Photo of Professor Levi Gahman

Professor Levi Gahman PhD (Interdisciplinary); MA (Dist.); BA (Hons); BSc (Summa Cum Laude); FHEA

Professor of Emancipatory Politics & Environmental Conflict Geography and Planning


Personal Statement

I started my career in the Caribbean and Central America where I lived for half a decade while focusing on international development, political geography, and participatory methods. I now work with grassroots movements and frontline organisers who are defending land, dignity, and self-determination amidst structural violence, state abandonment, environmental conflict, and the enduring aftermaths of empire.

I strive to ensure that research is relevant to and co-authored by communities in struggle who are pursuing material-spiritual wellbeing, alternative futures, and autonomy "from below." We are committed to social transformation through creative arts, co-production, and non-commercial open access. I've also written about settler colonialism, masculinity, gun culture, and deaths of despair in the United States.

To date, I have been PI and managed a wide array of participatory initiatives and health-based projects across the Caribbean and Central America that have received funding from the AHRC, NERC, EPSRC, SSHRC, ISPF, British Academy, Antipode Foundation, International Social Research Foundation, University of West Indies CRPF, Federation of Post-Secondary Educators, and UKRI Global Challenges Research Fund.