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Professional Activities

(2020– ) Trustee, Amarna Project
(2020– ) Member, Egyptian Archaeology Editorial Board, Egypt Exploration Society
(2019– ) Member, CIPEG Journal Editorial Board, CIPEG ICOM Committee for Egyptology
(2018– ) Trustee, Egypt Exploration Society
(2018– ) Trustee, Sudan Archaeological Research Society

(2015– ) Project Director/Ceramicist, Amarna Stone Village (Amarna Project; Funded by EES Fieldwork and Research Grants 2015–2018), Ceramicist, Amarna North Tombs Cemetery
(2013–2016) Ceramicist, Amara West Project (British Museum)
(2012–2013) Ceramicist and Small Finds Registrar, Sesebi Archaeological Mission (University of Cambridge and Austrian Archaeological Institute)
(2011) Ceramicist, Tell el-Dab’a Archaeological Mission (The Austrian Archaeological Institute)
(2010) Ceramicist and Archaeological Illustrator, Gurob Harem Palace Project (School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, University of Liverpool)
(2009) Documentation Assistant and Illustrator, The Colossi of Memnon and Amenhotep III Temple Conservation Project