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Emma Boyland

Professor Emma Boyland


+44 (0)151 794 1137


I am Deputy Executive Dean for the Institute of Population Health and a member of the Department of Psychology, Appetite and Obesity research group.

My principal research interests lie in understanding the extent, nature, and impact of food and beverage marketing on eating behaviour, particularly in children. My work includes monitoring activity of food marketing across various media and settings, the development of this methodology, and experimental studies to quantify effects of exposure on behaviours, as well as translating this evidence into policy and evaluating the efficacy of any regulatory action. I collaborate extensively with WHO Europe, UNICEF, and researchers in the UK and internationally (notably Europe, Australia, Canada). I receive competitive research funding from major funders including NIHR, the MRC, ESRC and the Wellcome Trust. I also co-lead the Liverpool Obesity Research Network (a research network of obesity units and research laboratories based across the University of Liverpool, University Hospital Aintree and Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen Hospital Trusts).

I would be pleased to hear from potential PhD students in the area of food marketing and eating behaviour.