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I obtained a BSc (Hons) in Biochemistry and then a PhD from the University of Liverpool. My PhD thesis was entitled 'Expression and characterisation of cardiovascular amyloid proteins'. This work was centred around a small amyloidogenic protein called medin found in the aorta. Medin amyloid is the most common form of localised amyloid and is found in 97% of the population over 50 however very little is known about the role of these amyloid plaques in the aorta. My PhD work was focussed on developing methods to recombinantly produce medin and then study the aggregation properties and structure of this small protein.
I am now working as a research associate on a grant funded by the British Heart foundation. This grant has expanded upon my PhD work with medin to include study of many additional cardiovascular amyloid proteins. I am particularly interested in the interaction of different amyloid proteins and the consequences in disease.

Prizes or Honours

  • Travel award to attend the XIVth International Symposium on amyloidosis (International society of amyloidosis organising committee, 2014)
  • Excellence in Innovation award (University of Liverpool Celebrating success awards, 2012)
  • Travel award to attend the XIIIth International Symposium on amyloidosis (International society of amyloidosis organising comittee, 2012)
  • Poster prize (Nuclear magnetic resonance discussion group (NMRDG), 2010)