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Daniela Pirani

Dr Daniela Pirani


+44 (0)151 793 6297


Daniela has two main research interests: gendered consumption and historical marketing.
Her research projects include:
- iconic branding and

Feminist consumption

My main interest is in how gender shapes our access and understanding of consumption.
I am looking at this with a project on women proposing to men, which looks at how gender equality is changing family rituals. The project has been funded by the ULMS pump-priming scheme and is run in collaboration with Dr Vera Hoelscher (Royal Holloway University of London) and Dr Ratna Khanijou (Goldsmiths, University of London), and is summarised here: Research Project Animation
The second direction of this research interest is queer theory and its epistemological potential for the marketing discipline. I am exploring this with Athanasia Daskalopoulou (ULMS).

Food consumption and national identity

The second research interest is how food is used to market national ideologies and the invention of commercial traditions. I have mainly explored this through a project funded by the BA/Small Leverhulme Grant on Italian breakfast, adopting archival research in Italian business archives. Thanks to this project, I started a collaboration with Prof Christina Lubinski (Copenaghen Business School).

Research grants

Inventing Breakfast: the role of the Italian bakery industry in a new eating practice


April 2019 - May 2022