Introduction: Celebrating One Hundred Years of the <i>Bulletin</i> and the Legacy of Edgar Allison Peers
TAYLOR, C. (2023). Introduction: Celebrating One Hundred Years of the <i>Bulletin</i> and the Legacy of Edgar Allison Peers. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 100(10), 977-980. doi:10.3828/bhs.2023.61
'Belén Gache: Góngora WordToys’ and ‘Eduardo Navas'
Taylor, C. (2023). 'Belén Gache: Góngora WordToys’ and ‘Eduardo Navas'. In Latin American Digital Poetics (pp. 42-68). Springer Nature.
Dialogues Across Media: The Creation of (New?) Hybrid Genres by Belén Gache and Marina Zerbarini
Taylor, C. (2023). Dialogues Across Media: The Creation of (New?) Hybrid Genres by Belén Gache and Marina Zerbarini. In The Multimedia Works of Contemporary Latin American Women Writers and Artists (pp. 251-269). London: Boydell & Brewer.
Memory practices 'from below': Mnemonic solidarity, intimacy and counter-monuments in the practices of Zoscua, Colombia
Taylor, C. (2023). Memory practices 'from below': Mnemonic solidarity, intimacy and counter-monuments in the practices of Zoscua, Colombia. MEMORY STUDIES. doi:10.1177/17506980231170350
Digital Identities’
Taylor, C., & Pitman, T. (2022). Digital Identities’. In Transnational Modern Languages A Handbook (pp. 87-95). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
Co-creación, Arte Digital y Agencia: Experiencias de un proyecto de co-creación de obras de arte digital en Colombia
Taylor, C., Mencía, M., Asorey-Cacheda, R., & Zúñiga-Cañón, C. (n.d.). Co-creación, Arte Digital y Agencia: Experiencias de un proyecto de co-creación de obras de arte digital en Colombia. Quaderni Culturali IILA, 3(3), 31-42. doi:10.36253/qciila-1552
Preface to Launch Issue
Taylor, C. (2021). Preface to Launch Issue. Modern Languages Open, 1. doi:10.3828/mlo.v0i0.411
Digital Culture in Modern Languages Research: Institutional and Epistemological Connections and Challenges
Taylor, C. (2021). Digital Culture in Modern Languages Research: Institutional and Epistemological Connections and Challenges. In Language Debates Theory and Reality in Language Learning, Teaching and Research (pp. 244-256). London: John Murray Press.
Archives of Human Rights and Historical Memory: An Analysis of Archival Practices ‘From Below’ in Four NGOs in Colombia
Taylor, C., Brandi, L., Acosta Sánchez, C. A., & Díaz Vallejo, M. (2021). Archives of Human Rights and Historical Memory: An Analysis of Archival Practices ‘From Below’ in Four NGOs in Colombia. Journal of Contemporary Archival Studies, 8(3). Retrieved from
Manual ArchiCom: Aportes Prácticos para Archivos Comunitarios de Derechos Humanos
Brandi, L., Taylor, C., Acosta Sánchez, C. A., & Díaz Vallejo, M. (2020). Manual ArchiCom: Aportes Prácticos para Archivos Comunitarios de Derechos Humanos (Second ed.). Colombia: Ediciones ArchiCom. Retrieved from
ESRC Review: Communities and Identities
Yates, S. J., Blejmar, J., Wessels, B., & Taylor, C. (2020). ESRC Review: Communities and Identities. In The Oxford Handbook of Digital Technology and Society (pp. 403-425). Oxford University Press (OUP). doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190932596.013.12
ESRC Review: Communities and Identities
Yates, S. J., Blejmar, J., Wessels, B., & Taylor, C. (2020). ESRC Review: Communities and Identities. In S. J. Yates, & R. E. Rice (Eds.), Unknown Book (pp. 403-425). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190932596.013.12
Electronic Literature in Latin America From Text to Hypertext
Taylor, C. (2019). Electronic Literature in Latin America From Text to Hypertext. Palgrave. Retrieved from
Serious Gaming: Critiques of Neoliberalism in the Works of Ricardo Miranda Zúñiga
Taylor, C. L. (2019). Serious Gaming: Critiques of Neoliberalism in the Works of Ricardo Miranda Zúñiga. In Video Games and the Global South (pp. 47-60). Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon University ETC Press. Retrieved from
Electronic Literature in Latin America
Taylor, C. (2019). Electronic Literature in Latin America. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-30988-6
The digital future of Modern Languages: Digital culture and rethinking Modern Languages
Taylor, C. (2018). The digital future of Modern Languages: Digital culture and rethinking Modern Languages. Explorations in Media Ecology, 17(3), 263-269. doi:10.1386/eme.17.3.263_1
Resisting the Brand, Resisting the Platform? Digital Genres and The Contestation of Corporate Powers in Belén Gache’s Radikal Karaoke
Taylor, C. L. (2018). Resisting the Brand, Resisting the Platform? Digital Genres and The Contestation of Corporate Powers in Belén Gache’s Radikal Karaoke. In Branding Latin America Strategies, Aims, Resistance (pp. 117-130). Lanham: Lexington.
