Selected publications
- Zygosity-based sex determination in a butterfly drives hypervariability of <i>Masculinizer</i>. (Journal article - 2024)
- The industrial melanism mutation in British peppered moths is a transposable element (Journal article - 2016)
- Genetic convergence of industrial melanism in three geometrid moths (Journal article - 2019)
- Adaptive colour change and background choice behaviour in peppered moth caterpillars is mediated by extraocular photoreception (Journal article - 2019)
- Recessive Z-linked lethals and the retention of haplotype diversity in a captive butterfly population (Journal article - 2020)
- Ecological genomics of range expansion in the speckled wood butterfly, Pararge aegeria (Thesis / Dissertation - 2022)
Genomic Monitoring of a Reintroduced Butterfly Uncovers Contrasting Founder Lineage Survival.
Halford, G., Maes, D., Yung, C. J., Whiteford, S., Bourn, N. A. D., Bulman, C. R., . . . Saccheri, I. J. (2025). Genomic Monitoring of a Reintroduced Butterfly Uncovers Contrasting Founder Lineage Survival.. Evolutionary applications, 18(2), e70074. doi:10.1111/eva.70074
Zygosity-based sex determination in a butterfly drives hypervariability of <i>Masculinizer</i>.
Van't Hof, A. E., Whiteford, S., Yung, C. J., Yoshido, A., Zrzavá, M., de Jong, M. A., . . . Saccheri, I. J. (2024). Zygosity-based sex determination in a butterfly drives hypervariability of <i>Masculinizer</i>.. Science advances, 10(18), eadj6979. doi:10.1126/sciadv.adj6979
Evolutionary trajectory of phenological escape in a flowering plant: Mechanistic insights from bidirectional avoidance of butterfly egg‐laying pressure
Davies, W. J., & Saccheri, I. J. (2024). Evolutionary trajectory of phenological escape in a flowering plant: Mechanistic insights from bidirectional avoidance of butterfly egg‐laying pressure. Ecology and Evolution, 14(5). doi:10.1002/ece3.11330
The genome sequence of the Rock Grayling, Hipparchia semele (Linnaeus, 1758)
Macgregor, C. J., Saccheri, I. J., Wellcome Sanger Institute Tree of Life programme., Wellcome Sanger Institute Scientific Operations: DNA Pipelines collective., Tree of Life Core Informatics collective., & Darwin Tree of Life Consortium. (2023). The genome sequence of the Rock Grayling, Hipparchia semele (Linnaeus, 1758). Wellcome open research, 8, 495. doi:10.12688/wellcomeopenres.20183.1
The genome sequence of the Squinting Bush Brown, <i>Bicyclus anynana</i> (Butler, 1879).
Saccheri, I. J., Wellcome Sanger Institute Tree of Life programme., Wellcome Sanger Institute Scientific Operations: DNA Pipelines collective., Tree of Life Core Informatics collective., & Darwin Tree of Life Consortium. (2023). The genome sequence of the Squinting Bush Brown, <i>Bicyclus anynana</i> (Butler, 1879).. Wellcome open research, 8, 280. doi:10.12688/wellcomeopenres.19432.1
The genome sequence of the Arctic Skipper, <i>Carterocephalus palaemon</i> (Pallas, 1771).
