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Levi Gahman

Professor Levi Gahman
PhD (Interdisciplinary); MA (Dist); BA (Hons); BSc (summa cum laude); FHEA


Selected publications

  1. Defending Community, Territory, and Indigenous Environmental Relations (Book - 2025)
  2. Building Better Worlds: Ideas and Inspiration from the Zapatistas (Book - 2022)
  3. Land, God, and Guns: Settler Colonialism and Masculinity in the American Heartland (Book - 2020)
  4. Alienation Flows through the Barrel of a Gun: Despair, Mass Shootings, and Suicide in an American Settler Colony (Journal article - 2024)
  5. Feminist Development Justice as Emancipatory Praxis: Recognising the Knowledge of Social Movements "From Below" (Journal article - 2024)
  6. Environmental Defenders and Social Movements: The Violent Realities of Resisting Extractivism (Chapter - 2023)
  7. Land, Race, and (Slow) Violence: Indigenous Resistance to Racial Capitalism and the Coloniality of Development in the Caribbean (Journal article - 2022)
  8. Contra plantation, prison, and capitalist annihilation: collective struggle, social reproduction, and the co-creation of lifegiving worlds (Journal article - 2020)
  9. Development Justice, a Proposal: Reckoning with Disaster, Catastrophe, and Climate Change in the Caribbean (Journal article - 2020)
  10. Border Imperialism, Racial Capitalism, and Geographies of Deracination (Journal article - 2019)
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Defending Community, Territory, and Indigenous Environmental Relations

Gahman, L., Penados, F., Coc, C., & Smith, S. -J. (n.d.). Defending Community, Territory, and Indigenous Environmental Relations. Cambridge University Press.


The Emancipatory Potential of Praxis, Accompaniment, and Liberation Psychology: An Appeal to Fanon, Freire, and Feminist Ethics

Greenidge, A., Gahman, L., & Mohamed, N. (n.d.). The Emancipatory Potential of Praxis, Accompaniment, and Liberation Psychology: An Appeal to Fanon, Freire, and Feminist Ethics. In The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Change (pp. 1-22). Cham: Switzerland: Springer Nature: Palgrave Macmillan.



“There Will Be a Time…”: Confronting the Colonial-Health-Climate Crisis through Participatory Action Research by and for Youth

Gahman, L., Penados, F., Smith, S. -J., & Youth for Justice Collective. (2024). “There Will Be a Time…”: Confronting the Colonial-Health-Climate Crisis through Participatory Action Research by and for Youth. Retrieved from


Caribbean Street Vending Experiences: Guyanese Migrant Women in Trinidad and Tobago

Collins, T., & Gahman, L. (2025). Caribbean street vending experiences: Guyanese migrant women in Trinidad and Tobago. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 51(1), 306-323. doi:10.1080/1369183x.2024.2395391

Journal article

The Crucible of Modernity: Struggles for Land, Life, and Liberation in the Caribbean (Surviving Society Productions - Podcast Series)

Gahman, L., Reyes, J. -R., Greenidge, A., Lewis, C. J., & Ofori-Addo, G. A. (2024). The Crucible of Modernity: Struggles for Land, Life, and Liberation in the Caribbean (Surviving Society Productions - Podcast Series). Retrieved from

Digital or visual media

Toward Grassroots Autonomy and Research "Accompliceship": Building Solidarity with the Maya Struggle of Southern Belize

Gahman, L., Penados, F., Smith, S. -J., & Mattu, C. (n.d.). Toward Grassroots Autonomy and Research"Accompliceship": Building Solidarity with the Maya Struggle of Southern Belize. In M. York, & M. Sitrin (Eds.), Deep Commons: Cultivating Ecologies of Solidarityand Care Beyond Capitalism, Anthroparchy, Patriarchy, Racism, and the State. SUNY (State University of New York) Press.



