Professional Activities
AHRC Nuclear Heritage network member
Advisory Board member - DACIDE project (Independent Research Fund Denmark)
Advisory Board member - Melting Metropolis (Wellcome Trust)
Conference Roles
- An Oral History of Nuclear British Nuclear Test Veterans at 2024 Nuclear Community Convention, by Invitation (Derby, 2024)
- An Oral History of British Nuclear Test Veterans at Labrats All Tests Reunion, by Invitation (Weston-Super-Mare, 2023)
- Nuclear Policy Storylistening Exercise Workshop, by Invitation (London, 2023)
- Keynote, University of Göttingen: Nuclear Culture and Nuclear Presence: What Happens After Nuclear Explosions, Keynote/Plenary (University of Göttingen, 2022)
- Keynote: HOTCUS Winter Symposium 2022, Keynote/Plenary (LJMU, 2022)
- Spoke as part of 'Cold War Urbanism' panel at ICHG conference, July 2015, by Invitation (UoM (Martin Dodge), 2015)
- 'Transnational nuclear perspectives', symposium organiser, ICHSTM 2013, by Invitation (University of Manchester, 2013)
- 'Recognising Teaching Excellence', 11th Learning and Teaching Conference, University of Liverpool, by Invitation (University of Liverpool, 2013)
- Atelier PhD workshop, University of Manchester, by Invitation (University of Manchester, 2012)
- Invited speaker at CHSTM, University of Manchester, October 2011. , by Invitation (University of Manchester, 2011)
- Invited speaker, University of Sheffield, by Invitation (University of Sheffield, 2011)
- ... (Co-Editor, 2010 - 2012)
Organisations I have been associated with
- Day School convener (2012 - 2014)
- Talks for schools (2011 - 2014)
Other Administrative or Committee Roles
- Associate Dean for Education (HLC) 2018-
- Learning Environment (HLC) 2016-17
- Academic Lead for AWP (HLC) 2013-14
- History Lead for AWP 2010-13