Selected publications
- Bridging the gap between high-speed rail transport studies and cluster economics through social knowledge exchange: future research potential (Journal article - 2024)
- A holistic motility understanding of the social phenomena underlying inter-city high-speed rail commuting: Evidence from China's Yangtze River Delta (Journal article - 2024)
- Is high-speed rail socially exclusive? An evidence-based worldwide analysis (Journal article - 2022)
- Handbook on Transport and Urban Transformation in China (Book - 2020)
- Exploring the physical and mental health of high-speed rail commuters: Suzhou-Shanghai inter-city commuting (Journal article - 2020)
- Can transport infrastructure change regions' economic fortunes? Some evidence from Europe and China (Journal article - 2017)
- Improving interchanges : toward better multimodal railway hubs in the People's Republic of China (Book - 2015)
- Reshaping Chinese space-economy through high-speed trains: opportunities and challenges (Journal article - 2012)
- The wider spatial-economic impacts of high-speed trains: a comparative case study of Manchester and Lille sub-regions (Journal article - 2012)
- The impacts of high-speed trains on British economic geography: a study of the UK's InterCity 125/225 and its effects (Journal article - 2011)
Bridging the gap between high-speed rail transport studies and cluster economics through social knowledge exchange: future research potential
Russell, C., Chen, C. -L., & Wong, C. (2024). Bridging the Gap Between High-Speed Rail Transport Studies and Cluster Economics Through Social Knowledge Exchange: Future Research Potential. Transport Reviews.
A holistic motility understanding of the social phenomena underlying inter-city high-speed rail commuting: Evidence from China's Yangtze River Delta
Lin, S., Chen, C. -L., Yu, X., Chung, H., & Vickerman, R. (2024). A holistic motility understanding of the social phenomena underlying inter-city high-speed rail commuting: Evidence from China's Yangtze River Delta. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 15, 101131. doi:10.1016/j.cstp.2023.101131
New and Emerging Pathways for Transport Geography
Dobruszkes, F., Chen, C. -L., Cidell, J., Condeço-Melhorado, A., Goetz, A., Ryley, T., & Thévenin, T. (2023). New and Emerging Pathways for Transport Geography. In Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences (pp. 39-59). Springer Nature Singapore. doi:10.1007/978-981-99-6604-2_3
Stuck on infrastructure? Planning for the transformative effects of transport infrastructure
Chen, C. -L. (2023). Stuck on infrastructure? Planning for the transformative effects of transport infrastructure. In Planning in a Failing State (pp. 138-159). Policy Press. doi:10.1332/policypress/9781447365044.003.0009
What the decision to curtail HS2 and embrace cars means for the UK’s cities
Chen, C. -L. (2023). What the decision to curtail HS2 and embrace cars means for the UK’s cities. [The Conversation].
2 for HS2
Chen, C. -L. (2023). 2 for HS2. In M. H. Picard, A. Brenchat-Aguilar, T. Carroll, J. Gilbert, & N. Miller (Eds.), Wastiary: a Bestiary of Waste Wastiary. London: UCL Press.
Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning
Sykes, O., & Chen, C. L. (Eds.) (2023). Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning (Vol. 6). AESOP Association of the European Schools of Planning.
