Current research projects (2022):
UKOSS Extremely Preterm Prelabour Rupture of Membranes Survey: This is a survey of current care and outcomes of pregnancies complicated by rupture of membranes between 16+0 and 22+6 weeks gestation. This will form the largest cohort of pregnancies affected by such complications and will hopefully give clinicians and parents important information to guide decisions in these difficult situations.
Biomarkers of Preterm Birth: My MD was about the association between the vaginal microbiota and recurrent early preterm birth. I am now utilising already collected participant data and samples to interrogate the association in more depth
RCOG Good Practice Paper on Psychological Trauma in the Workplace: I am working with psychologists in the University of Liverpool, Liverpool John Moores University, midwifery experts at the University of Nottingham and Professor Andrew Weeks to develop resources for obstetrics and gynaecology staff aiming to reduce and provide interventions for post traumatic psychological stress in obstetrics and gynaecology staff.
Research grants
Are yeasts the missing link between the vaginal bacteria and preterm birth?
May 2023 - September 2025