Lohse, K., Ebdon, S., Mackintosh, A., Martin, S., Saccheri, I. J., Bourn, N. A. D., . . . Darwin Tree of Life Consortium. (2023). The genome sequence of the Arctic Skipper, <i>Carterocephalus palaemon</i> (Pallas, 1771).. Wellcome open research, 8, 369. doi:10.12688/wellcomeopenres.19573.1
The genome sequence of the Rosy Footman, Miltochrista miniata (Forster, 1771)
Macgregor, C., Saccheri, I., Fox, B., Boyes, D., University of Oxford and Wytham Woods Genome Acquisition Lab., Darwin Tree of Life Barcoding collective., . . . Darwin Tree of Life Consortium. (2023). The genome sequence of the Rosy Footman, Miltochrista miniata (Forster, 1771). doi:10.12688/wellcomeopenres.20505.1
Recovering individual haplotypes and a contiguous genome assembly from pooled long-read sequencing of the diamondback moth (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae)
Whiteford, S., Van't Hof, A. E., Krishna, R., Marubbi, T., Widdison, S., Saccheri, I. J., . . . Darby, A. C. (2022). Recovering individual haplotypes and a contiguous genome assembly from pooled long-read sequencing of the diamondback moth (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae). G3-GENES GENOMES GENETICS, 12(10). doi:10.1093/g3journal/jkac210
The peppered moth <i>Biston betularia</i>
Rowland, H. M., Saccheri, I. J., & Skelhorn, J. (2022). The peppered moth <i>Biston betularia</i>. CURRENT BIOLOGY, 32(10), R447-R448. Retrieved from
Ecological genomics of range expansion in the speckled wood butterfly, Pararge aegeria
Taylor-Cox, E. (2022). Ecological genomics of range expansion in the speckled wood butterfly, Pararge aegeria.
The genome sequence of the orange-tip butterfly, <i>Anthocharis cardamines</i> (Linnaeus, 1758).
Ebdon, S., Bisschop, G., Lohse, K., Saccheri, I., Davies, J., Wellcome Sanger Institute Tree of Life programme., . . . Darwin Tree of Life Consortium. (2022). The genome sequence of the orange-tip butterfly, <i>Anthocharis cardamines</i> (Linnaeus, 1758).. Wellcome open research, 7, 260. doi:10.12688/wellcomeopenres.18117.1
The genome sequence of the ringlet, Aphantopus hyperantus Linnaeus 1758
Mead, D., Saccheri, I., Yung, C., Lohse, K., Lohse, C., Ashmole, P., . . . Blaxter, M. (2021). The genome sequence of the ringlet, Aphantopus hyperantus Linnaeus 1758. doi:10.12688/wellcomeopenres.16983.1
Wing morphological responses to latitude and colonisation in a range expanding butterfly
Taylor-Cox, E. D., Macgregor, C. J., Corthine, A., Hill, J. K., Hodgson, J. A., & Saccheri, I. J. (2020). Wing morphological responses to latitude and colonisation in a range expanding butterfly. PEERJ, 8. doi:10.7717/peerj.10352
Testing for hybridisation of the Critically Endangered Iguana delicatissima on Anguilla to inform conservation efforts
Pounder, K. C., Mukhida, F., Brown, R. P., Carter, D., Daltry, J. C., Fleming, T., . . . Soanes, L. M. (2020). Testing for hybridisation of the Critically Endangered <i>Iguana delicatissima</i> on Anguilla to inform conservation efforts. CONSERVATION GENETICS, 21(3), 405-420. doi:10.1007/s10592-020-01258-6
Recessive Z-linked lethals and the retention of haplotype diversity in a captive butterfly population
Saccheri, I. J., Whiteford, S., Yung, C. J., & van't Hof, A. E. (2020). Recessive Z-linked lethals and the retention of haplotype diversity in a captive butterfly population. Heredity. doi:10.1038/s41437-020-0316-x
Recovering individual haplotypes and a contiguous genome assembly from pooled long read sequencing of the diamondback moth (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae)
Genetic convergence of industrial melanism in three geometrid moths
van't Hof, A. E., Reynolds, L. A., Yung, C. J., Cook, L. M., & Saccheri, I. J. (2019). Genetic convergence of industrial melanism in three geometrid moths. Biology Letters, 15(10). doi:10.1098/rsbl.2019.0582
Climate-induced phenology shifts linked to range expansions in species with multiple reproductive cycles per year
Macgregor, C. J., Thomas, C. D., Roy, D. B., Beaumont, M. A., Bell, J. R., Brereton, T., . . . Hill, J. K. (2019). Climate-induced phenology shifts linked to range expansions in species with multiple reproductive cycles per year. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 10. doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12479-w
Adaptive colour change and background choice behaviour in peppered moth caterpillars is mediated by extraocular photoreception
Saccheri, I. J., Eacock, A., & Rowland, H. (2019). Adaptive colour change and background choice behaviour in peppered moth caterpillars is mediated by extraocular photoreception. Nature Communications Biology, 2. doi:10.1038/s42003-019-0502-7
The role polymorphism and life history trade-offs during range expansion
Keenan, V. A. (2019). The role polymorphism and life history trade-offs during range expansion.
