Selected publications
- The transition of the self through the Arab Spring in Egypt and Libya (Journal article - 2016)
- What do introduction sections tell us about the intent of scholarly work: A contribution on contributions (Journal article - 2018)
- Dying-well: the contribution of leisure services to hospice care (Journal article - 2021)
- When the road is rocky: Investigating the role of vulnerability in consumer journeys (Journal article - 2024)
- The contribution of hospitality services to person-centred care: A study of the palliative care service ecosystem (Journal article - 2023)
- Barriers to participation in tourism linked respite care (Journal article - 2023)
- Stakeholders in the palliative and end of life care service ecosystem: a study of the hospice sector (Chapter - 2022)
- Examining the CSR strategy of MNCs in Bangladesh (Journal article - 2021)
- Conceptualizing experiential luxury in palliative care: Pathographies of liminal space, cathedral, and community (Journal article - 2020)
- Introducing the trajectory Touchpoint technique: a systematic methodology for capturing the service experiences of palliative care patients and their families (Journal article - 2020)
Theorising Peace Marketing for Not-for-Profit Organisations
Al-Abdin, A. (2024). Theorising Peace Marketing for Not-for-Profit Organisations. In The Future of Charity Marketing (pp. 212-223). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003396802-15
When the road is rocky: Investigating the role of vulnerability in consumer journeys
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., Al-Abdin, A., & Haenlein, M. (2024). When the road is rocky: Investigating the role of vulnerability in consumer journeys. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 52(4), 1045-1068. doi:10.1007/s11747-024-01011-2
Leveraging Transformative Service Research and Initiatives to Support Humanitarian Efforts in Palestine: Addressing the Weaponization of Essential Services
Al-Abdin, A., & Raki, A. (2024). Leveraging Transformative Service Research and Initiatives to Support Humanitarian Efforts in Palestine: Addressing the Weaponization of Essential Services. In Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress. Mauritius.
Unmasking Brand Activism and Brand Communication: The Thin Line Between Activism, (Mis)Activism, Boycotts, and Polarization
Al-Abdin, A. (2024). Unmasking Brand Activism and Brand Communication: The Thin Line Between Activism, (Mis)Activism, Boycotts, and Polarization. In Centre for Sustainability Conference 2024. University of Liverpool.
Rethinking Consumer Acculturation, Privilege and Oppression
Al-Abdin, A., Hunter-Jones, P., Sudbury-Riley, L., & Naraine, M. (2024). Rethinking Consumer Acculturation, Privilege and Oppression. In 2024 American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference:. St. Pete’s Beach, Florida, USA.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2024). USING A SERVICE ECOSYSTEMS LENS TO BETTER UNDERSTAND FIRM LEVEL COLLABORATION. In 2024 American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference. St. Pete’s Beach, Florida, USA.
Beyond Ingress: Analyzing and Extending the Meaning of Access to Healthcare
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2024, February 23). Beyond Ingress: Analyzing and Extending the Meaning of Access to Healthcare. In 2024 American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference. St. Pete’s Beach, Florida, USA.
Reconsidering Consumer Access to Healthcare
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2023, October 26). Reconsidering Consumer Access to Healthcare. In Association for Consumer Research Conference 2023. Seatlle, WA, USA.
Embedding employability into the Marketing curriculum- the case of a mock assessment centre
Al-Abdin, A., Song, J., McCaul, M., McGee, J., & Nelson, C. (2023). Embedding employability into the Marketing curriculum- the case of a mock assessment centre. In Academy of Marketing Conference 2023. Birmingham.
Future proofing palliative and end-of-life care for service users
Al-Abdin, A., Hunter-Jones, P., & Sudbury-Riley, L. (2023). Future proofing palliative and end-of-life care for service users. In Academy of Marketing Conference 2023. Brimingham.
Sustainability Challenges in Service Ecosystems: Habitual Waste in Healthcare
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2023). Sustainability Challenges in Service Ecosystems: Habitual Waste in Healthcare. In MAC Annual Conference. Odense, Denmark..
The contribution of hospitality services to person-centred care: A study of the palliative care service ecosystem
Hunter-Jones, P., Sudbury-Riley, L., Al-Abdin, A., & Spence, C. (2023). The contribution of hospitality services to person-centred care: A study of the palliative care service ecosystem. International Journal of Hospitality Management.
