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CALDERA: a scientific drilling concept to unravel Connections Among Life, geo-Dynamics and Eruptions in a Rifting Arc caldera, Okataina Volcanic Centre, Aotearoa New Zealand

Massiot, C., Adam, L., Boyd, E. S., Cary, S. C., Colman, D. R., Cox, A., . . . Zarrouk, S. J. (n.d.). CALDERA: a scientific drilling concept to unravel Connections Among Life, geo-Dynamics and Eruptions in a Rifting Arc caldera, Okataina Volcanic Centre, Aotearoa New Zealand. In Scientific Drilling Vol. 33 (pp. 67-88). Copernicus GmbH. doi:10.5194/sd-33-67-2024

Conference Paper


Quantifying stress fields to better understand shallow tectonics of the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, NZ

Behboudi, E., McNamara, D., & Lokmer, I. (2023). Quantifying stress fields to better understand shallow tectonics of the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, NZ. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8512


A key role for diffusion creep in eclogites: Omphacite deformation in the Zermatt-Saas Unit, Italian Alps




Physical Property Characterization of the Waipapa Greywacke: An Important Geothermal Reservoir Basement Rock in New Zealand


Asymmetric Brittle Deformation at the Papaku Fault, Hikurangi Subduction Margin, NZ, IODP Expedition 375

Savage, H. M., Shreedharan, S., Fagereng, A., Morgan, J. K., Meneghini, F., Wang, M., . . . LeVay, L. J. (2021). Asymmetric Brittle Deformation at the Papaku Fault, Hikurangi Subduction Margin, NZ, IODP Expedition 375. GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS, 22(8). doi:10.1029/2021GC009662

Journal article

The state of stress in the shallow crust of the Hikurangi Subduction Margin hangingwall, New Zealand

Behboudi, E., McNamara, D., Lockmer, I., Wallace, L., & Manzocchi, T. (2021). The state of stress in the shallow crust of the Hikurangi Subduction Margin hangingwall, New Zealand. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10217

Conference Paper

INTERACTION: INTeraction between lifE, Rifting And Caldera Tectonics In OkataiNa

Massiot, C., Miller, C., Stott, M., Villamor, P., Asanuma, H., Boyd, E., . . . Parisio, F. (2021). INTERACTION: INTeraction between lifE, Rifting And Caldera Tectonics In OkataiNa. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1904

Conference Paper


Variable in-situ stress orientations across the northern Hikurangi Subduction Margin

McNamara, D. D., Behboudi, E., Wallace, L., Saffer, D. M., Cook, A. E., Fagereng, A., . . . Petronotis, K. (2020). Variable in-situ stress orientations across the northern Hikurangi Subduction Margin. doi:10.1002/essoar.10504903.1

Journal article

Physical properties and gas hydrate at a near-seafloor thrust fault, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand

Cook, A. E., Paganoni, M., Clennell, M. B., McNamara, D. D., Nole, M., Wang, X., . . . Petronotis, K. (2020). Physical properties and gas hydrate at a near-seafloor thrust fault, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand. doi:10.1002/essoar.10503197.1

Journal article


Mixed deformation styles observed on a shallow subduction thrust, Hikurangi margin, New Zealand

Fagereng, A., Savage, H. M., Morgan, J. K., Wang, M., Meneghini, F., Barnes, P. M., . . . Scientists, I. O. D. P. E. (2019). Mixed deformation styles observed on a shallow subduction thrust, Hikurangi margin, New Zealand. GEOLOGY, 47(9), 872-876. doi:10.1130/G46367.1

Journal article


Volcanic texture identification and influence on permeability using a borehole resistivity image log in the Whakamaru Group Ignimbrite, Wairakei Geothermal Field, New Zealand

Milicich, S., Massiot, C., & Mcnamara, D. D. (2018). Volcanic texture identification and influence on permeability using a borehole resistivity image log in the Whakamaru Group Ignimbrite, Wairakei Geothermal Field, New Zealand. In 43rd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering. Palo Alto.