Is It Possible to Compete With Car Use? How Buses Can Facilitate Sustainable Transport
Liu, Q., Liu, Y., Chen, C. -L., Papa, E., Ling, Y., & Cao, M. (n.d.). Is It Possible to Compete With Car Use? How Buses Can Facilitate Sustainable Transport. Urban Planning, 8(3). doi:10.17645/up.v8i3.6368
Sykes, O., & Chen, C. -L. (n.d.). Editorial. Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning, 6(1), i. doi:10.24306/traesop.2022.01.000
Is high-speed rail socially exclusive? An evidence-based worldwide analysis
Dobruszkes, F., Chen, C. -L., Moyano, A., Pagliara, F., & Endemann, P. (2022). Is high-speed rail socially exclusive? An evidence-based worldwide analysis. TRAVEL BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIETY, 26, 96-107. doi:10.1016/j.tbs.2021.09.009
Exploring the relationship between the commuting experience and hedonic and eudaimonic well-being
Liu, Q., Chen, C. -L., & Cao, M. (2021). Exploring the relationship between the commuting experience and hedonic and eudaimonic well-being. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. doi:10.1016/j.trd.2021.103026
Chapter 5 - Circulation of Planning Theories and Practices: A case for two-way knowledge transfer, Vivek Mishra and Sudikshya Bhandari in conversation with Chia-Lin Chen
Mishra, V., & Bhandari, S. (n.d.). Chapter 5 - Circulation of Planning Theories and Practices: A case for two-way knowledge transfer, Vivek Mishra and Sudikshya Bhandari in conversation with Chia-Lin Chen. In C. Mukhopadhyay, C. Belingardi, G. Papparaldo, & M. Hendawy (Eds.), Planning Theories and Practices from the Global South - Conversations in Planning Theory and Practice Booklet Project (pp. 62-71). Dortmund, Germany: Association of European School of Planning - Young Academics Network. Retrieved from
Rail reform: why Britain’s railways are getting a full makeover
Chen, C. -L. (2021). Rail reform: why Britain’s railways are getting a full makeover. Retrieved from
Spatial Implications and Planning Criteria for High-Speed Rail Cities and Regions
Group, T. F. (2021). Spatial Implications and Planning Criteria for High-Speed Rail Cities and Regions. Routledge.
Conclusion: Key findings and need for future research
Ureña, J. M. D., Chen, C. -L., Loukaitou-Sideris, A., & Vickerman, R. (2021). Conclusion: Key findings and need for future research. In Spatial Implications and Planning Criteria for High-Speed Rail Cities and Regions (pp. 224-228). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003131007-11
Introduction: Spatial short and long-term implications and planning challenges of high-speed rail: A literature review framework
Chen, C. -L., Loukaitou-Sideris, A., Ureña, J. M. D., & Vickerman, R. (2021). Introduction: Spatial short and long-term implications and planning challenges of high-speed rail: A literature review framework. In Spatial Implications and Planning Criteria for High-Speed Rail Cities and Regions (pp. 1-19). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003131007-1
Intercity commuters are a puzzle for Chinese officials - Chaguan Column- Feb 27th 2021 edition on "The Economist"
Rennie, D. (2021). Intercity commuters are a puzzle for Chinese officials - Chaguan Column- Feb 27th 2021 edition on "The Economist". [both print and online]. Retrieved from
Vickerman, R., & Chen, C. L. (2021). IMPACTS OF HIGH-SPEED RAIL ON NEW FIRM FORMATION. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, HKSTS 2021: Sustainable Mobility (pp. 127-134).
List of Contributors to Volume 6
List of Contributors to Volume 6 (2021). In International Encyclopedia of Transportation (pp. ix-xii). Elsevier. doi:10.1016/b978-0-08-102671-7.10822-x
Regional Transport Planning
Chen, C. -L. (2021). Regional Transport Planning. In International Encyclopedia of Transportation (pp. 286-291). Elsevier. doi:10.1016/b978-0-08-102671-7.10697-9
Exploring the Association of the Built Environment, Accessibility and Commuting Frequency with the Travel Times of High-Speed Rail Commuters: Evidence from China
Chung, H., Yang, Y., Chen, C. -L., & Vickerman, R. (2020). Exploring the Association of the Built Environment, Accessibility and Commuting Frequency with the Travel Times of High-Speed Rail Commuters: Evidence from China. Built Environment, 46(3), 342-361. doi:10.2148/benv.46.3.342
Impacts of HSR in China: A Photo Essay
Hickman, R., & Chen, C. -L. (2020). Impacts of HSR in China: A Photo Essay. Built Environment, 46(3), 398-421. doi:10.2148/benv.46.3.398
Impacts of High-Speed Rail: Hubs, Linkages, and Development
Chen, C. -L., & Hickman, R. (2020). Impacts of High-Speed Rail: Hubs, Linkages, and Development. Built Environment, 46(3), 337-341. doi:10.2148/benv.46.3.337
Exploring the physical and mental health of high-speed rail commuters: Suzhou-Shanghai inter-city commuting
Wang, L., Zhang, S., Sun, W., & Chen, C. -L. (2020). Exploring the physical and mental health of high-speed rail commuters: Suzhou-Shanghai inter-city commuting. JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT & HEALTH, 18. doi:10.1016/j.jth.2020.100902
Impacts of HSR: Hubs, Linkages, and Development
Chen, C. -L., & Hickman, R. (Eds.) (2020). Impacts of HSR: Hubs, Linkages, and Development (Vol. 46). Alexandrine Press. Retrieved from
High-speed rail and its wider spatial-economic impact on transformation of Chinese cities and regions: A multi-level analysis
Chen, C. -L. (2020). High-speed rail and its wider spatial-economic impact on transformation of Chinese cities and regions: A multi-level analysis. In C. -L. Chen, H. Pan, Q. Shen, & J. J. Wang (Eds.), Handbook on Transport and Urban Transformation in China (pp. 60-82). London: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781786439246.00010
Book Review
CHEN, C. -L. (2020). Book Review. Town Planning Review, 91(2), 205-214. doi:10.3828/tpr.2020.11
HS2 at the crossroads—What next?