How and where to restore habitat on farmland to increase the abundance and diversity of moths
Alison, J. (2018). How and where to restore habitat on farmland to increase the abundance and diversity of moths.
Colour change of twig-mimicking peppered moth larvae is a continuous reaction norm that increases camouflage against avian predators
Eacock, A., Rowland, H. M., Edmonds, N., & Saccheri, I. J. (2017). Colour change of twig-mimicking peppered moth larvae is a continuous reaction norm that increases camouflage against avian predators. PeerJ — the Journal of Life and Environmental Sciences, 5. doi:10.7717/peerj.3999
A high-coverage draft genome of the mycalesine butterfly <i>Bicyclus anynana</i>
Nowell, R. W., Elsworth, B., Oostra, V., Zwaan, B. J., Wheat, C. W., Saastamoinen, M., . . . Blaxter, M. (2017). A high-coverage draft genome of the mycalesine butterfly <i>Bicyclus anynana</i>. GIGASCIENCE, 6(7). doi:10.1093/gigascience/gix035
Evolution of adaptive phenotypic plasticity in male orange-tip butterflies
Davies, W. J., & Saccheri, I. J. (2017). Evolution of adaptive phenotypic plasticity in male orange-tip butterflies. ANNALES ZOOLOGICI FENNICI, 54(1-4), 225-236. doi:10.5735/086.054.0120
Extraocular photoreception and colour plasticity in caterpillars of the peppered moth, Biston betularia
Eacock, A. (2017). Extraocular photoreception and colour plasticity in caterpillars of the peppered moth, Biston betularia.
Genetic variation in life history strategy and the responses of plant populations and communities to climate change
Trinder, S. A. (2017). Genetic variation in life history strategy and the responses of plant populations and communities to climate change.
Spatial targeting of habitat creation has the potential to improve agri-environment scheme outcomes for macro-moths
Alison, J., Duffield, S. J., van Noordwijk, C. G. E., Morecroft, M. D., Marrs, R. H., Saccheri, I. J., & Hodgson, J. A. (2016). Spatial targeting of habitat creation has the potential to improve agri-environment scheme outcomes for macro-moths. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, 53(6), 1814-1822. doi:10.1111/1365-2664.12750
The industrial melanism mutation in British peppered moths is a transposable element
Hof, A. E. V. T., Campagne, P., Rigden, D. J., Yung, C. J., Lingley, J., Quail, M. A., . . . Saccheri, I. J. (2016). The industrial melanism mutation in British peppered moths is a transposable element. Nature, 534(7605), 102-105. doi:10.1038/nature17951
A simple procedure for directly obtaining haplotype sequences of diploid genomes
Noyes, H. A., Daly, D., Goodhead, I., Kay, S., Kemp, S. J., Kenny, J., . . . Hall, N. (2015). A simple procedure for directly obtaining haplotype sequences of diploid genomes. BMC GENOMICS, 16. doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1818-4
Male emergence schedule and dispersal behaviour are modified by mate availability in heterogeneous landscapes: evidence from the orange-tip butterfly
Davies, W. J., & Saccheri, I. J. (2015). Male emergence schedule and dispersal behaviour are modified by mate availability in heterogeneous landscapes: evidence from the orange-tip butterfly. PEERJ, 2. doi:10.7717/peerj.707
Contrasting genetic structure of the Eurasian otter (<i>Lutra lutra</i>) across a latitudinal divide
Stanton, D. W. G., Hobbs, G. I., McCanfferty, D. J., Chadwick, E. A., Philbey, A. W., Saccheri, I. J., . . . Bruford, M. W. (2014). Contrasting genetic structure of the Eurasian otter (<i>Lutra lutra</i>) across a latitudinal divide. JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY, 95(4), 814-823. doi:10.1644/13-MAMM-A-201
Linkage map of the peppered moth, Biston betularia (Lepidoptera, Geometridae): a model of industrial melanism.
