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Artistic practices and resignification of the past, participative research and co-creation.

Current project: Diasporic Perspectives: Arts and the Memory of Libya. Funded by a Pilot Grant of the British Institute for Libyan and North African Studies. In collaboration with Botafuego Audio.

Previous projects:

Beyond Borders: Translating an Exhibition (2017-18). This AHRC grant brought the curatorial team and the exhibition of the TML research project, "Beyond Borders: Transnational Italy" to the Italian Cultural Institute of Tunis, producing a workshop and a new interactive installation with students of La Manouba University.

A second strand of the project, in collaboration with the NGO COSPE, the Dar Rayhana women's association of Jendouba and the photographer Mario Badagliacca, TML Artist in Residence, produced the video 'Zoom on Dar Rayhana'.

For more on this project, click here. (

Transnational Italian Comics: Memory, Migration, Transformation

Identify and theorise the Transnational Italian Comics Scene of the 21st century.

In collaboration with Dr Daniele Comberiati (University of Montpellier).

See under Publications.

Italian Memories in Multilingual Liverpool

"Italian Memories in Multilingual Liverpool" is a project for research-connected language teaching developed with colleagues and students at the University of Liverpool. The activities engage local community associations to explore histories and memories of Italian cultures in Liverpool, their multiple backgrounds and languages. In 2019, the project published 'Language Stories in Liverpool', a special issue of Fala Aì, the magazine of the Department of Romance Languages of the University of Georgia accessible at this link.

The project builds on the Policy Document "Transnationalizing Modern Languages: Reframing Language Education for a Global Future, presented at the British Academy in 2019. For the TML Policy Document, click here. .

The project received a small grant from the AHRC Open World Research Initiative (OWRI).

Research grants

Translating an Exhibition. Co-producing local responses to transnational research


November 2017 - October 2018