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Atif Rahman

Professor Atif Rahman
MB BS, DipPsych, MRCPsych, M.Res, Ph.D.

Professor of Child Psychiatry and Global Mental Health
Primary Care & Mental Health


Rahman’s teaching priorities are aligned to his global mental health area and responsive to the evolving global context – his group develops and runs courses on mental health implementation and evaluation in humanitarian settings (a subject largely absent from University curricula). Rahman’s group specialises in teaching mental health skills to non-specialists – a key strategy in making mental health care accessible in low-resource settings. His international work has enabled him to develop formal academic links between Liverpool and some key HEIs in South Asia, attracting bright postgraduate students to study at Liverpool. The international PhD programme contributes to maintaining Liverpool’s stature as an international university and attracting good-quality PhD students to our research programmes.

Supervised Theses