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Elia Bottalico

Dr Elia Bottalico

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Particle Physics)


I spent the last 4 years of experience at the g-2 experiment in which I covered two main roles.
The first one is dedicated to the laser calibration system of the calorimeter detectors. To take under control the systematic related to
calorimeter gain fluctuations in the g-2 experiment at Fermilab a dedicated laser system has been developed to correct for this effect. During the Master thesis I developed a method to extract offline the recovery time of calorimeters power supplies, caused by the gain fluctuations due to the large flux of particle hitting the detectors in the few micro seconds after the muons injection in the ring. These parameters are updated before the start of each run and are used during the data analysis to corrected the positron data. My second role is dedicated to the correction of the beam dynamics effect to the omega_a measured value. During the Run-1 analysis a new beam dynamics effect has been discovered, the phase acceptance effect. The size of this effect was found to be not negligible as well as the size of its systematic error. The study of this effect has been conducted by me and a task force inside the collaboration with the aims of understand the origin, computing the size of the correction and the related systematic error. This work is part of my PhD thesis.

Right now I'm Post-Doc researcher at the University of Liverpool, continuing working on g-2 experiment and covering the role of Beam dynamics correction analysis co-coordinator for the next round of data analysis for Run-4/5/6.