Van't Hof, A. E., Nguyen, P., Dalíková, M., Edmonds, N., Marec, F., & Saccheri, I. J. (2013). Linkage map of the peppered moth, Biston betularia (Lepidoptera, Geometridae): a model of industrial melanism.. Heredity, 110(3), 283-295. doi:10.1038/hdy.2012.84
The peppered moth and industrial melanism: evolution of a natural selection case study.
Cook, L. M., & Saccheri, I. J. (2013). The peppered moth and industrial melanism: evolution of a natural selection case study.. Heredity, 110(3), 207-212. doi:10.1038/hdy.2012.92
Maintenance of body‐size variation and host range in the orange‐tip butterfly: evidence for a trade‐off between adult life‐history traits
DAVIES, W. J., & SACCHERI, I. J. (2013). Maintenance of body‐size variation and host range in the orange‐tip butterfly: evidence for a trade‐off between adult life‐history traits. Ecological entomology, 38(1), 49-60. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2311.2012.01402.x
Selective bird predation on the peppered moth: the last experiment of Michael Majerus.
Cook, L. M., Grant, B. S., Saccheri, I. J., & Mallet, J. (2012). Selective bird predation on the peppered moth: the last experiment of Michael Majerus.. Biology letters, 8(4), 609-612. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2011.1136
Industrial melanism in British peppered moths has a singular and recent mutational origin.
van't Hof, A. E., Edmonds, N., Dalíková, M., Marec, F., & Saccheri, I. J. (2011). Industrial melanism in British peppered moths has a singular and recent mutational origin.. Science (New York, N.Y.), 332(6032), 958-960. doi:10.1126/science.1203043
Industrial melanism in the peppered moth is not associated with genetic variation in canonical melanisation gene candidates.
van't Hof, A. E., & Saccheri, I. J. (2010). Industrial melanism in the peppered moth is not associated with genetic variation in canonical melanisation gene candidates.. PloS one, 5(5), e10889. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010889
Cytogenetic characterization and AFLP-based genetic linkage mapping for the butterfly Bicyclus anynana, covering all 28 karyotyped chromosomes.
Van't Hof, A. E., Marec, F., Saccheri, I. J., Brakefield, P. M., & Zwaan, B. J. (2008). Cytogenetic characterization and AFLP-based genetic linkage mapping for the butterfly Bicyclus anynana, covering all 28 karyotyped chromosomes.. PloS one, 3(12), e3882. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003882
Selection and gene flow on a diminishing cline of melanic peppered moths.
Saccheri, I. J., Rousset, F., Watts, P. C., Brakefield, P. M., & Cook, L. M. (2008). Selection and gene flow on a diminishing cline of melanic peppered moths.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105(42), 16212-16217. doi:10.1073/pnas.0803785105
The effects of Pleistocene glaciations on the phylogeography of Melitaea cinxia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
WAHLBERG, N., & SACCHERI, I. (2007). The effects of Pleistocene glaciations on the phylogeography of Melitaea cinxia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). European Journal of Entomology, 104(4), 675-684. doi:10.14411/eje.2007.085
Effective population sizes and migration rates in fragmented populations of an endangered insect (<i>Coenagrion mercuriale</i>:: Odonata)
Watts, P. C., Saccheri, I. J., Kemp, S. J., & Thompson, D. J. (2007). Effective population sizes and migration rates in fragmented populations of an endangered insect (<i>Coenagrion mercuriale</i>:: Odonata). JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY, 76(4), 790-800. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2656.2007.01249.x
Conservation genetics for insects
Thompson, D. J., Watts, P. C., & Saccheri, I. J. (2007). Conservation genetics for insects. In Insect Conservation Biology: Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society's 23rd Symposium (pp. 280-300).