Conference Paper


Supplementary material to "Controls on fault zone structure and brittle fracturing in the foliated hanging-wall of the Alpine Fault"

Williams, J. N., Toy, V. G., Massiot, C., McNamara, D. D., Smith, S. A. F., & Mills, S. (2017). Supplementary material to "Controls on fault zone structure and brittle fracturing in the foliated hanging-wall of the Alpine Fault". doi:10.5194/se-2017-112-supplement


Evidence for tectonic, lithologic, and thermal controls on fracture system geometries in an andesitic high-temperature geothermal field

Massiot, C., Nicol, A., McNamara, D. D., & Townend, J. (2017). Evidence for tectonic, lithologic, and thermal controls on fracture system geometries in an andesitic high-temperature geothermal field. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH, 122(8), 6853-6874. doi:10.1002/2017JB014121

Journal article

Statistical methods of fracture characterization using acoustic borehole televiewer log interpretation

Massiot, C., Townend, J., Nicol, A., & McNamara, D. D. (2017). Statistical methods of fracture characterization using acoustic borehole televiewer log interpretation. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH, 122(8), 6836-6852. doi:10.1002/2017JB014115

Journal article

Quantitative geometric description of fracture systems in an andesite lava flow using terrestrial laser scanner data

Massiot, C., Nicol, A., Townend, J., McNamara, D. D., Garcia-Selles, D., Conway, C. E., & Archibald, G. (2017). Quantitative geometric description of fracture systems in an andesite lava flow using terrestrial laser scanner data. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, 341, 315-331. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2017.05.036

Journal article

Discussion between a reservoir engineer and a geologist: permeability identification from completion test data and borehole image logs integration

Massiot, C., McLean, K., Mcnamara, D. D., Sepulvéda, F., & Milicich, S. (2017). Discussion between a reservoir engineer and a geologist: permeability identification from completion test data and borehole image logs integration. In Proceedings 39th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop. Rotorua.

Conference Paper

Fault permeability and CO2 storage

Nicol, A., Seebeck, H., Field, B., McNamara, D., Childs, C., Craig, J., & Rolland, A. (2017). Fault permeability and CO<sub>2</sub> storage. 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GREENHOUSE GAS CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES, GHGT-13, 114, 3229-3236. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.1454

Journal article

Tectonic structure and permeability in the Taupō rift: New insights from analysis of LIDAR derived DEMs

Villamor, P., Nicol, A., Seebeck, H., Rowland, J., Townsend, D., Massiot, C., . . . Alcaraz, S. (2017). Tectonic structure and permeability in the Taupō rift: New insights from analysis of LIDAR derived DEMs. In New Zealand Geothermal Workshop. Rotorua.

Conference Paper


Damaged beyond repair? Characterising the damage zone of a fault late in its interseismic cycle, the Alpine Fault, New Zealand

Williams, J. N., Toy, V. G., Massiot, C., McNamara, D. D., & Wang, T. (2016). Damaged beyond repair? Characterising the damage zone of a fault late in its interseismic cycle, the Alpine Fault, New Zealand. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY, 90, 76-94. doi:10.1016/

Journal article

Analysis of the favorability for geothermal fluid flow in 3D: Astor Pass geothermal prospect, Great Basin, northwestern Nevada, USA

Siler, D. L., Faulds, J. E., Mayhew, B., & McNamara, D. D. (2016). Analysis of the favorability for geothermal fluid flow in 3D: Astor Pass geothermal prospect, Great Basin, northwestern Nevada, USA. GEOTHERMICS, 60, 1-12. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2015.11.002

Journal article

A review of the Rotokawa Geothermal Field, New Zealand

McNamara, D. D., Sewell, S., Buscarlet, E., & Wallis, I. C. (2016). A review of the Rotokawa Geothermal Field, New Zealand. GEOTHERMICS, 59, 281-293. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2015.07.007

Journal article

Exploring Structure and Stress from Depth to Surface in the Wairakei Geothermal Field, New Zealand

Mcnamara, D. D., Bannister, S., Villamor, P., Speulveda, F., Milicich, S., Alcaraz, S., & Massiot, C. (2016). Exploring Structure and Stress from Depth to Surface in the Wairakei Geothermal Field, New Zealand. In 41st Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1173.1446

Conference Paper

Fault Permeability

Nicol, A., Seebeck, H., Field, B., & Mcnamara, D. D. (2016). Fault Permeability: Fault Permeability (2016/13).


Feasibility of storing carbon dioxide on a tectonically active margin: New Zealand

Field, B., Lawrence, M. J., Nicol, A., McNamara, D., Arnot, M. J., Coyle, F., . . . Gerstenberger, M. (2016). Feasibility of storing carbon dioxide on a tectonically active margin: New Zealand: Petroleum Abstracts.


Geothermal Structural Geology in New Zealand: innovative characterisation and micro-analytical techniques

Mcnamara, D. D., & Massiot, C. (2016). Geothermal Structural Geology in New Zealand: innovative characterisation and micro-analytical techniques. In New Zealand Geothermal Workshop. Auckland.