Chen, C. -L. (2020). HS2 at the crossroads—What next?. Town and Country Planning.
Handbook on Transport and Urban Transformation in China
Chen, C. -L., Pan, H., Shen, Q., & Wang, J. J. (Eds.) (2020). Handbook on Transport and Urban Transformation in China. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781786439246
Introduction to the Handbook on Transport and Urban Transformation in China
Chen, C. -L., Pan, H., Shen, Q., & Wang, J. J. (2020). Introduction to the Handbook on Transport and Urban Transformation in China. In C. -L. Chen, H. Pan, Q. Shen, & J. J. Wang (Eds.), Handbook on Transport and Urban Transformation in China (pp. 1-17). London: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781786439246.00006
Quantifying the economic and social impacts of high-speed rail: Some evidence from Europe and the People’s Republic of China
Chen, C. -L., & Vickerman, R. (2020). Quantifying the economic and social impacts of high-speed rail: Some evidence from Europe and the People’s Republic of China. In Y. Hayashi, K. S. Ram, & S. Bharule (Eds.), Handbook on High-speed Rail and Quality of Life (pp. 283-303). Tokyo: Asian Development Bank Institute.
Quantifying the economic and social impacts of high-speed rail: Some evidence from Europe and the People’s Republic of China
Chen, C. -L., & Vickerman, R. (2019). Quantifying the economic and social impacts of high-speed rail: Some evidence from Europe and the People’s Republic of China: Quantifying the economic and social impacts of high-speed rail: Some evidence from Europe and the People’s Republic of China (962). Retrieved from
Spatial short and long-term implications and planning challenges of high-speed rail: a literature review framework for the special issue
Chen, C. L., Loukaitou-Sideris, A., de Ureña, J. M., & Vickerman, R. (2019). Spatial short and long-term implications and planning challenges of high-speed rail: a literature review framework for the special issue. European Planning Studies, 27(3), 415-433. doi:10.1080/09654313.2018.1562658
Testing the application of participatory MCA: The case of the South Fylde Line
Dean, M., Hickman, R., & Chen, C. (2019). Testing the application of participatory MCA: The case of the South Fylde Line. Transport Policy. doi:10.1016/j.tranpol.2018.10.007
Tram development and urban transport integration in Chinese cities: A case study of Suzhou
Chen, C. -L. (2018). Tram development and urban transport integration in Chinese cities: A case study of Suzhou. ECONOMICS OF TRANSPORTATION, 15, 16-31. doi:10.1016/j.ecotra.2018.02.001
Book review
Chen, C. -L. (2017). Book review. Journal of Transport Geography, 65, 200-201. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2017.09.014
Modern Tram and Pubic Transport Transit Integration in Chinese Cities – A case study of Suzhou
Chen, C. (2017). Modern Tram and Pubic Transport Transit Integration in Chinese Cities – A case study of Suzhou (2017-21). Retrieved from
Policy and Practice The Northern Powerhouse: a comparative perspective
Nurse, A., Chen, C. -L., & Desjardins, X. (2017). Policy and Practice The Northern Powerhouse: a comparative perspective. TOWN PLANNING REVIEW, 88(4), 383-400. doi:10.3828/tpr.2017.25
Transport emissions in Beijing: a scenario planning approach
Cao, M., Chen, C. -L., & Hickman, R. (2017). Transport emissions in Beijing: a scenario planning approach. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-TRANSPORT, 170(2), 65-75. doi:10.1680/jtran.15.00093
Can transport infrastructure change regions' economic fortunes? Some evidence from Europe and China
Chen, C. -L., & Vickerman, R. (2017). Can transport infrastructure change regions' economic fortunes? Some evidence from Europe and China. Regional Studies, 51(1), 144-160. doi:10.1080/00343404.2016.1262017
Transport and Place-Making: A Long View
Chen, C. -L. (2016). Transport and Place-Making: A Long View. In SpringerBriefs on Pioneers in Science and Practice (pp. 37-58). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-28056-1_4
