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Katy Kerrane

Dr Katy Kerrane
PhD, MA, BSc (Hons)


Selected publications

  1. Negotiating liminality following life transitions: Reflexive bricolage and liminal hotspots (Journal article - 2021)
  2. (Invisible) Displays of Survivalist Intensive Motherhood among UK Brexit Preppers (Journal article - 2021)
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UK urged to get ready for disaster with new national crises plan – but our research reveals the dark side of prepping

Kerrane, B., Kerrane, K., Bettany, S., & Rowe, D. (2024). UK urged to get ready for disaster with new national crises plan – but our research reveals the dark side of prepping. [Online].

Digital or visual media


Exploring the Role Grandfathers Play in the Consumer Socialisation of Grandchildren

Kerrane, K., Kerrane, B., & Bettany, S. (2021, October 28). Exploring the Role Grandfathers Play in the Consumer Socialisation of Grandchildren. In NA - Advances in Consumer Research Vol. 49 (pp. 412-413). Seattle (Virtual).

Conference Paper

Manifesting Feminist Marketing Futures: Undertaking A ‘Visionary’ Inventory

Parsons, E., Pirani, D., Ashman, R., Daskalopoulou, A., Kerrane, K., & McGouran, C. (2022). Manifesting Feminist Marketing Futures: Undertaking A ‘Visionary’ Inventory. In P. Maclaran, L. Stevens, & O. Kravets (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Marketing and Feminism. Routledge.


Comfort, pleasure and schadenfreude: extending affect into neutralisation theory among UK Brexit prepping consumers in crisis

Kerrane, K., Kerrane, B., Bettany, S., & Rowe, D. (2022). Comfort, pleasure and schadenfreude: extending affect into neutralisation theory among UK Brexit prepping consumers in crisis. In 2022 AMA Winter Academic Conference Reconnecting and Reconceiving the Marketplace. (pp. 470-471). Las Vegas/Online.

Conference Paper


(Invisible) Displays of Survivalist Intensive Motherhood among UK Brexit Preppers

Kerrane, B., Kerrane, K., Bettany, S., & Rowe, D. (2021). (Invisible) Displays of Survivalist Intensive Motherhood among UK Brexit Preppers. SOCIOLOGY-THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, 55(6), 1151-1168. doi:10.1177/0038038521997763

Journal article

Negotiating liminality following life transitions: Reflexive bricolage and liminal hotspots

Kerrane, K., Lindridge, A., & Dibb, S. (n.d.). Negotiating liminality following life transitions: Reflexive bricolage and liminal hotspots. European Journal of Marketing. doi:10.1108/EJM-06-2019-0510

Journal article



Liminality and the Transition to Motherhood for Ethnic Minority Consumers: Examining the Experiences of South Asian Mothers in the UK

Kerrane, K. E., Lindridge, A., & Dibb, S. (2018). Liminality and the Transition to Motherhood for Ethnic Minority Consumers: Examining the Experiences of South Asian Mothers in the UK. In European Advances in Consumer Research Volume 11, eds. Maggie Geuens, Mario Pandelaere, and Michel Tuan Pham, Iris Vermeir, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research Vol. 11 (pp. 116-117). Ghent University.

Conference Paper


Negotiating gender identity and motherhood for South Asian women living in the UK

Kerrane, K. E., Dibb, S., & Lindridge, A. (2017). Negotiating gender identity and motherhood for South Asian women living in the UK. In British Sociological Association Annual Conference. University of Manchester.

Conference Paper

Negotiating motherhood in a multicultural marketplace: Examining the role of consumption for South Asian mothers in the UK

Kerrane, K. E., Lindridge, A., & Dibb, S. (2017). Negotiating motherhood in a multicultural marketplace: Examining the role of consumption for South Asian mothers in the UK. In Academy of Marketing Conference 2017. Hull University Business School.

Conference Paper


Siblings as socialization agents: exploring the role of 'sibship' in the consumer socialization of children

Kerrane, B., Bettany, S. M., & Kerrane, K. (2015). Siblings as socialization agents: exploring the role of 'sibship' in the consumer socialization of children. European Journal of Marketing, 49(5/6), 713-735. doi:10.1108/EJM-06-2013-0296

Journal article

Intersecting discourses of motherhood and familial webs of relationships

Kerrane, K. E. (2015). Intersecting discourses of motherhood and familial webs of relationships. Bilkent University.

Presentation material

New motherhood and consumption: Intersecting Discourses of motherhood and familial webs of relationships

Kerrane, K. E. (2015). New motherhood and consumption: Intersecting Discourses of motherhood and familial webs of relationships. In Academy of Marketing Consumer Research PhD Colloquium. Bangor University.

Conference Paper


Discourses of motherhood and consumption: Exploring South Asian mothers' experiences

Kerrane, K. E. (2014). Discourses of motherhood and consumption: Exploring South Asian mothers' experiences.

Presentation material

New motherhood and consumption: Exploring the experiences of South Asian new mothers

Kerrane, K. E. (2014). New motherhood and consumption: Exploring the experiences of South Asian new mothers. Poster session presented at the meeting of Open University Postgraduate Research Poster Competition.
