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My research focus is on utilising methods for longitudinal data analysis and causal inference to understand pathways to poor child health and health inequalities. Some specific areas I have a particular interest in are:

- Improving outcomes and reducing inequalities for people with cystic fibrosis
- Improving outcomes for babies in neonatal care units and reducing inequalities in neonatal and infant mortality
- Understanding causes and consequences of children being taken into care

I work with the UK, US and Danish cystic fibrosis registries, population linked electronic health care records, birth cohort data and local administrative data.

Projects I am currently involved in ( in addition to grants listed below):
I am principle investigator on a Hugh Greenwood funded project on "Addressing geographical inequalities in neonatal and infant mortality using linked routine data" which is a collaboration with Liverpool Women's Hospital and Alder Hey Children's Hospital.

I collaborate with colleagues in Sweden on a project entitled 'Drivers of inequalities among families with involvement in child welfare services' funded by the Swedish Research Council FORTE

I am co-investigator and work package co-lead on a project funded by Health and Care Research Wales, Research for Patient Benefit called 'CF PROSPER: Cystic Fibrosis Pregnancy Related Outcome data to Support PERsonal choices '.

Research grants

RESTORE - Research for Equitable SySTem RespOnse and REcovery


May 2021 - October 2023

Addressing inequalities in ‘Children in Need’: A population linkage study to inform policy


November 2020 - June 2023