Reinforcing the abstinence ideal: criminal justice developments
Lightowlers, C. (2024). Reinforcing the abstinence ideal: criminal justice developments. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 31(5), 499-504. doi:10.1080/09687637.2024.2353507
The framing of contemporary violence policy in England and Wales: An examination of the contributing roles of alcohol and illegal drugs.
Lightowlers, C., & Duke, K. (2024). The framing of contemporary violence policy in England and Wales: An examination of the contributing roles of alcohol and illegal drugs.. Nordisk alkohol- & narkotikatidskrift : NAT, 41(4), 448-463. doi:10.1177/14550725241256465
The framing of contemporary violence policy in England and Wales: An examination of the contributing roles of alcohol and illegal drugs
Obscured by Its Omnipresence? Conceptual and Practical Issues around Measuring Alcohol-Related Crime in England and Wales
Lightowlers, C., Bryant, L., & Horsefield, O. (2024). Obscured by Its Omnipresence? Conceptual and Practical Issues around Measuring Alcohol-Related Crime in England and Wales. In L. Huey, & D. Buil-Gil (Eds.), The Crime Data Handbook (pp. 139-151). Policy Press. doi:10.1332/policypress/9781529232035.003.0011
Data Explained: Identifying alcohol orders and alcohol-defined crimes in probation data
Lightowlers, C. (2024). Data Explained: Identifying alcohol orders and alcohol-defined crimes in probation data. ADRUK. Retrieved from
Working with the police service and homeless services in North West England to reduce alcohol harms: A feasibility study of a tailored Blue Light approach
Irizar, P., Vicary, E., Glossop, Z., Waller, G., Lightowlers, C., Quigg, Z., . . . Goodwin, L. (2024). Working with the police service and homeless services in North West England to reduce alcohol harms: A feasibility study of a tailored Blue Light approach. Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment, 159, 209259. doi:10.1016/j.josat.2023.209259
Temporal measures of modern slavery victimisation
Lightowlers, C., Broad, R., & Gadd, D. (2022). Temporal measures of modern slavery victimisation. CRIMINOLOGY & CRIMINAL JUSTICE. doi:10.1177/17488958221094988
Study Preregistration: Enforced alcohol abstinence: does it reduce reoffending
Lightowlers, C. (2023). Study Preregistration: Enforced alcohol abstinence: does it reduce reoffending. Open Science Framework. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/2BZF3
Off-trade alcohol availability and violence: Assessing the impact of on-trade outlet closures
Lightowlers, C. (2023). Off-trade alcohol availability and violence: Assessing the impact of on-trade outlet closures: Off-trade alcohol availability and violence: Assessing the impact of on-trade outlet closures.
The impact of COVID-19 and associated public health restrictions on trends in police-recorded violence in an English police force area
Lightowlers, C. (2023). The impact of COVID-19 and associated public health restrictions on trends in police-recorded violence in an English police force area. BMC Public Health, 23(1448). doi:10.1186/s12889-023-16366-4
Enforced alcohol abstinence: does it reduce reoffending?
Lightowlers, C. (2023). Enforced alcohol abstinence: does it reduce reoffending?. Retrieved from
The spatial effect of alcohol availability on violence: a geographically weighted regression analysis
Lightowlers, C., Green, M., & Horsefield, O. (n.d.). The spatial effect of alcohol availability on violence: a geographically weighted regression analysis. Applied Geography. doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2022.102824
Home drinking during and post-COVID-19: Why the silence on domestic violence?
Lightowlers, C., Wilson, I., & Bryant, L. (2022). Home drinking during and post-COVID-19: Why the silence on domestic violence?. Home drinking during and post-COVID-19: Why the silence on domestic violence?.
Assessing the viability of problem-solving courts for criminalised women
Carly, L., & Nicole, B. (2022). Assessing the viability of problem-solving courts for criminalised women. In The Routledge Handbook of Women's Experiences of Criminal Justice (pp. 254-266). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003202295-23
Evaluation to examine the whole system family approach to supporting those who have been imprisoned / people on probation and reduce reoffending
Harrison, R., Lightowlers, C., Timpson, H., Bates, R., & Quigg, Z. (2022). Evaluation to examine the whole system family approach to supporting those who have been imprisoned / people on probation and reduce reoffending: Evaluation to examine the whole system family approach to supporting those who have been imprisoned / people on probation and reduce reoffending.
Intoxication and Sentencing: A review of policy, practice and research
Lightowlers, C. (2022). Intoxication and Sentencing: A review of policy, practice and research: Intoxication and Sentencing: A review of policy, practice and research.
Victims and suspects of modern slavery: Identifying subgroups using latent class analysis
Lightowlers, C., Broad, R., & Gadd, D. (2021). Victims and suspects of modern slavery: Identifying subgroups using latent class analysis. POLICING-A JOURNAL OF POLICY AND PRACTICE, 15(2), 1384-1398. doi:10.1093/police/paaa072
The Role of Deprivation and Alcohol Availability in Shaping Trends in Violent Crime
Lightowlers, C., Pina-Sánchez, J., & McLaughlin, F. (2021). The Role of Deprivation and Alcohol Availability in Shaping Trends in Violent Crime: The Role of Deprivation and Alcohol Availability in Shaping Trends in Violent Crime.
The role of deprivation and alcohol availability in shaping trends in violent crime
Lightowlers, C., Pina-Sánchez, J., & McLaughlin, F. (2021). The role of deprivation and alcohol availability in shaping trends in violent crime. European Journal of Criminology. doi:10.1177/14773708211036081
Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership 2020-21: Evaluation of the Data Hub
Bates, R., Quigg, Z., & Lightowlers, C. (2021). Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership 2020-21: Evaluation of the Data Hub: Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership 2020-21: Evaluation of the Data Hub.
Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership 2020-21: Whole System Evaluation Report
Lightowlers, C., Quigg, Z., Timpson, H., Millings, M., Butler, N., Ashton, S. -A., . . . Bates, R. (2021). Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership 2020-21: Whole System Evaluation Report: Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership 2020-21: Whole System Evaluation Report.
The socioeconomic distribution of alcohol-related violence in England and Wales
Bryant, L., & Lightowlers, C. (2021). The socioeconomic distribution of alcohol-related violence in England and Wales. PLOS ONE, 16(2). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0243206
Contextual culpability: How drinking and social context impact upon sentencing of violence
Lightowlers, C., Pina-Sánchez, J., & Watkins, E. (2020). Contextual culpability: How drinking and social context impact upon sentencing of violence. Criminology and Criminal Justice. doi:10.1177/1748895820972160
Drunk and Doubly Deviant? The Role of Gender and Intoxication in Sentencing Assault Offences
Lightowlers, C. L. (2019). Drunk and Doubly Deviant? The Role of Gender and Intoxication in Sentencing Assault Offences. The British Journal of Criminology: an international review of crime and society, 59(3), 693-717. doi:10.1093/bjc/azy041
Intoxication and assault: an analysis of Crown Court sentencing practices in England and Wales
Lightowlers, C., & Pina-Sánchez, J. (2018). Intoxication and assault: an analysis of Crown Court sentencing practices in England and Wales. The British Journal of Criminology, 58(1), 132-154. doi:10.1093/bjc/azx008
Heterogeneity in Drinking Practices in England and Wales and Its Association With Violent Behavior: A Latent Class Analysis
Lightowlers, C. (2017). Heterogeneity in Drinking Practices in England and Wales and Its Association With Violent Behavior: A Latent Class Analysis. Substance Use and Misuse, 52(13), 1721-1732. doi:10.1080/10826084.2017.1307408
Exploring the punitive surge: Crown Court sentencing practices before and after the 2011 English riots
Pina-Sanchez, J., Lightowlers, C., & Roberts, J. (2017). Exploring the punitive surge: Crown Court sentencing practices before and after the 2011 English riots. CRIMINOLOGY & CRIMINAL JUSTICE, 17(3), 319-339. doi:10.1177/1748895816671167
Alcohol and harm
Lightowlers, C. (2016). Alcohol and harm. In A Companion to Crime, Harm and Victimisation (pp. 3-6).
Offenders as victims of social policy and criminal justice processes in England
Lightowlers, C. (2016). Offenders as victims of social policy and criminal justice processes in England. In A Companion to Crime, Harm and Victimisation (pp. 151-153).
Policy and practice tensions in tackling alcohol abuse and violence in probation settings
Broad, R., & Lightowlers, C. (2015). Policy and practice tensions in tackling alcohol abuse and violence in probation settings. PROBATION JOURNAL, 62(3), 251-267. doi:10.1177/0264550515587972
Let's get real about the 'riots': Exploring the relationship between deprivation and the English summer disturbances of 2011
Lightowlers, C. L. (2015). Let's get real about the 'riots': Exploring the relationship between deprivation and the English summer disturbances of 2011. CRITICAL SOCIAL POLICY, 35(1), 89-109. doi:10.1177/0261018314545597
The 2011 English ‘Riots’: Prosecutorial Zeal and Judicial Abandon
Lightowlers, C., & Quirk, H. (2015). The 2011 English ‘Riots’: Prosecutorial Zeal and Judicial Abandon. British Journal of Criminology, 55(1), 65-85. doi:10.1093/bjc/azu081
The Dynamic Risk of Heavy Episodic Drinking on Interpersonal Assault in Young Adolescence and Early Adulthood
Lightowlers, C., Elliot, M., & Tranmer, M. (2014). The Dynamic Risk of Heavy Episodic Drinking on Interpersonal Assault in Young Adolescence and Early Adulthood. British Journal of Criminology, 54(6), 1207-1227. doi:10.1093/bjc/azu055
A violent mix? The association between concurrent alcohol and cocaine use and violence amongst young people in England and Wales
Lightowlers, C., & Sumnall, H. (2014). A violent mix? The association between concurrent alcohol and cocaine use and violence amongst young people in England and Wales. DRUGS-EDUCATION PREVENTION AND POLICY, 21(2), 131-139. doi:10.3109/09687637.2013.861799
The Development of Alcohol Consumption Patterns and Violent Behaviour among Young People in England and Wales: Secondary Analysis of the Offending Crime and Justice Survey
Lightowlers, C., & Elliot, M. (2014). The Development of Alcohol Consumption Patterns and Violent Behaviour among Young People in England and Wales: Secondary Analysis of the Offending Crime and Justice Survey. SAGE Publications, Ltd.. doi:10.4135/978144627305013516707
Exploring the Temporal Association between Young People's Alcohol Consumption Patterns and Violent Behavior
Lightowlers, C. (2011). Exploring the Temporal Association between Young People's Alcohol Consumption Patterns and Violent Behavior. Contemporary Drug Problems, 38(2), 191-212. doi:10.1177/009145091103800202
A review of the impact of the Licensing Act 2003 on levels of violence in England and Wales: A public health perspective
Morleo, M., Lightowlers, C., Anderson, Z., Cook, P. A., Harkins, C., & Bellis, M. A. (2009). A review of the impact of the Licensing Act 2003 on levels of violence in England and Wales: A public health perspective. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 11(3), 204-218. doi:10.1057/cpcs.2009.14