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Allan Macpherson

Dr Allan Macpherson
MA, MRes, PhD

Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurial and Organizational Learning
Strategy, IB and Entrepreneurship


My research is focused on Entrepreneurial and Organizational Learning. Recent research projects have focused on learning from improvisation, and inter-organizational learning. The first examines how Fire and Rescue Services respond to improvisation by front line firefighters and incorporate learning from these crisis events into system policies and practices. The second examines how inter-organizational learning develops through a strategic collaboration between two police forces. Other research focuses on the entrepreneurial learning processes amongst entrepreneurs who attend venture development training sponsored by a university.

Entrepreneurial and Organizational Learning

Organizational Learning Processes and Barriers,
Management Development, Situated Learning,
The Emergence and Development of Organizations and Entrepreneurs
Learning from Crisis Events

Research collaborations

Dr Cinla Akinci

Strategic Collaboration in two Police Forces

University of St Andrews

Collaboration and Learning in Strategic Partnerships.

Prof Dermot Breslin

Improvisational Learning

Rennes School of Business, France

Hidden Improvisation by Firefighters and learning from crisis events.

Prof. Ossie Jones

Entrepreneruial Learning

Social Entrepreneruship, Entrepreneurial Learning