Professional Activities
Conference Roles
- IODP Expedition 395: Drilling the Mid Atlantic Ridge at Liverpool Geological Association Seminars, by Invitation (Liverpool, UK, 2024)
- Geological Materials and Bio-mineral systems at European Microscopy Congress, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (Copenhagen, Denmark, 2024)
- Geothermal Geology: Teaching a New Dog Old Tricks at Earth Science Teachers Association Conference, by Invitation (Liverpool, UK, 2024)
- Quantifying Shallow Tectonic Stresses and their Influence on Active Faulting at the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand at Energy Group - Tectonic Stress: from the lithosphere to the wellbore (London, UK, 2024)
- Metamorphic Studies Group Research in Progress Conference (Liverpool, UK, 2025)
- Impact of Mineralogical Processes on Net Zero Geological Systems at University of Leeds Seminar, by Invitation (Leeds, UK, 2024)
- ENERGY AND SUSTAINABILITY at Herdman Symposium, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (Liverpool, UK, 2024)
- AGU (San Francisco, USA, 2023)
- American Geophysical Union 2023 (San Francisco, USA, 2023)
- 10th UK Geothermal Symposium (London, England, 2023)
- AGU Chapman Conference (Argos, Cyprus, 2023)
- European Geophysical Union (Vienna, Austria, 2023)
- Irish Geological Research Meeting (Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2023)
- IAVCEI Conference (Rotorua, New Zealand, 2023)
- Tectonic Studies Group (Leeds, UK, 2023)
- American Geophysical Union Conference (Chicago, USA, 2022)
- British Sedimentological Research Group Conference (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK, 2022)
- 9th UK Geothermal Symposium (British Geological Survey, London, UK, 2022)
- 16th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (Lyon, France, 2022)
- University of Galway CCUS Symposium (University of Galway, Ireland, 2022)
- Stout Lecture Series, by Invitation (Lincoln University, Nebraska, USA, 2022)
- The impacts of volcanism on sedimentary basins and their energy resources (British Geological Survey, London, UK, 2022)
- The role for Geothermal Energy in Northern Ireland at Northern Ireland Geothermal Week (Belfast, UK, 2022)
- European Geophysical Union Conference (Vienna, Austria, 2022)
- RWTH Aachen University Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology Seminars, by Invitation (Aachen University, Germany, 2022)
- American Geophysical Union Conference (New Orleans, USA, 2021)
- World Geothermal Congress 2020 (Reykjavik, Iceland, 2021)
- British Petroleum Seminars, by Invitation (Virtual, 2021)
- Geothermal Reservoir Scaling: What can Microanalysis tell us? at European Geothermal Workshop 2021, Keynote/Plenary (Karlsruhe, Germany, 2021)
- Geosciences and the Energy Transition: Resources on a Finite Planet (Virtual, 2021)
- Mineralogical Society of UK and Ireland: Applied Mineralogy Group Seminars, by Invitation (Virtual, 2021)
- Energy Transition - Geosciences and the Energy Transition: Energy Transfer, Injection and Storage (Virtual, 2021)
- European Geophysical Union Conference (Vienna, Austria, 2021)
- Geociencias Barcelona (GEO3BCN - CSIC) Seminar, by Invitation (Virtual, 2021)
- Geoscience and Geoenergy Webinar Series, by Invitation (Virtual, 2020)
- School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh Seminars, by Invitation (Virtual, 2020)
- Liverpool Geological Society Seminars, by Invitation (Virtual, 2020)
- 8th European Geothermal Workshop 2020 (Virtual, 2020)
- The Institute of Geologists of Ireland Seminar, by Invitation (Virtual, 2020)
- Women in Geothermal UK Seminars, by Invitation (Virtual, 2020)
- European Geophysical Union Conference (Virtual, 2020)
- Irish Geological Research Meeting (Athlone, Ireland, 2020)
- Herdman Lecture Series, by Invitation (Liverpool, UK, 2020)
- Queen's University Belfast Seminar, by Invitation (Belfast, UK, 2020)
- Geological Survey of Northern Ireland / Belfast's Geologist's Society Seminar, by Invitation (Belfast, UK, 2020)
- Camborne School of Mines Seminars, by Invitation (Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter, UK, 2020)
- Geology for the Future at de la Beche Symposium, Imperial College, by Invitation (Imperial College London, UK, 2020)
- Tectonic Studies Group Conference, Keynote/Plenary (Hull, UK, 2020)
- 8th UK Geothermal Symposium (British Geological Survey London, UK, 2019)
- Microscopy & Microanalysis 2019 Meeting (Portland, Oregon, USA, 2019)
