Faculty charity fundraising 2024

We're aiming to raise £10,000 for Liverpool Women's Hospital Charity.

Staff and students from the Faculty are embarking on a series of exciting fundraising events this year to raise money for the charity's Bereavement Suite Appeal.

This important initiative aims to transform clinical rooms into comforting, home-like spaces for families who have sadly experienced a pregnancy loss or stillbirth.

Making a difference

Activities that have taken place so far

  • Easter Cake Competition and Sale: Our School of Dentistry hosted an Easter cake competition and sale, raising almost £272.
  • Faculty Bake Off Competition: Judged by Lizzie Acker from the Great British Bake Off, this event raised £500.
  • Virtual Road Trip: Staff and student volunteers from our School of Dentistry cycled and rowed 1,000 km from the northernmost UK Dental School in Aberdeen to the southernmost in Plymouth, raising £540
  • UEFA Euros 2024 Fantasy Picks Competition: Hosted by our School of Medicine's Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team.
  • Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge: A team of 15 from across the Faculty tackled the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge, summiting Pen-y-ghent, Whernside, and Ingleborough
  • Abseiling at Anfield Stadium: A team from our Education Directorate took on the thrilling challenge of abseiling down Liverpool's iconic Anfield Stadium.

Upcoming activities

  • Charity Quiz: Our Institute of Population Health will hold a charity quiz as part of its annual away day on 11 July.
  • Strictly for Liverpool Women's Hospital: Our Faculty Executive Pro Vice-Chancellor, Professor Louise Kenny, will don her dancing shoes for the annual Strictly for Liverpool Women's Hospital event in November.

If you'd like to support any of our activities with a donation then please visit our JustGiving fundraising page

Staff and students can also find more information about how to get involved on our intranet.

Professor Louise Kenny

We are delighted to support Liverpool Women’s Hospital as our charity partner this year. LWH provide critical services for women and babies from across Liverpool and beyond. We want to do all we can to ensure they have the best possible space to continue to provide the world-class care they are famous for.

Professor Louise Kenny, EPVC for the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

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