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I teach on the Masters for Public Health (MPH) and the MBChB.
For the MPH I have led the development and delivery of the Public Health Data Lab which sits alongside the Epidemiology and Statistics Modules 1&2.
On the MBChB I lead interactive small group sessions across the Public, Preventative & Global Health (PPGH) theme. I have also developed and delivered a statistics lecture for first year students 'Medical Statistics and the importance of numbers' and designed interactive small group session on 'Numeracy' which sit alongside the lecture.

I have supervised two MPH dissertations and one MPhil dissertation to successful completion and and currently supervising three PhD students.

MBChB Critical Analysis and Synthesis (CAS)

I facilitate workshops for the Critical Analysis and Synthesis module of the MBChB.

Research project supervision

I supervise Masters in Public Health students during their research projects for their dissertation and PhD students who are interested in quantitative analyses for public health research.

Modules for 2024-25


Module code: DASC500

Role: Teaching

Supervised Theses