Evolutionary dynamics of multilocus microsatellite arrangements in the genome of the butterfly Bicyclus anynana, with implications for other Lepidoptera.
Van't Hof, A. E., Brakefield, P. M., Saccheri, I. J., & Zwaan, B. J. (2007). Evolutionary dynamics of multilocus microsatellite arrangements in the genome of the butterfly Bicyclus anynana, with implications for other Lepidoptera.. Heredity, 98(5), 320-328. doi:10.1038/sj.hdy.6800944
Compatible genetic and ecological estimates of dispersal rates in insect (<i>Coenagrion mercuriale</i>: Odonata: Zygoptera) populations:: analysis of 'neighbourhood size' using a more precise estimator
Watts, P. C., Rousset, F., Saccheri, I. J., Leblois, R., Kemp, S. J., & Thompson, D. J. (2007). Compatible genetic and ecological estimates of dispersal rates in insect (<i>Coenagrion mercuriale</i>: Odonata: Zygoptera) populations:: analysis of 'neighbourhood size' using a more precise estimator. MOLECULAR ECOLOGY, 16(4), 737-751. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2006.03184.x
Morphological differentiation following experimental bottlenecks in the butterfly Bicyclusâanynana (Nymphalidae)
SACCHERI, I. J., NICHOLS, R. A., & BRAKEFIELD, P. M. (2006). Morphological differentiation following experimental bottlenecks in the butterfly Bicyclusâanynana (Nymphalidae). Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London, 89(1), 107-115. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8312.2006.00662.x
Natural selection and population dynamics.
Saccheri, I., & Hanski, I. (2006). Natural selection and population dynamics.. Trends in ecology & evolution, 21(6), 341-347. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2006.03.018
Molecular-level variation affects population growth in a butterfly metapopulation.
Hanski, I., & Saccheri, I. (2006). Molecular-level variation affects population growth in a butterfly metapopulation.. PLoS biology, 4(5), e129. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0040129
Population structure and the impact of regional and local habitat isolation upon levels of genetic diversity of the endangered damselfly <i>Coenagrion mercuriale</i> (Odonata: Zygoptera)
Watts, P. C., Saccheri, I. J., Kemp, S. J., & Thompson, D. J. (2006). Population structure and the impact of regional and local habitat isolation upon levels of genetic diversity of the endangered damselfly <i>Coenagrion mercuriale</i> (Odonata: Zygoptera). FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, 51(2), 193-205. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2005.01478.x
Non-invasive genetic sampling of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) using hairs
Anderson, H. M., McCafferty, D. J., Saccheri, I. J., & McCluskie, A. E. (2006). Non-invasive genetic sampling of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) using hairs. Hystrix The Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 17, 65-77.
Polymorphic microsatellite loci isolated from the great scallop, <i>Pecten maximus</i> (Bivalvia: Pectinidae)
WATTS, P. C., MALLANAPHY, P. J., MCCARTHY, C., BEUKERS‐STEWART, B. D., MOSLEY, M. W. J., BRAND, A. R., & SACCHERI, I. J. (2005). Polymorphic microsatellite loci isolated from the great scallop, <i>Pecten maximus</i> (Bivalvia: Pectinidae). Molecular Ecology Notes, 5(4), 902-904. doi:10.1111/j.1471-8286.2005.01107.x
Conservation implications of genetic variation between spatially and temporally distinct colonies of the endangered damselfly <i>Coenagrion mercuriale</i>
Watts, P. C., Kemp, S. J., Saccheri, I. J., & Thompson, D. J. (2005). Conservation implications of genetic variation between spatially and temporally distinct colonies of the endangered damselfly <i>Coenagrion mercuriale</i>. ECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY, 30(5), 541-547. doi:10.1111/j.0307-6946.2005.00721.x
Inbreeding uncovers fundamental differences in the genetic load affecting male and female fertility in a butterfly.