Interactive Projects from Colombia: Re-thinking the Geopolitics of Territory
Taylor, C. L. (2017). Interactive Projects from Colombia: Re-thinking the Geopolitics of Territory. In Online Activism in Latin America (pp. 273-292). New York: Routledge.
Where's the ML in DH? And Where's the DH in ML? The Relationship between Modern Languages and Digital Humanities, and an Argument for a Critical DHML
Pitman, T., & Taylor, C. (2017). Where's the ML in DH? And Where's the DH in ML? The Relationship between Modern Languages and Digital Humanities, and an Argument for a Critical DHML. DIGITAL HUMANITIES QUARTERLY, 11(1). Retrieved from
Modern Languages and the Digital: The Shape of the Discipline
Taylor, C. (n.d.). Modern Languages and the Digital: The Shape of the Discipline. Modern Languages Open, 0(0). doi:10.3828/mlo.v0i0.156
Entre "Born Digital" y herencia literaria: el diálogo entre formatos literarios y tecnología digital en la poética electrónica hispanoamericana
Taylor, C. L. (2017). Entre "Born Digital" y herencia literaria: el diálogo entre formatos literarios y tecnología digital en la poética electrónica hispanoamericana. Tropelías: Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada.
Latin(o) American Digital Art: Some Observations on Exhibition Spaces, Social Media, and Europe-Latin(o) American Collaborations
Taylor, C. L., & Blejmar, J. (2016). Latin(o) American Digital Art: Some Observations on Exhibition Spaces, Social Media, and Europe-Latin(o) American Collaborations. Retrieved from
From the Baroque to Twitter: Tracing the Literary Heritage of Digital Genres
Taylor, C. (2016). From the Baroque to Twitter: Tracing the Literary Heritage of Digital Genres. COMPARATIVE CRITICAL STUDIES, 13(3), 307-329. doi:10.3366/ccs.2016.0208
Place and Politics in Latin American Digital Culture Location and Latin American Net Art
Taylor, C. (2016). Place and Politics in Latin American Digital Culture Location and Latin American Net Art. New York: Routledge. Retrieved from
Between Science Fiction and a Travelogue: Albalucía Angel’s Tierra de nadie
Taylor, C. (n.d.). Between Science Fiction and a Travelogue: Albalucía Angel’s Tierra de nadie. La Manzana de la Discordia, 4(2), 7. doi:10.25100/lamanzanadeladiscordia.v4i2.1447
Digital scholarship and writing sprints: an academic author perspective
Taylor, C. (2016). Digital scholarship and writing sprints: an academic author perspective. INSIGHTS-THE UKSG JOURNAL, 29(1), 26-30. doi:10.1629/uksg.286
Place and Politics in Latin American Digital Culture
Taylor, C. (n.d.). Place and Politics in Latin American Digital Culture. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315850238
Latin American Identity in Online Cultural Production
Taylor, C., & Pitman, T. (n.d.). Latin American Identity in Online Cultural Production. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203069134
Monopolies and<i>Maquiladoras</i>: The Resistant Re-encoding of Gaming in Coco Fusco and Ricardo Domínguez's<i>Turista Fronterizo</i>
Taylor, C. (2012). Monopolies and<i>Maquiladoras</i>: The Resistant Re-encoding of Gaming in Coco Fusco and Ricardo Domínguez's<i>Turista Fronterizo</i>. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research, 18(2), 151-165. doi:10.1080/13260219.2012.740826
Blogging from the margins: Grassroots activism and mass media forms in the hiperbarrio project
Taylor, C. (2012). Blogging from the margins: Grassroots activism and mass media forms in the hiperbarrio project. In Latin American Popular Culture: Politics, Media, Affect (pp. 207-224).
