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Levi Gahman

Professor Levi Gahman
PhD (Interdisciplinary); MA (Dist); BA (Hons); BSc (summa cum laude); FHEA


I started my career in the Caribbean and Central America where I focused on critical development studies, political geography, and global inequality. I now work with grassroots movements and organisers who are defending land, dignity, and self-determination amidst structural violence, environmental conflict, and the enduring aftermaths of empire. I strive to ensure that research is relevant to communities who are pursuing material-spiritual wellbeing, alternative futures, and autonomy "from below." We are committed to social change through participatory methods, creative arts, co-production, and non-commercial open access. I've also written about settler colonialism, masculinity, gun culture, and deaths of despair in the United States.


Ongoing (independent, anti-corporate) educational initiatives:

Co-Editor: Interface: A Journal for and about Social Movements

Co-Producer: The Crucible of Modernity (with Surviving Society)

Co-Founder: Youth for Justice (Autonomous Research Collective)

Co-Director: The Reflection And Dialogue Teach-in Symposium