Conference Paper

Methods and techniques employed to monitor and manage carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) induced seismicity

Mcnamara, D. D. (2016). Methods and techniques employed to monitor and manage carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) induced seismicity: Methods and techniques employed to monitor and manage carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) induced seismicity (2015/18).



Comparing Borehole Televiewer Logs with Continuous Core: An Example from New Zealand

Milloy, S., McLean, K., & Mcnamara, D. D. (2015). Comparing Borehole Televiewer Logs with Continuous Core: An Example from New Zealand. In World Geothermal Congress. Melbourne. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2877.0805

Conference Paper

Fracture Width and Spacing Distributions from Borehole Televiewer Logs and Cores in the Rotokawa Geothermal Field, New Zealand

Massiot, C., Mcnamara, D. D., Nicol, A., & Townend, J. (2015). Fracture Width and Spacing Distributions from Borehole Televiewer Logs and Cores in the Rotokawa Geothermal Field, New Zealand. In World Geothermal Congress. Melbourne. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.3925.6561

Conference Paper

Heterogeneity of structure and stress in the Rotokawa Geothermal Field, New Zealand

McNamara, D. D., Massiot, C., Lewis, B., & Wallis, I. C. (2015). Heterogeneity of structure and stress in the Rotokawa Geothermal Field, New Zealand. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH, 120(2), 1243-1262. doi:10.1002/2014JB011480

Journal article

Modelling fluid flow through fractured rock: Examples using TVZ geothermal reservoirs

Kissling, W., Ellis, S., & Mcnamara, D. D. (2015). Modelling fluid flow through fractured rock: Examples using TVZ geothermal reservoirs. In New Zealand Geothermal Workshop. Taupo. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4373.6400

Conference Paper

New Zealand Geothermal Power Plants as Critical Facilities: an Active Fault Avoidance Study in the Wairakei Geothermal Field, New Zealand

Villamor, P., Clark, K., Watson, M., Rosenberg, M., Lukovic, B., Ries, W., . . . Sepulveda, F. (2015). New Zealand Geothermal Power Plants as Critical Facilities: an Active Fault Avoidance Study in the Wairakei Geothermal Field, New Zealand. In World Geothermal Congress. Melbourne. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4974.2326

Conference Paper

Processing and analysis of high temperature geothermal acoustic borehole image logs in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand

Massiot, C., McNamara, D. D., & Lewis, B. (2015). Processing and analysis of high temperature geothermal acoustic borehole image logs in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. GEOTHERMICS, 53, 190-201. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2014.05.010

Journal article


A Damage Mechanics Approach to Modeling Failure in Greywacke Rock

Pogacnik, J., Mcnamara, D. D., O'Sullivan, M., & O'Sullivan, J. (2014). A Damage Mechanics Approach to Modeling Failure in Greywacke Rock. In New Zealand Geothermal Workshop. Auckland.

Conference Paper

Fracture geometries and processes in andesites at Mt Ruapehu, New Zealand: implications for the fracture modelling of the Rotokawa Geothermal Field

Massiot, C., Mcnamara, D. D., Nicol, A., Archibald, G., & Townend, J. (2014). Fracture geometries and processes in andesites at Mt Ruapehu, New Zealand: implications for the fracture modelling of the Rotokawa Geothermal Field. In 34th GOCAD Meeting. doi:10.13140/2.1.3825.5040

Conference Paper

Rock Properties of Greywacke Basement Hosting Geothermal Reservoirs, New Zealand: Preliminary Results

Mcnamara, D. D., Faulkner, D., & McCarney, E. (2014). Rock Properties of Greywacke Basement Hosting Geothermal Reservoirs, New Zealand: Preliminary Results. In Thirty - Ninth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering. Palo Alto. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1304.2160

Conference Paper


Late-interseismic state of a continental plate-bounding fault: Petrophysical results from DFDP-1 wireline logging and core analysis, Alpine Fault, New Zealand

Townend, J., Sutherland, R., Toy, V. G., Eccles, J. D., Boulton, C., Cox, S. C., & McNamara, D. (2013). Late-interseismic state of a continental plate-bounding fault: Petrophysical results from DFDP-1 wireline logging and core analysis, Alpine Fault, New Zealand. GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS, 14(9), 3801-3820. doi:10.1002/ggge.20236

Journal article

A Structural Review of the Wairakei-Tauhara Geothermal Field

Mcnamara, D. D., Massiot, C., & Lewis, B. (2013). A Structural Review of the Wairakei-Tauhara Geothermal Field: A Structural Review of the Wairakei-Tauhara Geothermal Field (2013/03). doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1599.1282


Advancements in 3D Structural Analysis of Geothermal Systems

Siler, D., Faulds, J., Meyhew, B., & Mcnamara, D. D. (2013). Advancements in 3D Structural Analysis of Geothermal Systems. In AAPG Hedberg Research Conference. Reno.