Post-Digital Remixes and Carnavalesque Relinkings: Eduardo Navas's Goobalization
Taylor, C. L. (2012). Post-Digital Remixes and Carnavalesque Relinkings: Eduardo Navas's Goobalization. Hispanic Issues, 9, 192-213.
Time Travel and History in Carmen Boullosa's Llanto, novelas imposibles
Taylor, C. L. (2012). Time Travel and History in Carmen Boullosa's Llanto, novelas imposibles. In A. Brown (Ed.), Latin American Science Fiction (pp. 42-75). London: Palgrave.
Resistant Gaming and Resignifying the Border Online: Ricardo Miranda Zúñiga's<i>Vagamundo, A Migrant's Tale</i>
Taylor, C. (2011). Resistant Gaming and Resignifying the Border Online: Ricardo Miranda Zúñiga's<i>Vagamundo, A Migrant's Tale</i>. Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, 20(3), 303-321. doi:10.1080/13569325.2011.617362
De Macondo a Macon.doc : ficción hipermedia hispanoamericana contemporánea
Taylor, C. (2010). De Macondo a Macon.doc : ficción hipermedia hispanoamericana contemporánea. Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies, 14(1), 197-215. doi:10.1353/hcs.2011.0388
García Márquez and film
Taylor, C. (n.d.). García Márquez and film. In P. Swanson (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Gabriel Garciá Márquez (pp. 160-178). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/ccol9780521867498.012
García Márquez in Film and Other Media
Taylor, C. L. (2010). García Márquez in Film and Other Media. In P. Swanson (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Gabriel García Márquez (pp. 160-178). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Laura Esquivel and the boom femenino: Popular Genres and Double Encoding
Taylor, C. (2010). Laura Esquivel and the boom femenino: Popular Genres and Double Encoding. In N. Finnegan, & J. Lavery (Eds.), The Boom Femenino in Mexico: Reading Contemporary Women's Writing (pp. 199-216). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Paz Soldán en el contexto de la cibercultura latinoamericana
Taylor, C. L. (2010). Paz Soldán en el contexto de la cibercultura latinoamericana. In E. Fisbach (Ed.), Tradition et modernité dans l'oeuvre d'Edmundo Paz Soldán (pp. 19-35). Angers: Presses Universitaires d'Angers.
Identity, Nation, Discourse: Latin American Women Writers and Artists
Taylor, C. (Ed.) (2009). Identity, Nation, Discourse: Latin American Women Writers and Artists. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Latin American feminist criticism revisited: Helena Araújo's<i>La Scherezada criolla</i>
Taylor, C. (2008). Latin American feminist criticism revisited: Helena Araújo's<i>La Scherezada criolla</i>. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 14(2-3), 93-100. doi:10.1080/14701840802543852
Feminist Theory and Latin American Cultural Practice
Taylor, C. L. (2008). Feminist Theory and Latin American Cultural Practice. In A. Davies, P. Kumaraswami, & C. Williams (Eds.), Making Waves Anniversary Volume: Women in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (pp. 92-106). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Conclusion: Latin American Identity and Cyberspace
Taylor, C., & Pitman, T. (2007). Conclusion: Latin American Identity and Cyberspace. In Latin American Cyberculture and Cyberliterature (pp. 263-267). Liverpool University Press. doi:10.5949/upo9781846313462.018
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Latin American Cyberculture and Cyberliterature
Taylor, C. L., & Pitman, T. (Eds.) (2007). Latin American Cyberculture and Cyberliterature. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
Latin American Cyberculture and Cyberliterature
Taylor, C., & Pitman, T. (2007). Latin American Cyberculture and Cyberliterature. Liverpool University Press. doi:10.5949/upo9781846313462
Virtual Bodies in Cyberspace: Guzik Glantz's Weblog
Taylor, C. (2007). Virtual Bodies in Cyberspace: Guzik Glantz's Weblog. In Latin American Cyberculture and Cyberliterature (pp. 244-256). Liverpool University Press. doi:10.5949/upo9781846313462.016
Latin America
Taylor, C. L. (2007). Latin America. In J. McCleod (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Postcolonial Studies (pp. 120-128). London: Routledge.