Mallick, A., & Gahman, L. (2024). Imperialism. In The Encyclopedia of Human Geography (pp. 1-7). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-25900-5_314-1


Constructing Worlds Otherwise by Raúl Zibechi, Translation by George Ygarza Quispe

Gahman, L. (2024). Constructing Worlds Otherwise by Raúl Zibechi, Translation by George Ygarza Quispe. NACLA Report on the Americas, 56(3), 347-350. doi:10.1080/10714839.2024.2388392

Book Review


Hidden Histories: Resistance and Restoration in Black Liverpool (Surviving Society Productions - Podcast Series)

Smith, S. J., Lewis, C. J., Ofori-Addo, G. A., & Gahman, L. (2023). Hidden Histories: Resistance and Restoration in Black Liverpool (Surviving Society Productions - Podcast Series). Retrieved from

Digital or visual media

Zapatista Stories for Dreaming An-Other World By Subcomandante Marcos, Translation by The Lightning Collective

Gahman, L. (2024). Zapatista Stories for Dreaming An-Other World By Subcomandante Marcos, Translation by The Lightning Collective. Canadian Geographies / Géographies Canadiennes. doi:10.1111/cag.12918

Book Review

Snapshots of Maya Self-determination in Southern Belize (Special Issue: Afterlives of Empire)

Kus, R., Gahman, L., Greenidge, A., Penados, F., & Smith, S. J. (n.d.). Snapshots of Maya Self-determination in Southern Belize (Special Issue: Afterlives of Empire). NACLA Report on the Americas, 55(3), 294-304. doi:10.1080/10714839.2023.2247761

Journal article

Sowing Seeds of Change, Empire be Damned: Paying Homage to Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth and International Peasant Struggle

Gahman, L., & Reyes, J. -R. (2023). Sowing Seeds of Change, Empire be Damned: Paying Homage to Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth and International Peasant Struggle. Verso. Retrieved from

Website content

Gender, Environmental Conflict, and Direct Action: The Pivotal Role of Women in Struggles for Land and Life

McGrane, C., Mohamed, N., & Gahman, L. (2023). Gender, Environmental Conflict, and Direct Action: The Pivotal Role of Women in Struggles for Land and Life. In The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Change. Cham: Switzerland: Springer Nature: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-87624-1_16-1



Building Better Worlds: Ideas and Inspiration from the Zapatistas

Gahman, L., Smith, S. -J., Penados, F., Mohamed, N., Reyes, J. -R., & Mohamed, A. (2022). Building Better Worlds: Ideas and Inspiration from the Zapatistas. Bristol University Press.


Bad Faith and Betrayal in Belize: Maya Governance Attacked and Disavowed in the Name of "Development"

Gahman, L., Penados, F., & Smith, S. -J. (2022). Bad Faith and Betrayal in Belize: Maya Governance Attacked and Disavowed in the Name of "Development". ROAR (Reflections On A Revolution) Online Journal. Retrieved from

Website content


"The Future We Dream:" Unsettling Impact and Knowledge Production as We Know It

Gahman, L., Penados, F., & Smith, S. -J. (2021). "The Future We Dream:" Unsettling Impact and Knowledge Production as We Know It. Transforming Society: An Online Publication of Bristol University Press. Retrieved from

Website content

From “Caliban” to “Cockroaches”: The Construction of Profane Space, Wretched Others, and Political Agency in a Postcolonial “Ghetto”

Reyes, J. -R., & Gahman, L. (2021). From “Caliban” to “Cockroaches”: The Construction of Profane Space, Wretched Others, and Political Agency in a Postcolonial “Ghetto”. In N. Gibson (Ed.), Fanon Today: The Revolt and Reason of the Wretched of the Earth. Daraja Press.


Joy Against the (Colonial) Machine, Building Better Futures

Miss, S., Kus, R., Penados, F., & Gahman, L. (2021). Joy Against the (Colonial) Machine, Building Better Futures. Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, 33(1), 140-148. doi:10.1080/10402659.2021.1956147

Journal article

Maya Communities Respond to Land Predation and Violations of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent in Belize

Gahman, L., Penados, F., & Smith, S. -J. (2021). Maya Communities Respond to Land Predation and Violations of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent in Belize. NACLA: North American Congress on Latin America. Retrieved from

Website content

“I Keep’em Around Just in Case”: Understanding Gun Ownership in the U.S. from an Intersectional Perspective

Gahman, L. (2021). “I Keep’em Around Just in Case”: Understanding Gun Ownership in the U.S. from an Intersectional Perspective. In C. H. Harris, & S. M. McClure (Eds.), Getting Real About Inequality.. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications..



