Photo of Professor Levi Gahman

Professor Levi Gahman PhD (Interdisciplinary); MA (Dist.); BA (Hons); BSc (Summa Cum Laude); FHEA

Professor of Emancipatory Politics & Environmental Conflict Geography and Planning


Selected Publications

  1. Building Better Worlds: Ideas and Inspiration from the Zapatistas (Book - 2022)
  2. Land, God, and Guns: Settler Colonialism and Masculinity in the American Heartland (Book - 2020)
  3. Alienation Flows through the Barrel of a Gun: Despair, Mass Shootings, and Suicide in an American Settler Colony (Journal article - 2024)
  4. Sowing Seeds of Change, Empire be Damned: Paying Homage to Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth and International Peasant Struggle (Internet publication - 2023)
  5. Feminist Development Justice as Emancipatory Praxis: Recognising the Knowledge of Social Movements "From Below" (Journal article - 2024)
  6. Environmental defenders and social movements: The violent realities of resisting extractivism (Chapter - 2023)
  7. Land, Race, and (Slow) Violence: Indigenous Resistance to Racial Capitalism and the Coloniality of Development in the Caribbean (Journal article - 2022)
  8. Contra plantation, prison, and capitalist annihilation: collective struggle, social reproduction, and the co-creation of lifegiving worlds (Journal article - 2020)
  9. Development Justice, a Proposal: Reckoning with Disaster, Catastrophe, and Climate Change in the Caribbean (Journal article - 2020)
  10. Border Imperialism, Racial Capitalism, Geographies of Deracination (Journal article - 2019)