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Levi Gahman

Professor Levi Gahman
PhD (Interdisciplinary); MA (Dist); BA (Hons); BSc (summa cum laude); FHEA

Professor of Emancipatory Politics & Global Challenges
Geography and Planning


To date, I have been PI and managed a wide array of participatory initiatives and health-based projects across the Caribbean and Central America that have received funding from the AHRC, NERC, EPSRC, SSHRC, ISPF, British Academy, Antipode Foundation, ISRF, University of West Indies CRPF, Federation of Post-Secondary Educators, and UKRI Global Challenges Research Fund.

'Un Mundo Donde Quepan Muchos Mundos' and 'Preguntando Caminamos' (mural, Zapatista territory)

Emancipatory Politics and Movement-Relevant Research

My aim here is to find out how communities are working together to build what the Zapatistas call "A World in which Many Worlds Fit" by placing dignity and mutuality at the heart of their relations. The goal is to gain insight into the ways in which social movements are breathing life into alternative futures via grassroots praxis.

"Development" for and by whom? At what cost? (A field-site and classroom in the circum-Caribbean)

Youth Action, Anticolonial Methods, and the Climate Crisis

What is often left out of research related to development, humanitarianism, and disaster are the centuries-long extractions of wealth from negatively racialised communities in both the Global South and peripheral North. Our aim is to confront and change this by working with engaged youth who desire just and sustainable futures.

Cover of Land, God, and Guns (Zed Scholar) by Levi Gahman

Settler Colonialism, American Nationalism, and Masculinity

Published by Zed Books under their "ZED Scholar" line. For more on ZED Scholar, click this link.

I grew up in the heartland of an American settler colony riddled with inequality, gun violence, and deaths of despair. My aim here is to demonstrate that any diagnosis of crisis, suffering, and masculinity in what many call the US must account for the country’s historical trajectories of dispossession and structural white supremacy.