Saccheri, I. J., Lloyd, H. D., Helyar, S. J., & Brakefield, P. M. (2005). Inbreeding uncovers fundamental differences in the genetic load affecting male and female fertility in a butterfly.. Proceedings. Biological sciences, 272(1558), 39-46. doi:10.1098/rspb.2004.2903
Characterization of 28 microsatellite loci for the butterfly Bicyclus anynana
Van't Hof, A. E., Zwaan, B. J., Saccheri, I. J., Daly, D., Bot, A. N. M., & Brakefield, P. M. (2005). Characterization of 28 microsatellite loci for the butterfly Bicyclus anynana. Molecular Ecology Notes, 5(1), 169-172. doi:10.1111/j.1471-8286.2004.00870.x
Molecular and ecological evidence for small-scale isolation by distance in an endangered damselfly, <i>Coenagrion mercuriale</i>
Watts, P. C., Rouquette, J. R., Saccheri, J., Kemp, S. J., & Thompson, D. J. (2004). Molecular and ecological evidence for small-scale isolation by distance in an endangered damselfly, <i>Coenagrion mercuriale</i>. MOLECULAR ECOLOGY, 13(10), 2931-2945. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2004.02300.x
Characterization of microsatellite loci in two primary parasitoids of the butterfly Melitaea cinxia, Cotesia melitaearum and Hyposoter horticola (Hymenoptera).
Kankare, M., Jensen, M. K., Kester, K. M., & Saccheri, I. J. (2004). Characterization of microsatellite loci in two primary parasitoids of the butterfly Melitaea cinxia, Cotesia melitaearum and Hyposoter horticola (Hymenoptera).. Molecular ecology notes, 4(2), 231-233. doi:10.1111/j.1471-8286.2004.00626.x
Trinucleotide microsatellite loci for the peppered moth (Biston betularia).
Daly, D., Waltham, K., Mulley, J., Watts, P. C., Rosin, A., Kemp, S. J., & Saccheri, I. J. (2004). Trinucleotide microsatellite loci for the peppered moth (Biston betularia).. Molecular ecology notes, 4(2), 179-181. doi:10.1111/j.1471-8286.2004.00607.x
Genetics of Checkers pot Populations
Saccheri, I. J., Boggs, C. L., hanski, I., & Ehrlich, P. R. (2004). Genetics of Checkers pot Populations. In On the Wings of Checkerspots (pp. 199-218). Oxford University PressNew York, NY. doi:10.1093/oso/9780195158274.003.0010
Phylogeography of Aglais urticae (Lepidoptera) based on DNA sequences of the mitochondrial COI gene and control region.
Vandewoestijne, S., Baguette, M., Brakefield, P. M., & Saccheri, I. J. (2004). Phylogeography of Aglais urticae (Lepidoptera) based on DNA sequences of the mitochondrial COI gene and control region.. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 31(2), 630-646. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2003.09.007
Rapid spread of immigrant genomes into inbred populations.
Saccheri, I. J., & Brakefield, P. M. (2002). Rapid spread of immigrant genomes into inbred populations.. Proceedings. Biological sciences, 269(1495), 1073-1078. doi:10.1098/rspb.2002.1963
Genetic differentiation between alternate-year cohorts of Xestia tecta (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) in Finnish Lapland.
Kankare, M., Várkonyi, G., & Saccheri, I. (2002). Genetic differentiation between alternate-year cohorts of Xestia tecta (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) in Finnish Lapland.. Hereditas, 136(2), 169-176. doi:10.1034/j.1601-5223.2002.1360213.x
Effects of bottlenecks on quantitative genetic variation in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana.
Saccheri, I. J., Nichols, R. A., & Brakefield, P. M. (2001). Effects of bottlenecks on quantitative genetic variation in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana.. Genetical research, 77(2), 167-181. doi:10.1017/s0016672301004906
Effective population size, reproductive success and sperm precedence in the butterfly, Bicyclus anynana, in captivity.