- Irish Geological Research Meeting (Dublin, Ireland, 2019)
- Tectonic Studies Group Conference (Bergen, Norway, 2019)
- Imperial College London Seminar, by Invitation (London, UK, 2018)
- American Geophysical Union Conference (Washington DC, USA, 2018)
- University College Dublin School of Earth Sciences Seminar, by Invitation (Dublin, Ireland, 2018)
- National University of Galway LGBT+STEM Seminar, by Invitation (Galway, Ireland, 2018)
- European Geophysical Union Conference (Vienna, Austria, 2018)
- Geological Survey of Ireland Seminar, by Invitation (Dublin, Ireland, 2018)
- European Geophysical Union Conference (Vienna, Austria, 2017)
- Virtual EBSD 2022 (Virtual, 2022)
- Grace Anne Stewart Speaker Series, by Invitation (Virtual, 2022)
- Tectonic Studies Group (Virtual, 2022)
- 8th London Geothermal Symposium (London, UK, 2021)
- The role for geologists in geothermal energy at Asia Pacific American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (Virtual, 2021)
- The role for geothermal geologists in changing our energy sector. at Herdman Symposium, Keynote/Plenary (University of Liverpool, 2021)
- Tectonic Studies Group, by Invitation (Virtual, 2021)
- The Role of Geology in a Changing World at Tectonic Studies Group, by Invitation (Virtual, 2021)
- American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (San Francisco, 2011)
- Royal Society of New Zealand Early Career Researcher Conference (Wellington, 2014)
- Combined Heat, Power and Metal extraction from ultra-deep ore bodies (CHPM2030), by Invitation (Gran Canaria, 2018)
- Geothermal Association of Ireland Seminar, by Invitation (Dublin, 2017)
- Invited Speaker - China-Australia Geological Storage of CO2, by Invitation (Urumqi, 2017)
- Keynote Speaker - New Zealand Geothermal Workshop, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (Auckland, 2016)
- Invited Panellist - New Zealand Association of Scientists Conference, by Invitation (Wellington, 2016)
- Invited Speaker - The Institute for Geoscience Research (TIGeR) Conference, by Invitation (Perth, 2015)
- Futurenauts at Pecha Kucha Wellington, by Invitation (Wellington, 2014)
- What is the value of science? at New Zealand Association of Scientists Conference, by Invitation (Wellington, 2013)
- Transit of Venus Forum, by Invitation (Gisbourne, 2012)
- United States / New Zealand Joint Geothermal Workshop, Keynote/Plenary by Invitation (Rotorua, 2012)
- International Journal of Earth Sciences (Invited Topic Editor, 2017 - 2021)
Event Roles
- UoL Earth Sciences Industry Workshop (Workshop, University of Liverpool, 2023)
- Northern Ireland Geothermal Energy Week (Workshop, Belfast, UK, 2022)
Examination Roles
- University of Liverpool, Internal PhD Examiner (2022)
- University of Liverpool, Internal MPhil Examiner (2021)
- University of Liverpool, Internal PhD Examiner (2021)
- University of Edinburgh, GeoEnergy MSc (MPhil, 2021 - present)
- Macquarie University, External Thesis Examiner (MPhil, 2018)
- The University of Auckland, External Thesis Examiner (MPhil, 2016 - 2017)
- The University of Canterbury, External Thesis Examiner (PhD, 2014 - 2015)
Expert Opinions
- Research into the Geothermal Energy Sector in Northern Ireland - Geothermal Technology and Policy Review, Invited (Northern Irish Geothermal Advisory Committee, 2022)
- SEA Screening Determination for emerging draft Policy Statement on Geothermal Energy (The Institute of Geologists of Ireland, 2021)
- Evaluating the environmental impacts of fracking in New Zealand: An interim report, Invited (Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment New Zealand, 2012)
External Administrative or Committee Roles
- Geothermal Energy Advancement Association, Invited (Geothermal Energy Advancement Association, 2022 - present)
- Northern Ireland Geothermal Advisory Committee, Invited (Government of Northern Ireland, 2021 - present)
- Committee Member, Invited (Institute of Geologists of Ireland, 2020 - present)
- Committee Member (Geological Society of London, 2020 - 2023)
- Committee Member - Geoscience Society of New Zealand (Geoscience Society of New Zealand, 2016)
- Committee Member - ICORSA, Invited (International Consortium of Research Staff Associations, 2014 - 2016)
- Council Member Royal Society of New Zealand, Invited (Royal Society of New Zealand, 2011 - 2016)
- Co-Chair of the LGBT+ Staff Committee (National University of Ireland, Galway, 2017 - 2019)