Conference Paper

Interpretive review of the acoustic borehole image logs acquired to date in the Wairakei-Tauhara Geothermal Field

Massiot, C., Mcnamara, D. D., & Lewis, B. (2013). Interpretive review of the acoustic borehole image logs acquired to date in the Wairakei-Tauhara Geothermal Field: Interpretive review of the acoustic borehole image logs acquired to date in the Wairakei-Tauhara Geothermal Field (2013/04). Lower Hutt. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4712.0887



Fabrics produced mimetically during static metamorphism in retrogressed eclogites from the Zermatt-Saas zone, Western Italian Alps

McNamara, D. D., Wheeler, J., Pearce, M., & Prior, D. J. (2012). Fabrics produced mimetically during static metamorphism in retrogressed eclogites from the Zermatt-Saas zone, Western Italian Alps. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY, 44, 167-178. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2012.08.006

Journal article

Omphacite—a mineral under pressure!

McNamara, D. D. (2012). Omphacite—a mineral under pressure!. Geology Today, 28(2), 71-75. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2451.2012.00830.x

Journal article

Quantifying the stress distribution at the Rotokawa Geothermal Field, New Zealand

Davidson, J., Siratovich, P., Wallis, I., Gravley, D., & Mcnamara, D. D. (2012). Quantifying the stress distribution at the Rotokawa Geothermal Field, New Zealand. In New Zealand Geothermal Workshop. Auckland. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.3565.2088

Conference Paper

Quantitative analysis of EBSD data in rocks and other crystalline materials: investigation of strain induced recrystallisation and growth of new phases

Wheeler, J., Mariani, E., Piazolo, S., Prior, D. J., Trimby, P. J., Drury, M. R., . . . Pearce, M. A. (2012). Quantitative analysis of EBSD data in rocks and other crystalline materials: investigation of strain induced recrystallisation and growth of new phases. RECRYSTALLIZATION AND GRAIN GROWTH IV, 715-716, 62-+. doi:10.4028/

Journal article

Statistical corrections of fracture sampling bias in boreholes from acoustic televiewer logs

Massiot, C., Mcnamara, D. D., Lewis, B., Price, L., & Bignall, G. (2012). Statistical corrections of fracture sampling bias in boreholes from acoustic televiewer logs. In New Zealand Geothermal Workshop. Auckland. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4187.8009

Conference Paper

The Nature of Fracture Permeability in the Basement Greywacke at Kawerau Geothermal Field, New Zealand

Wallis, I., Mcnamara, D. D., Rowland, J., & Massiot, C. (2012). The Nature of Fracture Permeability in the Basement Greywacke at Kawerau Geothermal Field, New Zealand. In Thirty-Seventh Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering. Palo Alto: Stanford University.

Conference Paper


Fractures interpreted from acoustic formation imaging technology: Correlation to permeability

McLean, K., & Mcnamara, D. D. (2011). Fractures interpreted from acoustic formation imaging technology: Correlation to permeability. In Thirty-Sixth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering. Palo Alto: Stanford University. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1336.9843

Conference Paper



A Continent on the Move: New Zealand Geoscience Revealed: This Land of Ours: Green Mining

Craw, D., Bland, K., McWilliams, M., Mcnamara, D., & Sherwood, A. (2015). A Continent on the Move: New Zealand Geoscience Revealed: This Land of Ours: Green Mining. Wellington: Geological Society of New Zealand.


Electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) in the SEM: applications to microstructures in minerals and rocks and recent technological advancements.

Mariani, E., Prior, D. J., McNamara, D., Pearce, M. A., Seaton, N., Seward, G., . . . Wheeler, J. (2008). Electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) in the SEM: applications to microstructures in minerals and rocks and recent technological advancements.. In I. Subias, & B. Bauluz (Eds.), Instrumental Techniques Applied to Mineralogy and Geochemistry Vol. 5 (pp. 154). Zaragoza, Spain: Sociedad Española de Mineralogía.

Conference Paper