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Ceridwen Coulby

Mrs Ceridwen Coulby

Director, Centre for Innovation in Education
Centre For Innovation In Education

Professional Activities

• Author of case study for GMC Sharing Good Practice publication 2015
• Contributor to GMC Consultation on draft standards for medical education and training, March 2015
• Contributor to TEMPUS funded Modernising Undergraduate Medical Education in Europe and Neighbouring Areas (MUMEENA) programme, led by Leeds Institute of Medical Education, 2011.
• Author of case study on work based assessment at Leeds Medical School. GMC (2010) The State of Basic Medical Education Reviewing quality assurance and regulation, GMC.
• Contributor to JISC funded FEASST project (2009). The purpose of this project was to scope a vision for formative e-assessment and produce an e-assessment tool kit..
• Member of Reference Group for Nursing and Midwifery Council Curriculum Review, 2008.