Brakefield, P. M., El Filali, E., Van Der Laan, R., Breuker, C. J., Saccheri, I. J., & Zwaan, B. (2001). Effective population size, reproductive success and sperm precedence in the butterfly, Bicyclus anynana, in captivity.. Journal of evolutionary biology, 14(1), 148-156. doi:10.1046/j.1420-9101.2001.00248.x
Haikola, S., Fortelius, W., O'Hara, R. B., Kuussaari, M., Wahlberg, N., Saccheri, I. J., . . . Hanski, I. (2001). Unknown Title. Conservation Genetics, 2(4), 325-335. doi:10.1023/a:1012538329691
Inbreeding of bottlenecked butterfly populations. Estimation using the likelihood of changes in marker allele frequencies.
Saccheri, I. J., Wilson, I. J., Nichols, R. A., Bruford, M. W., & Brakefield, P. M. (1999). Inbreeding of bottlenecked butterfly populations. Estimation using the likelihood of changes in marker allele frequencies.. Genetics, 151(3), 1053-1063. doi:10.1093/genetics/151.3.1053
Inbreeding and extinction in a butterfly metapopulation
Saccheri, I., Kuussaari, M., Kankare, M., Vikman, P., Fortelius, W., & Hanski, I. (1998). Inbreeding and extinction in a butterfly metapopulation. Nature, 392(6675), 491-494. doi:10.1038/33136
Allee Effect and Population Dynamics in the Glanville Fritillary Butterfly
Kuussaari, M., Saccheri, I., Camara, M., & Hanski, I. (1998). Allee Effect and Population Dynamics in the Glanville Fritillary Butterfly. Oikos, 82(2), 384. doi:10.2307/3546980
DNA Fingerprinting with VNTR Sequences
Bruford, M. W., & Saccheri, I. J. (1998). DNA Fingerprinting with VNTR Sequences. In Molecular Tools for Screening Biodiversity (pp. 101-108). Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-009-0019-6_20
Genotyping with Microsatellite Markers
Ciofi, C., Funk, S. M., Coote, T., Cheesman, D. J., Hammond, R. L., Saccheri, I. J., & Bruford, M. W. (1998). Genotyping with Microsatellite Markers. In Molecular Tools for Screening Biodiversity (pp. 195-201). Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-009-0019-6_38
Isolation of Microsatellite Markers in Animals
Hammond, R. L., Saccheri, I. J., Ciofi, C., Coote, T., Funk, S. M., McMillan, W. O., . . . Bruford, M. W. (1998). Isolation of Microsatellite Markers in Animals. In Molecular Tools for Screening Biodiversity (pp. 279-285). Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-009-0019-6_51
Severe inbreeding depression and rapid fitness rebound in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana (satyridae).
Saccheri, I. J., Brakefield, P. M., & Nichols, R. A. (1996). Severe inbreeding depression and rapid fitness rebound in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana (satyridae).. Evolution; international journal of organic evolution, 50(5), 2000-2013. doi:10.2307/2410758
Saccheri, I. J., Brakefield, P. M., & Nichols, R. A. (1996). SEVERE INBREEDING DEPRESSION AND RAPID FITNESS REBOUND IN THE BUTTERFLY BICYCLUS ANYNANA (SATYRIDAE).. Evolution; international journal of organic evolution, 50(5), 2000-2013. doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.1996.tb03587.x
Gudelines in conservation genetics and the use of the population cage experiments with butterflies to investigate the effects of genetic drift and inbreeding
Brakefield, P. M., & Saccheri, I. J. (1994). Gudelines in conservation genetics and the use of the population cage experiments with butterflies to investigate the effects of genetic drift and inbreeding. Conservation genetics, 165-179.
Guidelines in conservation genetics and the use of the population cage experiments with butterflies to investigate the effects of genetic drift and inbreeding
Brakefield, P. M., & Saccheri, I. J. (1994). Guidelines in conservation genetics and the use of the population cage experiments with butterflies to investigate the effects of genetic drift and inbreeding. In Conservation Genetics (pp. 165-179). Birkhäuser Basel. doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-8510-2_14
DNA Fingerprinting in a Butterfly, Bicyclus anynana (Satyridae)
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