter meeting Jan 2022

Prizes as lead author
• Young trainee award, Best oral presentation. Interobserver variability of the histological classification of lupus nephritis in children, L Oni, MW Beresford, D Witte, A Chatzitolios, N Sebire, K Abulaban, R Shukla, J Ying, HI Brunner. Franco-British Paediatric Nephrology Meeting, Dec 2016
• BAPN Travel grant: Franco-British Paediatric Nephrology Meeting, Dec 2016
• Travel award: European Grant of the French Society of Pediatric Nephrology, Nov 2014
• Integrated clinical academic training presentation prize, University of Liverpool, Nov 2014
• Integrated clinical academic training travel award for research placement at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, University of Liverpool, Aug 2014
• British association of paediatric nephrology (BAPN) travel award to speak at RCPCH, April 2014
• Travel award, Institute of Translational Medicine to attend EULAR conference, University of Liverpool, Sept 2013
• Best oral abstract presentation: Watson L, Tullus K, Pilkington C, Marks SD, Jones C, Beresford MW. ‘Novel urine biomarkers for monitoring lupus nephritis’, Manchester medical Society, Manchester, Oct 2012
• Best oral abstract presentation: Watson L, Tullus K, Pilkington C, Marks SD, Jones C, Beresford MW. ‘Novel urine biomarkers perform better than standard markers for monitoring juvenile lupus nephritis’, Academic Paediatric Association (APA) Cardiff, Oct 2012
• Best oral abstract presentation: Watson L, Tullus K, Pilkington C, Chesters C, Marks SD, Newland P, Jones C, Beresford MW. ‘Novel urine biomarkers outperform standard markers in juvenile lupus nephritis’. BSPAR Edinburgh, Sept 2012
• British association of paediatric nephrology (BAPN) travel award to attend ESPN, Oct 2011
• Best oral abstract presentation: Watson L, Midgley A, Ballantine L, Jones C, Holt RCL, Marks SD, Pilkington C, Tullus K, Beresford MW. ‘Activated macrophages up regulate TNFα receptor 2 on the podocyte cell in JSLE’, BSPAR Nottingham, Sept 2011
• Paediatric Nephrology for General Paediatricians Study day quiz, First prize Manchester, June 2011
• Best poster presentation: Midgley A, Puglisi A, Watson L, Beresford M.W. ‘The role of Th17 cells in Juvenile Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: IL-17 and IL-23 expression’ BSPAR Liverpool, Sept 2009

Professional Body Memberships

  • European Society of Paediatric Nephrology (Member, 2015 - present)
  • British Association of Paediatric Nephrology (Member, 2011 - present)
  • Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (Member, 2007 - present)
  • General Medical Council (Member, 2003 - present)
  • Medical Protection Society (Member, 2003 - present)