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Gerry Davies is Professor of Infection Pharmacology and Honorary Consultant in Infectious Diseases at the University of Liverpool. Qualifying in Medicine at the University of Southampton Medical School in 1991, he ran the TB programme at Hlabisa hospital, Kwazulu/Natal, South Africa from 1994-1998, later obtaining an MSc in Epidemiology from the London School of Hygiene and a PhD in Pharmacology from the University of Liverpool. From 2007-2009, he was based at the Mahidol-Oxford Research Unit in Bangkok where he worked on clinical PK-PD studies of anti-tuberculosis and influenza therapy and subsequently, as theme leader in HIV-TB pharmacology, at the Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Unit in Blantyre, Malawi (2012-2014). He is an editor for the Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group, specialising in tuberculosis and has extensive experience of Phase II and III clinical trials in tuberculosis in differing roles. He was the academic co-ordinator of PreDiCT-TB, an EU consortium addressing methodology of preclinical development of combination regimens for tuberculosis and since 2012 has participated in several WHO Taskforces for the development of new treatment policies for tuberculosis, most recently co-chairing the 2018 update of the WHO guidelines for treatment of multi-drug resistant TB.