Barriers to participation in tourism linked respite care
Hunter-Jones, P., Sudbury-Riley, L., Chan, J., & Al-Abdin, A. (2023). Barriers to participation in tourism linked respite care. ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH, 98. doi:10.1016/j.annals.2022.103508
Beyond Ingress: Analyzing and Extending the Meaning of Access to Healthcare
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2022). Beyond Ingress: Analyzing and Extending the Meaning of Access to Healthcare. In Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 2022. Academy of Management. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2022.12389abstract
Imposter Syndrome- Friend or foe in Marketing?
Al-Abdin, A., Pettitt, A., & Mian, D. (2022). Imposter Syndrome- Friend or foe in Marketing?. In Academy of Marketing. Huddersfield.
The Power of University Field Trips And Experiential Marketing On Community Relations
Al-Abdin, A., Matthews, P., & Green, J. (2022). The Power of University Field Trips And Experiential Marketing On Community Relations. In Academy of Marketing. Huddersfield.
Rethinking Consumer Acculturation, Privilege and Oppression in transformative service research
Sudbury-Riley, L., Al-Abdin, A., & Hunter-Jones, P. (2022). Rethinking Consumer Acculturation, Privilege and Oppression in transformative service research. In 12th Servsig Conference. Edinburgh.
Consumers development of service consumption practices during prolonged conflict: Resilience, Routine & Rapport (3Rs)
Al-Abdin, A., Kearney, T., & Baker, T. (2022). Consumers development of service consumption practices during prolonged conflict: Resilience, Routine & Rapport (3Rs). In Servsig. Glasgow.
Understanding the relationship between terminal illness and tourism: An exploratory study.
Hunter-Jones, P., Sudbury-Riley, L., & Al-Abdin, A. (2022). Understanding the relationship between terminal illness and tourism: An exploratory study.. Tourism Management, 88. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2021.104397
Stakeholders in the palliative and end of life care service ecosystem: a study of the hospice sector
Al-Abdin, A., Hunter-Jones, P., Sudbury-Riley, L., Ryde, A., & Smith, L. (2022). Stakeholders in the palliative and end of life care service ecosystem: a study of the hospice sector. In Charity Marketing Contemporary Issues, Research and Practice. London: Taylor & Francis Ltd.
Stakeholders in the palliative and end of life care service ecosystem
Al-Abdin, A., Hunter-Jones, P., Sudbury-Riley, L., Ryde, A., & Smith, L. (2021). Stakeholders in the palliative and end of life care service ecosystem. In Charity Marketing (pp. 183-197). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003134169-11
Dying-well: the contribution of leisure services to hospice care
Al-Abdin, A., Hunter-Jones, P., Sudbury-Riley, L., & Spence, R. (2021). Dying-well: the contribution of leisure services to hospice care. ANNALS OF LEISURE RESEARCH, 24(3), 340-359. doi:10.1080/11745398.2019.1710717
Examining the CSR strategy of MNCs in Bangladesh
Roy, T. K., Al-Abdin, A., & Quazi, A. (2021). Examining the CSR strategy of MNCs in Bangladesh. SUSTAINABILITY ACCOUNTING MANAGEMENT AND POLICY JOURNAL, 12(2), 467-490. doi:10.1108/SAMPJ-09-2019-0327
Conceptualizing experiential luxury in palliative care: Pathographies of liminal space, cathedral, and community
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., Al-Abdin, A., Lewin, D., & Spence, R. (n.d.). Conceptualizing experiential luxury in palliative care: Pathographies of liminal space, cathedral, and community. Journal of Business Research. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.12.004
Introducing the trajectory Touchpoint technique: a systematic methodology for capturing the service experiences of palliative care patients and their families
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2020). Introducing the trajectory Touchpoint technique: a systematic methodology for capturing the service experiences of palliative care patients and their families. BMC PALLIATIVE CARE, 19(1). doi:10.1186/s12904-020-00612-2
When a child is sick: The role of social tourism in palliative and end-of-life care
Hunter-Jones, P., Sudbury-Riley, L., Al-Abdin, A., Menzies, L., & Neary, K. (2020). When a child is sick: The role of social tourism in palliative and end-of-life care. Annals of Tourism Research, 83. doi:10.1016/j.annals.2020.102900
The Trajectory Touchpoint Technique: A Deep Dive Methodology for Service Innovation
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., Al-Abdin, A., Lewin, D., & Naraine, M. V. (2020). The Trajectory Touchpoint Technique: A Deep Dive Methodology for Service Innovation. Journal of Service Research, 23(2), 229-251. doi:10.1177/1094670519894642
5 The difficulties faced by family caregivers when home is the preferred place of death
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., Al-Abdin, A., Lewin, D., Dale, S., & Johnston, K. (2020). 5 The difficulties faced by family caregivers when home is the preferred place of death. In Poster presentations (pp. A10.1-A10). British Medical Journal Publishing Group. doi:10.1136/spcare-2020-pcc.26
71 ‘Is this a conversation about death?’ planning for future care with patients with advanced cancer: examining the feasibility of using the trajectory touchpoint technique for advance care planning. A qualitative study
Lewin, D., Lee, J., Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., Mason, S., Nickpour, F., . . . Ellershaw, J. (2020). 71 ‘Is this a conversation about death?’ planning for future care with patients with advanced cancer: examining the feasibility of using the trajectory touchpoint technique for advance care planning. A qualitative study. In Poster presentations (pp. A33.2-A33). British Medical Journal Publishing Group. doi:10.1136/spcare-2020-pcc.91
Making sense of healthcare experiences: An application of story-based medicine.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019). Making sense of healthcare experiences: An application of story-based medicine.. Advances in Consumer Research.