- Founding Chair of the New Zealand Early Career Researcher Forum (Royal Society of New Zealand, 2015 - 2016)
- Chair of the Wellington Early Career Researcher Forum (Wellington Early Career Researcher Forum, 2013 - 2016)
- Committee Member of Wellington Early Career Researcher Forum (Wellington Early Career Researcher Forum, 2012 - 2013)
- Committee Member - School of Natural Sciences Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Committee (National University of Ireland, Galway, 2018 - 2019)
Grant Application Assessments
- Internal Pre-submission (Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), 2022)
- External Post-submission (Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, 2020)
- External Post-submission (Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), 2018)
Internal Administrative or Committee Roles
- Head of Earth Sciences Research Group (School / Institute, 2024 - present)
- School of Environmental Sciences Diversity Equality Inclusivity Committee Fieldwork Sub-group (School / Institute, 2022 - present)
Media Appearances
- Mineral processes impacting geological solutions for Net Zero, YouTube (Invited, February 2024)
- Geothermal Progresses in the UK, GeoHub Liverpool (Invited, December 2021)
- Structural geology for a sustainable world, Geoscientist Magazine (Invited, September 2021)
- The role for geothermal geologists in changing our energy sector, YouTube (Invited, February 2021)
- Structural Geology and Net Zero, YouTube (Invited, January 2021)
- How my undergraduate degree in Geology prepared me for working in Geothermal Energy, Geosciences for the Future (Invited, November 2020)
- 500 Queer Scientists, 500 Queer Scientists (July 2018)
- New Zealand's Geothermal Wonderland - Dr David McNamara, YouTube (Invited, June 2017)
- A Day in the GeoLife Series, Rock-Head Sciences (Invited, November 2015)
- The Queer Variable, Pride In STEM (Invited, June 2022)
- Ship to shore: a sea voyage to learn more about earthquakes, RTE Brainstorm (Invited, January 2018)
- ECR Conference wrap up by Co-convener Dr David McNamara, Vimeo (May 2014)
- David McNamara, University of Liverpool (Structural Fluid Flow in Geothermal Systems), YouTube (Invited, December 2020)
- Drilling the seabed for answers to Earth’s mysteries, The Irish Times (Invited, December 2017)
- JR Profiles Episode 6: David McNamara, Structural Geologist, YouTube (December 2017)
Organisations I have been associated with
- Hawke’s Bay Regional Investment Company Ltd. (2013)
- Todd Energy Ltd (2016)
- Galantas Irish Gold Ltd. (2018 - present)
- SLR Consulting (2018 - present)
- Dalradian Gold (2018 - present)
- Polaris Energy (2016)
- Mercury Energy Ltd. (2009 - present)
- Contact Energy Ltd. (2009 - present)
Professional Body Memberships
- Geological Society of London (Fellow, 2020 - 2023)
- The Institute for Geologists of Ireland (Member, 2020 - present)
- Geological Society of London Energy Group (Member, 2019 - 2023)
- New Zealand Geothermal Association (Member, 2012 - 2016)
- European Geosciences Union (Member, 2017 - present)
- Royal Society of New Zealand ECR Forum (Member, 2015 - 2016)
- Wellington Early Career Researchers (Member, 2012 - 2016)
- American Geophysical Union (Member, 2010 - present)
- International Partnership for Geothermal Technology (Member, 2010 - present)
- International Geothermal Association (Member, 2010 - present)
- Tectonic Studies Group (Member, 2005 - present)
- Geological Society of New Zealand (Member, 2014 - present)
- Royal Society of New Zealand (Councillor, 2014 - 2015)
Publication Reviews
- Reviewer, Invited (Journal of the Geological Society, Pre-publication)
- Reviewer, Invited (G3: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems: an electronic journal of the earth sciences, Pre-publication)
- Reviewer, Invited (Geosciences, Pre-publication)
- Reviewer, Invited (Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, Pre-publication)
- Reviewer (New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, Pre-publication)
- Revewier (Journal of Geophysical Research, Pre-publication)
- Revewier (Geothermal Energy, Pre-publication)
- Reviewer (Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Pre-publication)
- Revewier (Marine and Petroleum Geology, Pre-publication)
- Revewier (Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, Pre-publication)
- Revewier (Geothermics, Pre-publication)
- Reviewer (Economic Geology, Pre-publication)
- Revewier (Geofluids, Pre-publication)