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Ahmed Abass

Dr Ahmed Abass
PhD, MSc, BEng (Honours, 1st class), FHEA, CEng IMechE


Dr Abass's finite element analysis (FEA) meshing algorithm for contact lenses (Soft standard, Soft Ortho-K, Rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses)

Nonparametric meshing algorithms

Nonparametric meshing algorithms

Creating non-parametric meshing algorithms allows the meshing of both regular and irregular geometries with uniform meshes. The algorithm was built to model contact lenses, but it was recently updated to be used in various applications. Click here to see a graphical representation

Abass, A., et al., Simulated optical performance of soft contact lenses on the eye. PLOS ONE, 2019. 14(5): p. e0216484.

Doll, T., et al., Which feature influences on-eye power change of soft toric contact lenses: Design or corneal shape? PLOS ONE, 2020. 15(11): p. e0242243.

Shihab, A.H., et al., Compressive behaviour of soft contact lenses and its effect on refractive power on the eye and handling off the eye. PLOS ONE, 2021. 16(2): p. e0247194.

Towler, J., et al., Typical localised element-specific finite element anterior eye model. Heliyon, 2023. 9(4).

If you are a student looking for a PhD opportunity, you may like to have a look at the following PhD projects: Digital soft contact lenses design and validation and Innovating an anti-tilt human eye topographer.

SHG image of an optical section taken about 100 µm below the cut surface of the corneal physical section. An area (cropped from a larger image) of approximately 6 × 4 images each 512 × 512 pixels in size is shown, using simple tiling without orientation correction, edge matching or any image processing. Bright features correspond to SHG scattering at 400 nm, in the forward (transmitted) direction, of laser light at 800 nm in approximately 140 fs pulses. SHG contrast in the image derives from a complex distribution of nonlinear susceptibility in non-centro-symmetric fibrillar collagen structures of varying diameters as well as linear scattering at both the primary and secondary wavelengths. The cross-sectional area of the microfocus X-ray beam is shown by a solid white rectangle and the cross-sectional area of a typical scan is shown by an open white rectangle.

Microstructure of ocular tissues

Dr Abass investigated the micro-structure of corneal collagen distribution and orientation over the corneal cross-section. Following the suggestion that corneal surface topography may be stabilised by the angular orientation of out-of-plane lamella that insert into the limiting membrane of the anterior cornea, his research aimed to provide quantitative information about the angular orientations of these lamella across and throughout the depth of the cornea. Wide angle x-ray scattering experiments were carried out on beam-line IO2 at the UK’s national synchrotron facility, Diamond Light Source (Oxfordshire, UK).

If you are a student looking for a PhD opportunity, you may like to have a look at the following PhD projects: Digital soft contact lenses design and validation and Innovating an anti-tilt human eye topographer.

Finite Element Modelling of Soft Contact Lenses on Eye

Contact lenses modelling

Dr Abass's project with UltraVision has been graded by a panel of independent assessors as Grade A (Outstanding).

The project developed state-of-the-art contact lenses for people with vision loss due to irregular corneas. A suite of software codes was built to deal with all types of distorted corneas. This now allows any corneal profile that can be measured by an eye topography device to be modelled in our advanced FE software. The original objective in the project was to prepare for the second generation of the company KeraSoft product, however, the outputs obtained were designed to be flexible enough to be used for developing all the contact lenses produced by the company. This included the new generation of the KeraSoft lens and the recent product, Avanti (a monthly disposable contact lens).

If you are a student looking for a PhD opportunity, you may like to have a look at the following PhD projects: Digital soft contact lenses design and validation and Innovating an anti-tilt human eye topographer.

Research grants

Rami Rasheed Alanazi - Bench fees (201606338)


May 2023 - April 2027

Bench fees EMAN YOUSEF A AL AHMAD - (201711883)


June 2023 - May 2027

Development of soft orthokeratology lenses


November 2020 - November 2028

Spectacles for correcting irregular astigmatism in keratoconic patients


January 2021 - December 2022

    Research collaborations

    Prof Jos Rozema

    Tilted eye optics

    University of Antwerp, Belgium

    Optical axis analysis.

    Dr Alejandra Consejo

    Eye geometry analyses

    University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain

    Eye topography.

    Prof Renato Ambrósio Jr

    Corneal topography

    Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

    New KC indices

    Dr Craig Boote

    Micro-structure of ocular tissue

    Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK

    The use of X-ray to identify the micro-structure of ocular tissue