We needed it sooner, and we needed more of it: A qualitative evaluation of a new Hospice@Home.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., Al-Abdin, A., Dale, S., Johnston, K., & Lewin, D. (2019). We needed it sooner, and we needed more of it: A qualitative evaluation of a new Hospice@Home.. In National Association for Hospice at Home Conference,. Milton Keynes..
Home as Preferred Place of Death: The Difficulties Faced by Family Carers.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019). Home as Preferred Place of Death: The Difficulties Faced by Family Carers.. In 14th International Conference on the Social Context of Death, Dying and Disposal. University of Bath, UK..
Listening Differently to Palliative Care Patients and their Families: An Introduction to the Trajectory Touchpoint Technique
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019). Listening Differently to Palliative Care Patients and their Families: An Introduction to the Trajectory Touchpoint Technique. In 5th International Conference on Palliative Care, Medicine and Hospice Nursing. Vancouver, Canada.
The Palliative and End of Life Care Service Ecosystem: A Multi-Stakeholder Analysis.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019). The Palliative and End of Life Care Service Ecosystem: A Multi-Stakeholder Analysis.. In International Conference on Palliative Care, Medicine and Hospice Nursing. Vancouver, Canada.
We needed it sooner, and we needed it to be better explained: A qualitative evaluation of a new hospice@home service.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019). We needed it sooner, and we needed it to be better explained: A qualitative evaluation of a new hospice@home service.. In 5th International Conference on Palliative Care, Medicine and Hospice Nursing. Vancouver, Canada.
Service consumption during prolonged conflict: Consumer Resilience, Routine & Rapport'
Al-Abdin, A., & Kearney, T. (2019). Service consumption during prolonged conflict: Consumer Resilience, Routine & Rapport'. In Frontiers Service Conference. Singapore.
Improving access to hospice and palliative care: how can marketing play a role?
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019). Improving access to hospice and palliative care: how can marketing play a role?. In 52nd Academy of Marketing Conference. Regent’s University, London..
Principles of Marketing
Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (n.d.). Principles of Marketing. In P. Kotler (Ed.), Principles of Marketing. Pearson.
Introducing the Trajectory Touchpoint Technique: A Systematic Methodology for Capturing the Voices of Palliative Care Service Users.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019). Introducing the Trajectory Touchpoint Technique: A Systematic Methodology for Capturing the Voices of Palliative Care Service Users.. In Association for Palliative Medicine’s Supportive and Palliative Care Conference. Harrogate, UK.
We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know! Knowledge and Communication Barriers Still Prevalent Among Palliative Care Patients and Families.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019). We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know! Knowledge and Communication Barriers Still Prevalent Among Palliative Care Patients and Families.. In Association for Palliative Medicine’s Supportive and Palliative Care Conference. Harrogate, UK..
11 We don’t know what we don’t know! knowledge and communication barriers still prevalent among palliative care patients and families
Hunter-Jones, P., Sudbury-Riley, L., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019). 11 We don’t know what we don’t know! knowledge and communication barriers still prevalent among palliative care patients and families. In Poster presentations (pp. A13.2-A13). British Medical Journal Publishing Group. doi:10.1136/bmjspcare-2019-asp.34
Introducing the Trajectory Touchpoint Technique: A Systematic Methodology for Capturing the Voices of Palliative Care Service Users.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019, March 21). Introducing the Trajectory Touchpoint Technique: A Systematic Methodology for Capturing the Voices of Palliative Care Service Users.. In Association for Palliative Medicine’s Supportive and Palliative Care Conference. Harrogate, UK..
