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I trained as a Registered Nurse and Registered Sick Childrens Nurse and qualified in 1980. Having worked in palliative and end-of-life care for over 30 years – clinically as a Ward Manager at the Marie Curie Hospice in Liverpool, and latterly in education and service improvement – Anita has had a unique opportunity to develop a comprehensive understanding of this important area of care across a wide range of clinical settings and patient groups.

I joined the University as a Senior Lecturer within the Palliative Care Unit and took up my role as the Learning and Teaching Lead. Working in this role included leadership and service development roles such as Education Lead for End-of-Life Care across Merseyside and Cheshire and involvement in developing and implementing the communication skills training programme for fourth-year medical undergraduates at the University of Liverpool.

I was seconded to NHS Northwest Strategic Health Authority as the End-of-Life Care Programme Lead for three years. I was also seconded to the National Cancer Action Team where I was a member of the team that established and implemented the national Advanced Communication Skills Training Programme (Connected).

Having worked in palliative and end-of-life care for over 30 years – clinically as a Ward Manager at the Marie Curie Hospice in Liverpool, and latterly in education and service improvement – I have had a unique opportunity to develop a comprehensive understanding of this important area of care across a wide range of clinical settings and patient groups.

My current role at the Palliative Care Unit in Liverpool focuses on leading specific projects (e.g., developing an education programme using simulation methodology) as well as teaching communication skills and end-of-life care to a wide range of healthcare professionals. I