Land, God, and Guns: Settler Colonialism and Masculinity in the American Heartland

Gahman, L. (2020). Land, God, and Guns: Settler Colonialism and Masculinity in the American Heartland. ZED Books (ZED Scholar). Retrieved from


Conjunctural Insurrections: Persistent Coloniality, Profane Space, and Purported Impact in the Caribbean

Gahman, L., & Reyes, J. -R. (2020). Conjunctural Insurrections: Persistent Coloniality, Profane Space, and Purported Impact in the Caribbean. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography. Retrieved from

Website content

Violence in the Time of COVID: Dispatches on State Violence and Police Brutality from the Caribbean

Gahman, L., & Reyes, J. -R. (2020). Violence in the Time of COVID: Dispatches on State Violence and Police Brutality from the Caribbean. Discover Society: Social Research Publications. Retrieved from

Website content

Dear Geography, Fail Better. Why Climate and Disaster Studies must take Colonialism and Race Seriously

Gahman, L., & Thongs, G. (2020). Dear Geography, Fail Better. Why Climate and Disaster Studies must take Colonialism and Race Seriously. Geography Directions: Royal Geographical Society with IBG. Retrieved from

Website content


Border Imperialism, Racial Capitalism, and Geographies of Deracination

Gahman, L., & Hjalmarson, E. (2019). Border imperialism, racial capitalism, and geographies of deracination. ACME, 18(1), 107-129.

Journal article

Activist Geographies (International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2nd Edition)

Gahman, L., Reyes, J. -R., Miller, T., Gibbings, R., Cohen, A., Greenidge, A., & Chattopadhyay, S. (2020). Activist Geographies. In International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (pp. 23-31). Elsevier. doi:10.1016/b978-0-08-102295-5.10798-x



Special Issue: Border Imperialism

Gahman, L. (Ed.) (2018). Special Issue: Border Imperialism (Vol. 18). ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies. Retrieved from

Edited special journal issue

Special Issue: Ecosocialist Pedagogies

Chattopadhyay, S., Gahman, L., & Watson, J. (Eds.) (2018). Special Issue: Ecosocialist Pedagogies (Vol. 30). Capitalism, Nature, Socialism. Retrieved from

Edited special journal issue

Gender, Neoliberalism, and Embodiment: A Social Geography of Rural, Working-Class Masculinity in Southeast Kansas

Gahman, L. (2018). Gender, Neoliberalism, and Embodiment: A Social Geography of Rural, Working-Class Masculinity in Southeast Kansas. In Masculinity, Labour, and Neoliberalism (pp. 243-264). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-63172-1_11



Towards a Politics of Accountability: Caribbean Feminisms, Indigenous Geographies, Common Struggles

Gahman, L., & Hosein, G. (2017). Towards a Politics of Accountability: Caribbean Feminisms, Indigenous Geographies, Common Struggles. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography. Retrieved from

Website content

Building ‘A World Where Many Worlds Fit’: An (Anti-Capitalist) Moral Economy of the (Rebel) Peasant

Gahman, L. (2017). Building ‘A World Where Many Worlds Fit’: An (Anti-Capitalist) Moral Economy of the (Rebel) Peasant. In J. Duncan, & M. Bailey (Eds.), Sustainable Food Futures: Multidisciplinary Solutions (pp. 235-264). Abingdon: Routledge.


In the Caribbean, Colonialism and Inequality Mean Hurricanes Hit Harder

Gahman, L., & Thongs, G. (2017). In the Caribbean, Colonialism and Inequality Mean Hurricanes Hit Harder. The Conversation: An Independent Source of Analysis and Informed Comment. Retrieved from

Website content


Dismantling Neoliberal Education: A Lesson in Dignity and Non-hierarchical Education from the Zapatistas

Gahman, L. (2016). Dismantling Neoliberal Education: A Lesson in Dignity and Non-hierarchical Education from the Zapatistas. ROAR (Reflections On A Revolution) Online Journal. Retrieved from

Website content


Death of a Zapatista: Neoliberalism's Assault on Indigenous Autonomy

Gahman, L. (2015). Death of a Zapatista: Neoliberalism's Assault on Indigenous Autonomy. Americas Program: Action and Communication for Social Change. Retrieved from

Website content

Locked Arms and Open Hearts: Students from the Okanagan Valley Send Solidarity to Ayotzinapa

Gahman, L. (2015). Locked Arms and Open Hearts: Students from the Okanagan Valley Send Solidarity to Ayotzinapa. Briarpatch Magazine: Analysis from a Grassroots Perspective. Retrieved from

Website content

Neoliberalism, Masculinities and Academic Knowledge Production: Towards a Theory of "Academic Masculinities"

Gahman, L., Berg, L., & Nunn, N. (2015). Neoliberalism, Masculinities and Academic Knowledge Production: Towards a Theory of "Academic Masculinities". In A. Gorman-Murray, & P. Hopkins (Eds.), Masculinities and Place. (pp. 57-74). Abingdon: Routledge.