We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know! Knowledge and Communication Barriers Still Prevalent Among Palliative Care Patients and Families.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2019, March 21). We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know! Knowledge and Communication Barriers Still Prevalent Among Palliative Care Patients and Families.. In Association for Palliative Medicine’s Supportive and Palliative Care Conference,. Harrogate, UK..
Value Co-creation in End-of-life Care.
Sudbury-Riley, L., Hunter-Jones, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2018). Value Co-creation in End-of-life Care.. In ANZMAC (Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy). Adelaide, Australia..
What do introduction sections tell us about the intent of scholarly work: A contribution on contributions
Nicholson, J., LaPlaca, P., Al-Abdin, A., Breese, R., & Khan, Z. (2018). What do introduction sections tell us about the intent of scholarly work: A contribution on contributions. Industrial Marketing Management, 73(August 2018), 206-219. doi:10.1016/j.indmarman.2018.02.014
Researching Corporate Social Responsibility in the Middle East: The Current State and Future Directions
Al-Abdin, A., Roy, T., & Nicholson, J. D. (2018). Researching Corporate Social Responsibility in the Middle East: The Current State and Future Directions. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 25(1), 47-65. doi:10.1002/csr.1439
Transforming Consumer Well-Being Through Service Ecosystems: The Case of Disruptive Events: An Abstract
Al-Abdin, A., & Kearney, T. (2018). Transforming Consumer Well-Being Through Service Ecosystems: The Case of Disruptive Events: An Abstract. In Unknown Conference (pp. 291). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-99181-8_93
Researching Corporate Social Responsibility in the Middle East- the current state and future directions
Al-Abdin, A., Roy, T., & Nicholson, J. (2017). Researching Corporate Social Responsibility in the Middle East- the current state and future directions. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. doi:10.1002/csr.1439
Consumption practices in transition- the sacred and profane dichotomy revisited
Al-Abdin, A. (n.d.). Consumption practices in transition- the sacred and profane dichotomy revisited. In Academy of Marketing 2017. Kingston Upon Hull.
Middle Eastern consumers in a state of flux- an exploration of conservative vs. conspicuous consumption practices
Al-Abdin, A. (n.d.). Middle Eastern consumers in a state of flux- an exploration of conservative vs. conspicuous consumption practices. In Academy of Marketing 2017. Kingston Upon Hull.
The Evolution and Structure of Consumer Research in Cyberspace: A Citation Analysis
Coombes, P., & Al-Abdin, A. (2016). The Evolution and Structure of Consumer Research in Cyberspace: A Citation Analysis. In International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI). Crete, Greece.
Middle Eastern consumption practices in Flux: a Systematic Literature Review
Al-Abdin, A. (2016, July 4). Middle Eastern consumption practices in Flux: a Systematic Literature Review. In Academy of Marketing. Newcastle.
The transition of the self through the Arab Spring in Egypt and Libya
Al-Abdin, A., Dean, D., & Nicholson, J. (2016). The transition of the self through the Arab Spring in Egypt and Libya. Journal of Business Research, 69(1), 45-56. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2015.07.019
Assessing progress in industrial marketing scholarship: a contribution on contribution
Nicholson, J., Al-Abdin, A., & Khan, Z. (2015). Assessing progress in industrial marketing scholarship: a contribution on contribution. 31th Annual IMP Conference Proceedings.
Doing International Business Research in Emerging Countries: A Reflexive Approach to Re-evaluate the Western Institutional Ethical Codes
Al-Abdin, A., Roy, T., & Gao, Y. (2015). Doing International Business Research in Emerging Countries: A Reflexive Approach to Re-evaluate the Western Institutional Ethical Codes. In 8th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business (EMAB) (pp. 1-15). Verona, Italy.
Contextualising the Egyptian Revolution: Epiphenomena in the Making? Citizens’ Visions and Expectations for the Future
Al-Abdin, A., & Arvanitaki, E. (2013). Contextualising the Egyptian Revolution: Epiphenomena in the Making? Citizens’ Visions and Expectations for the Future. Hull, UK.
Arab Consumer Attitudes towards International Marketing as a Result of the Ongoing Arab Spring: A Systematic Literature Review
Al-Abdin, A., Coombes, P., & Nicholson, J. (2012). Arab Consumer Attitudes towards International Marketing as a Result of the Ongoing Arab Spring: A Systematic Literature Review. International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI) 2012, 207-213.