High-speed trains and spatial-economic impacts: a British-French comparison on two scales: intra- and inter-regional
Chen, C. -L., & Hall, P. (2015). High-speed trains and spatial-economic impacts: a British-French comparison on two scales: intra- and inter-regional. In HANDBOOK ON TRANSPORT AND DEVELOPMENT (pp. 301-317). Retrieved from
Peter Hall: Inspirer and Innovator of Railways and Regions
Chen, C. -L. (2015). Peter Hall: Inspirer and Innovator of Railways and Regions. Built Environment, 41(1), 112-128. doi:10.2148/benv.41.1.112
Improving interchanges : toward better multimodal railway hubs in the People's Republic of China
Chen, C. -L., Hickman, R., & Saxena, S. (2015). Improving interchanges : toward better multimodal railway hubs in the People's Republic of China. Manila, the Philippines: Asian Development Bank. Retrieved from
Improving interchanges in China: the experiential phenomenon
Hickman, R., Chen, C. -L., Chow, A., & Saxena, S. (2015). Improving interchanges in China: the experiential phenomenon. JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 42, 175-186. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2014.12.004
HS2: Can the technology meet expectations?
Chen, C. (2014). HS2: Can the technology meet expectations?. [Your Ready Business Website]. Retrieved from
Wider impacts of rail-based transport investment on urban and economic development- Literature Review
Chen, C. (2014). Wider impacts of rail-based transport investment on urban and economic development- Literature Review. Retrieved from
High-Speed Rail and Urban Transformation in China:The Case of Hangzhou East Rail Station
Chen, C. -L., & Wei, B. (2013). High-Speed Rail and Urban Transformation in China:The Case of Hangzhou East Rail Station. Built Environment, 39(3), 385-398. doi:10.2148/benv.39.3.385
Using High Speed Two to Irrigate the Regions
Chen, C. -L., & Hall, P. (2013). Using High Speed Two to Irrigate the Regions. Built Environment, 39(3), 355-368. doi:10.2148/benv.39.3.355
The Spatial-Economic Impact of High-Speed Trains: Nationally (The UK IC125) and Regionally (A British-French Comparison)
Chen, C. (2013). The Spatial-Economic Impact of High-Speed Trains: Nationally (The UK IC125) and Regionally (A British-French Comparison). (University College London).
HS2 alone won’t address the north-south divide
Chen, C. (2013). HS2 alone won’t address the north-south divide. [The Conversation].
Other side of the high-speed rail argument
Hall, P., & Chen, C. (2013). Other side of the high-speed rail argument. [The Guardian].
Chen, C. -L. (2012). THE CASE FOR HS2 FROM A REGIONAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVE: DEBATE IN A UK PARLIAMENTARY SEMINAR. Regions Magazine, 287(1), 4-5. doi:10.1080/13673882.2012.10554270
The wider spatial-economic impacts of high-speed trains: a comparative case study of Manchester and Lille sub-regions
Chen, C. -L., & Hall, P. (2012). The wider spatial-economic impacts of high-speed trains: a comparative case study of Manchester and Lille sub-regions. JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 24, 89-110. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2011.09.002
Reshaping Chinese space-economy through high-speed trains: opportunities and challenges
Chen, C. -L. (2012). Reshaping Chinese space-economy through high-speed trains: opportunities and challenges. JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 22, 312-316. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2012.01.028
The impacts of high-speed trains on British economic geography: a study of the UK's InterCity 125/225 and its effects
Chen, C. -L., & Hall, P. (2011). The impacts of high-speed trains on British economic geography: a study of the UK's InterCity 125/225 and its effects. JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY, 19(4), 689-704. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2010.08.010
The implications from economic outcomes of implementing European Capitals of Culture
Chen, C. (2007). The implications from economic outcomes of implementing European Capitals of Culture. (University College London).