The Spanish and Portuguese Empires
Taylor, C. L. (2007). The Spanish and Portuguese Empires. In The Routledge Companion to Postcolonial Studies (pp. 46-58). London: Routledge.
Wandering Texts and Theories in Albalucía Ángel's<i>Las andariegas</i>
Taylor, C. (2006). Wandering Texts and Theories in Albalucía Ángel's<i>Las andariegas</i>. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 12(2-3), 247-259. doi:10.1080/14701840601085113
Geographical and Corporeal Transformations in Carmen Boullosa's <i>Duerme</i>
Taylor, C. (2006). Geographical and Corporeal Transformations in Carmen Boullosa's <i>Duerme</i>. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 83(3), 225-240. doi:10.3828/bhs.83.3.6
Saliéndose del asunto: la revisión del discurso histórico en Estaba la pájara pinta de Albalucía Ángel
Taylor, C. L. (2006). Saliéndose del asunto: la revisión del discurso histórico en Estaba la pájara pinta de Albalucía Ángel. In G. Pinzón Olaya (Ed.), III Encuentro de Escritoras Colombianas: Homenaje a Albalucía Ángel. Memorias (pp. 79-85). Bogotá: Consejería Presidencial para la Equidad de la Mujer.
'María Luisa Bemberg Winks at the Audience: Performativity and Citation in Camila and Yo, la peor de todas'
Taylor, C. (2005). 'María Luisa Bemberg Winks at the Audience: Performativity and Citation in Camila and Yo, la peor de todas'. In L. Shaw, & S. Dennison (Eds.), Latin American Cinema: Essays on Modernity, Gender and National Identity (pp. 110-124). Jefferson: McFarland.
Taylor, C. (2005). CUMBIA. In Pop Culture Latin America!: Media, Arts, and Lifestyle (pp. 23-24).
Taylor, C., & Dennison, S. (2005). ECOTOURISM. In Pop Culture Latin America!: Media, Arts, and Lifestyle (pp. 140-142).
Taylor, C. (2005). FOTONOVELA. In Pop Culture Latin America!: Media, Arts, and Lifestyle (pp. 173-175).
Taylor, C., & Dennison, S. (2005). SEX TOURISM. In Pop Culture Latin America!: Media, Arts, and Lifestyle (pp. 143-144).
Taylor, C. (2005). THE INTERNET. In Pop Culture Latin America!: Media, Arts, and Lifestyle (pp. 251-254).
Taylor, C. (2005). VALLENATO. In Pop Culture Latin America!: Media, Arts, and Lifestyle (pp. 29-32).
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Cities, codes and cyborgs in Carmen Boullosa's<i>ceilos de la tierra</i>
Taylor, C. (2003). Cities, codes and cyborgs in Carmen Boullosa's<i>ceilos de la tierra</i>. Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 80(4), 477-493. doi:10.1080/1475382032000124251
Bodies and Texts: Configurations of Identity in the Works of Griselda Gambaro, Albalucía Ángel, and Laura Esquivel
Taylor, C. (2003). Bodies and Texts: Configurations of Identity in the Works of Griselda Gambaro, Albalucía Ángel, and Laura Esquivel. Leeds: Maney for the Modern Humanities Research Association.
'Body-Swapping and Genre-Crossing in Laura Esquivel's La ley del amor'
Taylor, C. (2002). 'Body-Swapping and Genre-Crossing in Laura Esquivel's La ley del amor'. Modern Language Review, 97(2), 324-335.
Bodily Mutilation and the Dismemberment of Discourse in the Novels of Griselda Gambaro
Taylor, C. L. (2001). Bodily Mutilation and the Dismemberment of Discourse in the Novels of Griselda Gambaro. Forum for Modern Language Studies, 37(3), 326-336. doi:10.1093/fmls/37.3.326