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Elia Bottalico

Dr Elia Bottalico

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Particle Physics)

Professional Activities

*Run Coordinator of the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab*
The g-2 experiment at Fermilab after the summer shutdown starts the to take data from November to June/July. During these months the data acquisition is coordinated by Operations Managers and Run Coordinators. The Run Coordinator duty comprehends the coordination of the data acquisition and the organization of all the works inside the experimental hall. The coordinator constantly interfaces with engineers and technicians to make possible the maintenance and the repair (when needed) of the complex systems which make possible the experiment to run. The coordinator has to assist shifters during the data collection shifts. Before the official starts of the data taking, he organizes daily meeting to coordinate the work in the hall and prepare studies needed for the calibration of the apparatus. Once the data acquisition is started, he updates the collaboration about the status of the data collection in a dedicated weekly meeting. Beam dynamics correction to omega_a convener During the Run-2/3 analysis I have been selected as beam dynamics correction convener. This role involves overseeing the analysis of beam corrections, coordinating the milestones, the progress and the final results, together with the beam dynamics analysis coordinator. In the next round of data analysis, Run-4/5/6 I'll cover the position of beam dynamics analysis co-coordinator.

*Member of the ED&I Committee in the Muon g-2 experiment*
I had been part of the ED&I (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) committee at the g-2 experiment at Fermilab. The aims of the committee is to enforce the code of conduct within the collaboration, of approximately 200 people from all over the world. During the two-year mandate, workshops, seminars and presentations were organized with qualified experts for the promulgation of correct behavior within the collaboration with respect for others.